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Everything posted by neepheid

  1. Squier Dimensions? That'll further depress sales of the Fender ones. I wonder if the MIM ones might disappear altogether if* Squier make a good job of these. * Seems unnecessary to use "if" with regard to Squier doing good stuff these days
  2. [quote name='Skol303' timestamp='1421332769' post='2659990'] Easy Rider ([i]"Nick, nick, swamp!"[/i]) [/quote] Sorry, I bagged that one earlier
  3. Ach, if only it was an SBV-J2 ... or an SBV 800MF
  4. So, like an Ibanez ATK bridge but for a Jazz pickup then?
  5. The first soundtrack album I was aware of - Easy Rider - my dad had it on tape. Introduced me to Jimi Hendrix, Steppenwolf, The Byrds, (the music of) The Band etc. Some cracking tracks on the extended deluxe edition too: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Easy_Rider_(soundtrack)
  6. [quote name='janmaat' timestamp='1421234000' post='2658657'] Me too! Was looking at replacement knobs, but there are no stacked knobs with proper marking or numbers, so it seems. Gap in the market. [/quote] I can't find any with numbers, but there are a few with prominent marking: http://www.bestbassgear.com/knobs.htm
  7. I have a YOB bass, but it's purely coincidental - I didn't even buy it with that in mind, didn't find out until after I got it. Do I really want an added reminder of how old I am?
  8. Directed at the thread in general, not the OP:
  9. [quote name='Guinness21' timestamp='1420937320' post='2655374'] About bloody time! I HATE that bridge; part of the reason I'll be selling my epi t-bird at some point. Until looking just now, didn't realise how much had been change on the 2015 thunderbird. Like the new bridge, and the change of pickups is interesting. Even though I've just said I'll be selling my thunderbird, I'd be interested in getting one of these - if the price wasn't so high! Also, am I missing something with the switches? You have a volume control for each pickup, then the switches that activate/de-activate each pickup. How pointless is that?! It's adding an extra feature for the sake of it. [/quote] They're coil split switches, not on/off.
  10. Epiphone Les Paul Standard which I augmented with EMG-HB pickups, an EMG-BQC 3 band EQ and a selector switch in the rightful place. The only bass I've ever regretted selling. Unsurprisingly, the guy I sold it to is very happy with it, but he is aware that I would buy it back in a heartbeat if it were to become available
  11. I'm keen to give the new Babicz three point replacement a bash. My dislike for the three point bridge is pretty full on - recently I had the audacity to stretch the strings on my Gibson Midtown Standard and as I did one of the threaded inserts pulled out of the body a bit, chipping the finish as it did so. I managed to take it out, put it in again and it stayed down (because of not being put back exactly the same way it came out probably) but I was pretty annoyed.
  12. [quote name='andy67' timestamp='1420800497' post='2653489'] It would take me around 8 months to save for a Fender and I'm pretty well paid. [/quote] I believe the argument was talking about raw salary, not saving up money. I trust "pretty well paid" means you are making more than [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]£1067 a month. So a new Fender will cost you less than a month's salary, instead of the 3-4 months' worth alluded to back in the day.[/font][/color]
  13. [quote name='leftybassman392' timestamp='1420796081' post='2653425'] [pedantry] A circle of zero radius is mathematically equivalent to an infinitely small point, whatever the Flat Earth Society say. [/pedantry] [/quote] If you look back in the thread, I wondered whether or not the object would exist at all if its radius was zero. I think this is a place where mathematics and philosophy cross paths
  14. My wife and I saw this in the cinema and we had the whole screen to ourselves, very surreal experience. Good documentary, enjoyed it.
  15. [quote name='Roland Rock' timestamp='1420533134' post='2650258'] I have no idea what this means. Is this an auto correct error, or some sort of phrase I've never heard before? Are you enjoying braying like a donkey? If so, why? We must know! [/quote] hee haw == Scottish term for nothing. "Spare any change, mate?" "Sorry, I've got hee haw". http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=hee+haw
  16. [quote name='afterimage' timestamp='1420498375' post='2650124'] The package could not be delivered because of incorrect labelling Was ordered on 27 th Dec contacted thoman not heard anything for three days [/quote] In my opinion, people and companies should be given a bit of latitude in the time between Christmas and New Year. God knows I am doing hee haw and enjoying it.
  17. Remove the knob (loosen grub screw, or pull it off (I find wrapping a cloth/t-shirt around the pot shaft under the knob and pulling up on the cloth effective)). If it's taken a bash and there's wood damage you've got a whole load more problems than can be explained in a simple post. If it's simply loose then find the appropriate sized spanner/socket. Open up the cavity, hold the body of the pot while you tighten the nut with the spanner/socket. If the pot's knackered due to the impact (you mentioned that it was working intermittently), it'll probably need replacing. Intermittent operation could indicate a wiring problem.
  18. Can't help you much without measurements, but for EB/SG style pickup, Allparts doing this for £36 - http://www.allparts.uk.com/collections/pickups/products/humbucking-neck-pickup-for-gibson-bass After that, it's a DiMarzio Model One, a bit dearer at £60 plus postage - http://www.thomann.de/gb/dimarzio_dp120_model_one_bk.htm I have a Gibson TB+ under an EB/SG style cover plate which I might be willing to sell - I replaced the neck pickup of my Midtown Standard with a DiMarzio Model One. It might also fit under the cover you already have if the "pole pieces" line up - happy to get the ruler out to check.
  19. Does there always have to be a ruthless dissection any time Later/Hootenanny is on the telly? Another way of looking at it is that it's far and away the least cringeworthy countdown to the bells on the television. I happily watched Hootenanny and at the bells I went outside my front door with a dram of Glenrothes and watched fireworks while being serenaded by the ships in the harbour tooting their horns. A splendid time was had by all.
  20. In Gibson EB (2014) Gibson NR Thunderbird Gibson Midtown Standard Out Fender Starcaster G&L El Toro G&L Tribute M-2000 G&L Tribute L-2000 Gibson IV What I have learned I still really like Gibson basses, I do not care for short scale basses and as such am unlikely to buy one again, I miss my G&L basses and may have to acquire another in the future, Don't crash your car into a wall, writing it off and requiring you to sell basses you like.
  21. Link's in my sig. Please take some time to listen/watch and if you like what you hear/see, a FB like would be awesome, thanks.
  22. [quote name='cocco' timestamp='1419595059' post='2641100'] What a bass! I'm not normally a fan of active circuitry but the tritone system in this is different somehow, it still has that raw quality that I like no matter how its set. [/quote] That might have something to do with it being mostly passive. The EQ is passive cut only, and the active setting is merely a line boost, which was designed to boost the signal to allow longer cables to be used. There is treble boost, that's about the only trickery going on. Great basses, enjoy!
  23. Cool, there is the potential for at least 21 more years bass service in me. I might even be competent by then
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