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Everything posted by neepheid

  1. Aware, but don't get involved at all, composing or listening/voting. I've just never made the time because I'm a selfish, lazy so-and-so. I'm also too busy pouring whatever creative efforts I do come up with into songs for my band. I don't know what would make me get involved. Me being less lazy would be a good start. It's nothing you're doing wrong, and I don't think there's anything you can do to put a virtual hoof up my backside either. Sorry.
  2. Do research for past prices, eBay, here, gumtree. Decide how desperate I am to shift it, versus condition, rarity etc. and adjust accordingly. Hold off if Thomann are doing daft end of line prices (new stuff for second hand prices)
  3. [quote name='tom1946' timestamp='1422510969' post='2673502'] ^^^^^^^^ Neepheid, thanks for that, I think, quite impressive what lightweight tuners can do, how much are they? Got a cure for falling forward? (the bass I mean, not me) then I'll buy one. [/quote] I got my set of four second hand, can't remember how much it was, £60 maybe? I don't get the falling forward thing - doesn't one's forearm prevent that from happening while you're playing?
  4. One of the venues in town has a "don't play anywhere else in town 2 weeks before/after you play here" type of policy, but that's the only restriction I've come across in our neck of the woods.
  5. What a lovely colour. For a moment I forgot that I dislike heaps of chrome, have 10+ basses already and live several hundred miles away and thought to myself "cor, I fancy a bit of that". Then I woke from my daze. Sorry about that. Cool story, bro. Have a bump anyway
  6. I'm sure I've mentioned it before, but talking about it beforehand eliminates the need for excuses and subterfuge.
  7. [quote name='skelf' timestamp='1422487342' post='2673431'] And nice guy as well. I had expected more interest from my part of the world in the Bash this year but unless it arrives fairly soon we are currently down on numbers from last year. [/quote] Yeah - come on, Scottish bassists, it's going to be a lot of fun.
  8. Epiphone EB-3. Long gone, no regrets - turned out it was not really what I was looking for in a bass, I just didn't know it at the time
  9. And it's here, and it's the correct pickup. Thank you Gibson, top notch customer service, can't argue with that.
  10. [quote name='gelfin' timestamp='1422446288' post='2672696'] Fixed [/quote] Fixed even better. Boom!
  11. Some "definitions" of key characteristics here: http://biteyourownelbow.com/keychar.htm None of it bothers me, besides the "kick up the backside" moving the key up a semitone or a tone can sometimes do to a song. Keyboard player complains about "too many black keys" sometimes, but plays it anyway Keys mean little to me the way I compose, which usually consist of me finding a riff on the bass in a random place, retrospectively working out the key and the chords, trying to make a vocal melody over it, then shifting it if the singer ends up bottoming out on his range. It's probably completely the wrong way to go about it, but songs seem to come out the other end, so does it matter?
  12. I forgot to mention something. My wife does have one rule. She can't stand pointy basses and says she'll divorce me if I come home with one. Her definition of "pointy" is Flying V and pointier.
  13. Hipshot Ultralite tuners + wide grippy strap (like the Neotech Mega) = no neck dive. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i2sGLrv0jWg[/media] Yup, that's me acting the goat
  14. Honesty all the way. Half the time I float the idea of buying a bass then swither, and my wife says "if you like it you should get it"
  15. I find the Neotech Mega strap makes all my heaviest and wonkiest basses sit well (or at least less badly) on my shoulder. This includes a Gibson Victory which must weigh in excess of 12lbs. Cheapest link I could find in a quick Google: http://www.alangregory.co.uk/music/Neotech_Mega_Bass_Guitar_Strap.html?gclid=CjwKEAiAi52mBRDkq5bX0vq1-RQSJAAq_7IGnosbpn2QQYB6DOKK64b-HqpakRltptZ9CZL_xU0nHhoC6Qjw_wcB
  16. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1422313809' post='2671189'] Controlled (nay; mastered...) feedback was an integral part of the 'Airplane' bass sound, and is one of the reasons I play hollow or semi-hollow guitars and basses. The Casady Signature is on my 'bucket list' (although time is running out..! ). One of these days, I'll take the plunge. Jealous, me..? Nah... [/quote] It wasn't wanted or welcome when I encountered it Thankfully it's quite a slow building feedback so it's easy to spot before it goes mental.
  17. Got me curious, so I stuck my mobile phone in the f-hole and took a few pics. This is the block which the bridge is attached to. As you can see although there is not a centre block there are raised sections where a block would be. Underside of the pickup. The silver thing is presumably the inductor. Mine's at a jaunty angle because it appears to be only secured with one screw despite there being two lugs. Oh well. Same pic, but focus thrown across to the wiring loom at the other side. I couldn't angle the phone but saw it myself, there is a block around the neck heel, as one might expect. Hollow apart from that though.
  18. Just cut mine down. Can't stand it when they get too long and get in the way.
  19. Welcome to the club. Watch out for feedback if you stray too close to your backline or your monitors...
  20. Well knock me down with a feather, after explaining my tale of woe a friendly CS guy called Boris has offered to send me a replacement pickup "as a courtesy", which I think means for free, but don't void your warranty by being impatient and taking matters into your own hands again, you silly boy Don't I look daft now? Sowwy, Gibson, wuv ooo!
  21. I stopped buying CDs years before I got into Spotify, probably a getting old thing. Stopped buying music magazines, which used to be my primary source of recommendations. We also lost our local independent record shop, where I used to spend far too much time/money, but obviously not enough. It was a pretty sudden thing, and I'm still at a loss to explain it. At least Spotify is getting be back listening again.
  22. [quote name='thebrig' timestamp='1422026244' post='2667928'] Sorry! I didn't mean to go over the same "old ground" with the "same old questions", I'm just trying to get to the bottom of why there are so many negative opinions on the Thunderbird, and whether they are justified or not, I thought this is what forums are for. I will try one soon for myself, but an hour or so in a shop playing one doesn't always tell you the whole picture, which is why I was seeking advice from those who has, or still does play one. Thanks for the the comments and advice so far, they are all much appreciated. [/quote] Can no-one help you out on here? Surely it's possible that a friendly BCer will be playing a gig near you with a Gibson Thunderbird who would be willing to give you a shottie of one? I've done that before for people interested in the same gear as I have.
  23. [quote name='NancyJohnson' timestamp='1422018399' post='2667790'] Isn't it always the same questions though? And time and time again. Neckdive, strap lug position, scale length blah blah blah. It's like looking at hotel reviews on TripAdvisor, no one focuses or reads the positive comments. Christ Neeph, you and me have fought for the positive side Gibson basses for years, both here and on LBO, so you know how it is. Yes, I admit, there is an element of neck dive, but (to me) it's not an issue in the slightest. If it bothers anyone, buy a wider strap or a Fender. I had a degree of diving with the old Lakland DJ5 I used to own, but no one ever goes. 'Ooh, those Laklands, man they're terrible at keeping horizontal.' P [/quote] Hey man, as I said already I'd much rather people asked rather than making assumptions based upon hearsay.
  24. [quote name='Jus Lukin' timestamp='1422010472' post='2667666'] At the age of 36 I've been with my wife 18 years, and married for ten of those. She's fairly confident in my commitment, and by this point I'm so institutionalised I wouldn't know how to get laid elsewhere if i tried! [/quote] I appreciate what you're saying but the OP is just embarking upon married life; my advice was tailored to that situation to be honest. I've been married 6 and a bit years, for reference, and I totally agree with you. My wife's take on the matter - "I wouldn't cheat on you, I'd dump you first". Thanks, darling!
  25. [quote name='paul_5' timestamp='1422008861' post='2667635'] I think Spotify and what it does with regard to making music accessible to new listeners, and the option to introduce it via network to your friends and family is a great thing, I just wish it paid a sensible royalty to the composers. I'd rather link a YouTube video when sharing a tune, as at least the artist gets a better royalty rate. I can name several independent musicians and composers who have removed their material from Spotify for exactly this reason. [/quote] Spotify has re-invigorated my love and appreciation of music, and as such is likely to lead to increased purchases of music and attendance at gigs (actually getting off my lazy butt and going to see Postmodern Jukebox in February for the first time, for example). I think people take far too narrow a view of it and just look at the money or lack of it trickling through. Spotify is a loss leader, except you're not making a loss. It's not going to make you rich either, but I reckon it's better to be in the mix of how people are listening to music these days rather than being on the outside standing on a soapbox trying to make people give a crap about you and what you're doing independently.
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