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Everything posted by neepheid

  1. [quote name='paul_5' timestamp='1422008861' post='2667635'] I think Spotify and what it does with regard to making music accessible to new listeners, and the option to introduce it via network to your friends and family is a great thing, I just wish it paid a sensible royalty to the composers. I'd rather link a YouTube video when sharing a tune, as at least the artist gets a better royalty rate. I can name several independent musicians and composers who have removed their material from Spotify for exactly this reason. [/quote] Spotify has re-invigorated my love and appreciation of music, and as such is likely to lead to increased purchases of music and attendance at gigs (actually getting off my lazy butt and going to see Postmodern Jukebox in February for the first time, for example). I think people take far too narrow a view of it and just look at the money or lack of it trickling through. Spotify is a loss leader, except you're not making a loss. It's not going to make you rich either, but I reckon it's better to be in the mix of how people are listening to music these days rather than being on the outside standing on a soapbox trying to make people give a crap about you and what you're doing independently.
  2. [quote name='NancyJohnson' timestamp='1421965100' post='2667323'] I'm a little tired of these questions[/quote] I'm bloody glad they were asked. Better that than someone blindly accepting the negative factpinions which get paraded as received wisdom around here when it comes to Thunderbirds and Gibson basses in general.
  3. If your wife doesn't go to the gigs, I wouldn't advertise the fact that you're going to take your wedding ring off to go play music in public. Sends the wrong sort of signal, I fear
  4. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1421973866' post='2667426'] Not at all. I'm just saying that the various iterations don't have that much in common beyond the name on the headstock and the body shape. [/quote] Well, it's evolution I guess. I can't really help the OP much. I have a 2012 Non-reverse Thunderbird and I suspect you're only talking about Reverse bodied Thunderbirds here. Therefore I'm out for questions 1 and 2. 3. I don't find it one dimensional - it's a two pickup bass. Solo one or the other you're going to get different tones. Furthermore, I have had three basses with TB+ pickups in them and what I have found is that more often than not they have been plug in and play basses in the live context, very little fussing with EQ other than a bit of mid emphasis (sad face graphic) to get a usable tone you can hear along with the rest of the band. 4. They do seem a bit "long" to me. I don't have an issue with that. That's because the bridge isn't near the bottom of the body, so everything's a bit to the left as you hold it. The NR is probably worse for this than the Reverse. Whether or not it's a problem for you, only you can tell when you try to play one. 5. Today's Reverse Thunderbird nut width is 1.5" (38mm) - Jazz bass territory. NR neck is thicker - 1.6" (40.6mm).
  5. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1421966277' post='2667342'] Which Gibson Thunderbird are you interested in? There have been several quite major changes to the instrument since it first appeared in 1963, and the 2015 model has little in common with the original other than the body shape. [/quote] I get the feeling you always say that like it's a bad thing.
  6. I'm a big fan. Recently made the move to my own premium subscription after borrowing my wife's one for a while, the 99p for three months offer hooked me in. I'm listening to music more than I have been for years, enjoying making up playlists and generally having a nice time. Haters gonna hate.
  7. No problems here. Depends upon your technique I suppose.
  8. Nail in the coffin for the MIM Fender Dimension basses, I reckon.
  9. Simple solutions. Put something heavy on top of it? Sit on it? You did ask for simple solutions, not good ones
  10. Currently thinking about stuff to sell, actually. Am trying to get back together with an old flame. In case my wife is reading this, old flame == bass.
  11. I never measure, I set up all my basses by feel and by ear. Basically as far as action goes, I wind each string down until I get fret buzz, then raise it gradually until it goes away. Amount of relief? "Some". As long as there's a gap and it isn't ridiculous (ie. it's less than a mm) then it'll be fine. Sorry, that doesn't really answer the question.
  12. OB1 Kenobi? These are the heads you're looking for... Sorry.
  13. [quote name='Thor' timestamp='1417551187' post='2621678'] I always struggled with ER20's as I have smallish ear canals too! Found them really painful after an hour or so so opted for ACS Pro 17's and an additional set of -20db filters for the metal band I dep for, they are so comfortable to wear, I certainly wont gig or attend gigs without them now. Money well spent. [/quote] There are two sizes, a regular ER20 and a small ER20S. I too had issues with comfort with the regular ER20, but got a set of ER20S and they feel great, and do the job admirably for me.
  14. The Inevitable Teaspoons get their 2015 kicked off with a gig at Aberdeen's premier dive bar, The Moorings on Friday 30th Jan. Sharing the stage with Alphas, live music kicks off with us at 9pm. Free entry before 8.45pm, £4 thereafter. Come on down for some dirty R&B and an exquisite selection of drinks to make us look prettier with.
  15. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1421675274' post='2663801'] ... and..? [/quote] Asked me for all the usual warranty stuff - where bass purchased, serial number, date of purchase, proof of purchase, etc. It's a start
  16. That's top notch. File them with Schaller and whoever does Hartke's UK stuff (Korg?) from whom I have received similar, no questions asked replacements for broken/missing stuff on products they've made despite it being second hand/out of warranty. I think I'd die before Gibson replaced the pickup in my EB bass for free (one of the coils is dead). Actually, I'd probably die before they bothered to reply to the message I sent to them about it last week. Gibson don't even let their UK dealers buy replacement pickups from them to sell to end users. I love/hate Gibson so much.
  17. I will be travelling down from Aberdeen for the weekend. I have a spare seat available in my car if anyone wants to head down from my neck of the woods. Not a lot of spare room for basses though
  18. Seems like the path "Do you only sell your e services through a third party platform or marketplace? (For example not through your own website?)" is the universal get out for most small enterprise - just keep it on bandcamp/bigcartel/whatever and let them worry about it?
  19. [quote name='ikay' timestamp='1421510906' post='2662129'] The Korean license adjustment screw takes a 2mm hex wench, the US version takes a 1/16". [/quote] Cool, good info, cheers.
  20. I've always despised how I sound when recording and the bass track is isolated, but maybe I'm not the best person to ask for an opinion, being my own worst critic and all that. All mixed together, it sounds great.
  21. [quote name='woodyratm' timestamp='1419325858' post='2638684'] I'll need to check you guys out at some point [/quote] Next opportunity is Moorings, Friday 30th Jan
  22. So are the licensed ones still using imperial hex heads for the tension adjustment/reversal screw holding it all together?
  23. [quote name='M-Bass-M' timestamp='1421414572' post='2660911'] Thinking like that and being able to act like that unfortunately are two very different things. Like many other bass players, any potential purchase has to be approved by the Investment Committee (aka the Wife). Spending a day - or even half a day - to travel to your local music store is a lot more "visible" than going online at work, buying a bass, arranging to have it delivered to work, and then find a way to sneak it into the house. [/quote] I'm so glad I don't have to do all that cloak and dagger stuff with my wife. We talk about stuff and support each other in our interests and passions. Just as well, because I'm a useless liar.
  24. Squier Dimensions? That'll further depress sales of the Fender ones. I wonder if the MIM ones might disappear altogether if* Squier make a good job of these. * Seems unnecessary to use "if" with regard to Squier doing good stuff these days
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