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Everything posted by neepheid

  1. [quote name='RhysP' timestamp='1402590907' post='2475126'] Those Tyler headstocks are pretty abominable. The Bongo headstock & the G&L ones with the stupidly impractical pointy/wavy bit would be on my list too. [/quote] OK, I'll bite. In what way is the G&L headstock "impractical"? I have been playing G&L basses for years now and I can't think of a single time when the headstock has got in the way, caused me to make a mistake, not fit in a gig bag, taken someone's eye out or any other impractical incident
  2. It's an early L-2000. It's not an El Toro - pickups are regular MFDs, not the mini ones with 4 pole pieces per string.
  3. [quote name='Weststarx' timestamp='1402494370' post='2474108'] If you think you are going to play it a lot and often go for a Fender. If you are going to play with it once or twice buy a Squire. As long as niether are made in China I think you'll be okay. I recently had a Fender Dimension bass from the Chinese factory and it was bloody awful! [/quote] One poor instrument and you're condemning the entire output of a factory? I don't think that's fair.
  4. The bass pot broke (broken track I guess) on my G&L El Toro broke and it became a switch - full bass or no bass after about 20% rotation
  5. [quote name='CMR Bass' timestamp='1383952057' post='2271319'] The problem with the neck bolts loosening off must be a common problem. [/quote] I've not noticed it. It isn't common for me. I've got basses with the screws straight into wood and a bass with inserts. Also, you shouldn't overtighten screws - you'll knacker the thread that's been cut into the wood, rendering the hole too big to hold the screw properly. TIghten it up until it feels tight, but there's no need to go all Desperate Dan on the thing
  6. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1402390252' post='2472828'] I do that all the time, believe it or not. [/quote] Don't believe it for a second
  7. I can't abide this "it's only the Internet" attitude. It is a communication medium like any other, subject to the same laws and regulations. The number of people who seem to think it's OK to open their mouths and let their bellies rumble because "it's only the Internet" disgusts me. If you wouldn't say it to someone's face, don't write it here. Or anywhere else for that matter. Read before you post. There have been many occasions where I've typed stuff out, read it and thought "nah, that's a bit harsh" or "ack, that might cause a stooshy" and deleted the lot. I'm not saying I'm a perfect editor, but I do try and keep myself out of trouble as much as possible, even in the light of blatant trolling, people mixing up opinion/fact and often baseless negativity which I'm sorry to say is becoming more and more of a feature around here.
  8. [quote name='Musicman20' timestamp='1401799198' post='2466938'] Only seen a few of them, or heard them, but I seem to see a few neck problem threads every now and then. [/quote] Can you link me a few please? I've missed those.
  9. Humbuckers for me, because they're on all my favourite basses
  10. [quote name='Stealth' timestamp='1401792596' post='2466831'] Is there any ? [/quote] No, there isn't any
  11. G&L basses are great. The Tributes represent great value for money - especially second hand. I own or have owned a Tribute L-2000, an El Toro and a Tribute M-2000. Have played a USA L-2000 and an SB-2. All of them have played well, been well screwed together and had good finishes on them. Of course, you're only going to get a USA LB-100, no Tribute version of that is available. I've never had a USA G&L new out of the box before, but I can foresee few (if any) problems.
  12. I set up a brand new account, it had the added bonus of creating a band email address.
  13. Not really. I flit between all my basses equally. It's impossible to say which one is my favourite, so unless they're offering me about 12 signature models, forget it
  14. What do you Fenderheads want (apart from a resurrected Leo Fender, [i]naturellement[/i])? You've got nothing to worry about - Gibson's been owned/run by nutters for decades and despite various attempts to torpedo the entire venture (it being run into the ground by absent beancounters and being months away from going under before the current owners took it over - then they buy dodgy hardwood and have the US Government swarming all over the factory, impounding this 'n' that while they systematically fail to get on top of QC issues - anecdotal evidence is cumulative, FYI Gibson - well done guys), they're still here - somehow. You lot are moaning about Bono/The Edge making some financial investment into the company? It's hardly a takeover, is it? Get some perspective And another thing - I also never got the fervently expressed U2 dislike - they've made some decent songs and have done nothing to disadvantage me directly so I really don't care what they do. If they decide to kidnap my wife, skin my cat or annex my back garden then I might change my tune.
  15. I've always seen neck relief as a technical necessity to allow for string movement rather than something that affects the tone of the instrument, and it's like seasoning - just enough is enough, more than enough (or none) and you end up with unsatisfactory results (or even ruin the meal).
  16. Some decent discussion here: [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/35505-advantages-of-an-18v-pre-amp/"]http://basschat.co.u...an-18v-pre-amp/[/url] I've got basses that (to me anyway) sound ridiculously boisterous running at 9V (The Gibson RD Artist for example) and ones that just sound cool but assured at 18V (G&L Tribute M-2000). I've never A/Bed an identical bass at 9V then 18V so I don't know, and to be blunt I don't care what effect it has. Despite my technical profession and scientific background, I'm quite happy to black box a preamp and just let it perform its voodoo magic. I'm just a fingerstyle plodder who is neither remarkable nor special, as such far from indispensable in a band context so I've much more important things to worry about (like playing sans mistakes as far as possible) than what voltage my preamp is running at EDIT - an 18V naysayer's retort: http://allthatjazzbass.blogspot.co.uk/2012/03/why-i-think-having-18v-in-your-bass-is.html - I do not know if what is said here is fact, fiction or half fact massaged in such a way as to favour his argument.
  17. [quote name='Rumple' timestamp='1401376645' post='2462990'] One advantage of using a double battery box is that if you decide to stick with 9v you could always keep a spare battery in the other slot. [/quote] Or wire them in parallel for extra long life...
  18. +1 for the Google calendar. In an ideal world, all the band members would have their own personal Google calendars and share them but that's just not going to happen, so I created one band calendar (and acquired a band email address in the process), then gave them all the details to be able to log in and fill it in. Works pretty well, but I do find I need to drum it into people to keep it up to date sometimes
  19. [quote name='marlborored' timestamp='1401353382' post='2462639'] Opinions are funny things, the general consensus from the people I tend to be around is that Peavey are sh*t and should be avoided like the plague and anything more pricey such as Ampeg or Trace Elliot gear is automatically amazing. My mate has a peavey guitar amp though and considering how cheap it was it doesn't sound half bad, is that an example of the general opinion about peavey being wrong or is it that particular amp being an exception to the rule that most peaveys really are sh*te? (I also played through a very expensive Trace Elliot combo the other week, I was expecting to be blown away but I couldn't get a useable tone out of it, it just sounded so weak? So maybe I have a dodgy set of ears) [/quote] I wonder how many of these people who are telling you that Peavey stuff is rubbish have actually tried it. Ask 'em why Peavey stuff is crap and watch them struggle to provide anything conclusive Make up your own mind, carry salt with you at all times for when you need a pinch. Bottom line is - if you like it then it's good. All the other examples of that product might be crap, but that's pretty irrelevant when you have a good one sitting right there.
  20. I seem to remember you don't have to disassemble the entire thing - just remove the hex screw (using the handy allen key which I hope they provided, as it's a weird imperial size which evades me at the moment), then pull the button and worm gear out. Put it in the other way round, replace the hex screw. Watch out for plastic washers.
  21. [quote name='scalpy' timestamp='1401289521' post='2462093'] Flipped towards the volume! Not one for technical terms! [/quote] The middle switch, a two way? If so, that's the parallel/series switch. Whichever is "louder", "thicker" and "bassier" is series
  22. [quote name='scalpy' timestamp='1401287754' post='2462068'] Hi and welcome to the G&L club! My ASAT serves me well for all occasions, anything from Ceilidhs to bass to the wall rock. It's always interesting reading how other people set up their bass but mine is always flat out with the volume/bass/treble, active, bass boost on and normally both pickups. Admittedly the gain on my amp is open by the smallest margin! It took me a while to get used to the sound of the bass but now my playing style has evolved. I have tried the m style pre on a student of mine's bass and it is more accessible, a nice modern take on the pickups, although it can overpower any amp if set up incorrectly. I'm too dyed in the wool to consider changing but for the money an m series has to be one of the best value basses out there, the 'tribute' logo has absolutely no detriment to the quality. [/quote] By "bass boost" do you mean "series"?
  23. 1 humbucker, 1 volume, 1 tone: http://www.seymourduncan.com/support/wiring-diagrams/schematics.php?schematic=1hum_1vol_1tone
  24. For Seymour Duncan, simplest wiring is join red and white together. Green (and bare) is earth, black is hot. http://www.seymourduncan.com/support/wiring-diagrams/schematics.php?schematic=color_codes
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