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Everything posted by neepheid

  1. 17th October 2014: Cafe Drummond as part of Oxjam Takeover. Pictures provided by Oxjam Aberdeen, photography by [url="https://www.facebook.com/scairnsphoto"]Cairns Photography[/url]
  2. This is a bonkers price for a bass of this quality. If you're after a Jazz type bass, you should give this some serious consideration.
  3. [quote name='lancaster' timestamp='1417560282' post='2621855'] My bass came straight off the shelf from Frank Hessey in Liverpool, it was not a special order. [/quote] I'm just quoting an article I found (the only one with any reference to the matter I could find), so take from it what you will. I can't tell you when Gibson started doing this, as was the original question. Your bass was/is an odd bod in the grand scheme of things, I dare say a very fetching looking odd bod, but blocks were almost certainly not a standard feature. I'm not saying I know all there is to know, but given my level of interest in Gibson basses over the years, if blocks had been a common thing I'd have expected to see one - online or otherwise - long before now.
  4. [quote name='Hugh971' timestamp='1417538239' post='2621503'] I'm not sure what I'd say was my reason for leaving though. [/quote] Just say you're not really looking for a long distance relationship, clearly you live in a different time zone
  5. On this "nurture vs. get rid" argument, there have been a couple of occasions where me and my long term drummer have not quite got things together for whatever reason at band rehearsal - usually one sticking point in a particular song, so we've met up separately from the rest of the band and basically gone through together whatever is bugging us until we get it right. "Homework" we call it
  6. I am OBBM! I mean, Spartacus!
  7. A band of my mates ([url="https://www.facebook.com/dasmcmanus"]Das McManus[/url] - you should check them out) use a recorded intro, but I'm pretty sure it's contained in some sort of clever looper pedal thing and they play it through one of their inputs (probably bass, so it goes in the bass preamp, then out the DI into the PA). FWIW The recorded intro is from Scrubs, and it's one of Dr. Cox's pithy best. [url="http://youtu.be/J8YMgQc6I4U?t=38s"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J8YMgQc6I4U[/url]
  8. I enjoyed the documentary. It's not going to be a problem for Marshall. Bass players are a minority, always have been. I'm pretty sure that the number of P and J basses of all price points and varieties which Fender sell is absolutely dwarfed by the number of Teles and Strats. I suspect sometimes that Gibson (bless 'em) only make basses because Fender do and they feel they ought to keep up appearances - and everyone knows what high esteem their bass products are held in by your average BCer They're still here though, despite their best efforts to self destruct on a semi-regular basis. I just checked and you can't even buy a bass guitar of any kind in Argos at the moment, and you used to be able to. We are truly invisible now. So, fellow bassists - you can sit on the highest horse you like, no-one will see you
  9. [quote name='Geek99' timestamp='1417514660' post='2621083'] It was my understanding from the news that the happy couple are actually fans ? I'd tell him to get stuffed if it was my wedding ... [/quote] The question wasn't "if it was your wedding", Mr. Grumpy Pants It was "[color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Would you be happy if he took the stage when you were playing." i.e. you are playing with the band when the situation arises. You are not getting married in this hypothetical situation.[/font][/color]
  10. I would be delighted to welcome him to the stage, maximise the opportunity for my band and bore the teats off people for decades to come with the story. Which I'm guessing is what'll happen with these lucky so-and-sos, and good luck to them.
  11. I don't think I'd stick it long. The drummer and I are supposed to be partners in rhythm and the engine room of the band. If we're not singing from the same sheet for any reason, it's going to sound crap, and I'd want no part in that.
  12. According to this article, it was possible to custom order block inlays on an EB-3 back in the day: "The 1962 EB-3 shown here doesn’t have the standard finish or fretboard inlay. Instead, it has a factory-original white finish and large-block markers that match the Les Paul Custom of the era. According to Gibson records, it was a special order entered as “EB-3 – white” on September 12, 1962. It was apparently made to match a Les Paul Custom made for members of a band." http://www.vintageguitar.com/3568/the-gibson-eb-3/
  13. Am I the only one who entered this thread expecting a Michael Eavis obituary? (Yes, I realise his daughter would probably take over, but that's where my mind went, so there).
  14. I don't know if "better" is appropriate as I enjoy them both but they're pretty different - Walk on By, Dionne Warwick or The Stranglers.
  15. A kick drum microphone does exactly what it says on the tin, and yes you can put it into a channel in your PA mixer then adjust to taste from there.
  16. [quote name='dazzyroots' timestamp='1417005797' post='2615956'] Dear All I’m currently writing a dissertation about the preferred method of tuning guitars and bass guitars. I would appreciate it very much if you have 5minutes for me to answer the questions below and PM or email it to me at [email=""][email protected][/email] . 1. How long have you been playing your instrument? [b]6 years[/b] 2. Do you use an electronic tuner? If yes which model? [b]Yes, Boss TU-2, with a Planet Waves strobe tuner as a backup[/b] 3. Do you tune by ear or electronic tuner? [b]Usually electronic[/b] 4. If by ear how do you go about? [b]5th fret on previous string[/b] 5. Are you always 100% happy with your tuning? / if not [b]Yes[/b] 6. Why are you not happy with your tuning? [b]N/A[/b] 7. What disturbs you about the electronic tuner [b]Nothing[/b] 8. Do you know how to tune by ear? [b]Yes[/b] 9. What is your preferred tuning method? [b]Electronic, by far. Silent and much quicker.[/b] thank you very much for your invaluable support in advance. dazzyroots [/quote]
  17. [quote name='MoonBassAlpha' timestamp='1416911430' post='2614855'] Zero radius, as in having no radius applied to a flat board, which is how they start out. [/quote] Infinite radius sounds way better, the marketing guys are going to love it! I think you're taking me too seriously, I was just having a bit of mathematical/geometrical fun
  18. [quote name='Count Bassy' timestamp='1416908222' post='2614817'] Or simply change the plug to a UK one. [/quote] Not so easy if the plug and power supply are an all in one unit.
  19. The term "zero radius" makes me wonder if the object in question would exist at all. As we know that the larger the radius, the flatter the board, wouldn't these flat boards have been sanded to a radius which approaches infinity? Or am I thinking too much?
  20. I've only had to turn down one invitation to join. I hummed and hawed about it for a while then ended up declining and being quite honest about my reasons why not (the humming and hawing was about whether or not to be honest or to come up with some flimsy excuse). I was thanked for my candour. Guess I've been lucky so far.
  21. In many ways, I feel really privileged to be in my band. I'm not by any means what you would call an experienced or time-served musician - only been playing properly for 6 years and still feel like I have much to learn. I'm really excited about the music we're creating together. We agreed at the start that whatever we create is created by the band, so equal songwriting credit irrespective of whose idea it originally was. We have a (admittedly not bulging) band fund into which any gig monies goes into and we talk about how it's spent (like studio time for instance). If I have to have a criticism, it's probably the fact that in a way we're all too nice - none of us are particularly made of the "you should book our band" type stuff. Getting gigs has been slow and infrequent, and so far I'm the only one who's been doing much about it, and that's because someone has to. Diplomacy and equality makes for a pleasant band to spend time with, but without someone steering the boat, it just kinda drifts along. I guess I've become the guy at the wheel, so I suppose I should just get better at it. I (mostly) taught myself how to play bass, so I guess I can teach myself this getting gigs/promotion malarky as well Either that or get a manager/promoter...
  22. My credit card does wish they would stop selling end of line Gibson basses at near second hand prices Seriously though, great bunch of lads and ladies at Thomann, dealt with them many times with no issues, apart from their wallet emptying powers.
  23. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1416523914' post='2611261'] A lot of decent guys on TB. However, if you diplomatically disagree with a mods position on any topic, they ban you. Also I would say that about 90% of the members are non- gigging bass players [b]including a few once a monthers.[/b] Only 10% are out there gigging on the front lines. But that 90% sure have a lot of opinions about gigging. Blue [/quote] What's that supposed to mean? That as a "once a monther" I don't get to have a valid opinion about gigging? Surely playing gigs once a month is still "gigging", no? What a bizarre thing to say.
  24. Can't say I've noticed this, but because I pick up a different bass every time I play I don't suppose I'm best placed to experience this phenomenon. I've never thought "it just isn't working out with this bass" and picked up a different one either. Maybe I should try that some time.
  25. On any bass I've had with an out of phase option, I've found it to be the least useful thing ever on a bass, as (when it works) it sucks a lot of the bass and "oomph" out of the tone - what's left isn't very nice or useful IMO.
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