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Everything posted by neepheid

  1. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1400411756' post='2453537'] This is what I went with in the end. Not even twin humbuckers! May drop in some twin-coil J pups at some point. Having fun with it, though. Thanks very much for all the [b]futile[/b] suggestions. [/quote] You're welcome, you timewasting pest
  2. [quote name='uk_lefty' timestamp='1400408005' post='2453495'] I purchased some bartolini pickups as an upgrade to my MIM fender jazz... Problem is the wiring diagram doesn't really help much. The barts have two wires coming out, one copper coloured with a clear plastic wrap, one just bear silver wire... So the question is, which goes where when soldering on to the pots? The original pickups have one yellow wire going on to the side of the pot (near te capacitor?) and a black wire soldered to the bottom of the pot... I don't want to solder my new barts in the wrong place but could really do with some help! Apologies if this is a dumb question but electronics really aren't my thing [/quote] It doesn't really matter although I would guess that the bare one is the ground/earth. Pick a way and wire both the same way. If the bass sounds wimpy with both pickups turned up but fine if they're soloed, then they're out of phase and you should swap one of the pickup's wiring round the other way.
  3. [quote name='thisnameistaken' timestamp='1400279409' post='2452674'] It's the same with any market that sees consumers spending lots of their disposable cash. I'm sure there are golf-related products that are entirely unnecessary and insanely expensive which some consumers will swear by. The irony with the bass guitar, of course, is that on a recording it's usually mixed so low as to be relatively indistinct, tonally at least, and a lot of live sound engineers will turn it into so much wolfy boom and nothing else. So any sonic difference between two given models is hugely diminished. Someone above mentioned classical instruments and the money that double bass players spend on their instruments. I play double bass too and actually that particular market has a more obvious value proposition. Acoustic instruments do sound vastly different, and the attention to detail in the construction of an acoustic instrument is considerably more sonically obvious than the same effort put into an electric bass guitar. But yeah, generally: If you're of the "I made a lot of money and it's none of your business what I do with it" brigade (like Gary Barlow for instance), then fair enough, you're probably aware that your returns are diminishing very steeply but you've already justified it to yourself satisfactorily in some way and you'll be content with that so long as nobody ever suggests you fell for some hype and got burned. [/quote] I take exception to your judgemental tone. Who's "getting burned" here (in your oh so humble opinion)? You? No, so away you go and be happy with your own choices and leave others to theirs. Live and let live, they're only basses after all. Not really a big deal when you compare them to vehicles and houses.
  4. [quote name='GrammeFriday' timestamp='1400268828' post='2452543'] I mean, between the Ripper and the Grabber? [/quote] Grabber - bolt on neck, Ripper - set neck Grabber - Flying V-esque headstock usually clearcoated, Ripper - traditional "Open book" headstock, always black Grabber - 1 single coil sliding pickup, Ripper - 2x Bill Lawrence designed sidewinder humbuckers Grabber - 1 volume, 1 tone, Ripper - 4 way "transfer switch" (pickup/series/parallel/phase selector), volume, mid cut, tone Grabber - Fender-esque bridge with side walls, Ripper - Gibson 3 point bridge Or go visit [url="http://www.flyguitars.com/gibson/bass/"]http://www.flyguitars.com/gibson/bass/[/url] for all your Gibson bass information needs up to the early 80s And don't forget the other "cousin" - the Gibson G-3...
  5. [quote name='david_l_perry' timestamp='1400257065' post='2452395'] To be precise its just two night...but hey...its a tour Its with the Genesis Tribute band I work with First night is Friday 23rd at 'The Ferry' in Glasgow Sat 24th at Kinross - great little venue and a nice hotel stay over Details on the tinterweb [url="http://www.mama-genesis.co.uk/"]http://www.mama-genesis.co.uk/[/url] For anybody into Genesis (Collins [i]and [/i]Gabriel era) its a must see show Dave [/quote] Dash and bother it Dave. I would have gladly come down and see you guys in Kinross but I'm gigging in Edinburgh that night. I will catch you one of these days!
  6. [quote name='noermaen' timestamp='1400137139' post='2451011'] bump. (no gibson lovers here? it's really hard to find a grabber in this condition...) [/quote] Gibson lover over here. Not a Grabber lover though, sorry!
  7. For a simple overlay of a bass track on top of a pre-existing wav/mp3, I find Audacity more than capable enough for that. No need to get a fully featured DAW - and thank God for that - I cannot wrap my head around the angry fruit salad that is most DAWs I've encountered. BUTTON AND WIDGET OVERLOAD.
  8. Does that mean that ParcelForce DO insure musical instruments for corporate clients?
  9. [quote name='RhysP' timestamp='1399993993' post='2449692'] I'm not grumpy, nor do I find it sad, it's just that I derive no pleasure in providing entertainment for other people. It's why I don't gig - I've done it & I get nothing from it whatsoever that I wouldn't get from just playing in a room with a band with no audience. I enjoy playing music but I have no need to be told how great I am by a bunch of strangers, I'm just not that insecure. [/quote] Swearing about it sure looks grumpy to me - that's why I said it. Sorry if I misread you there. Perhaps I am insecure - but I've only started writing songs in the last few months so can you really blame me? For me it's affirming if folk get into my debut efforts, gives me the confidence to continue and to improve. Also, being told you're doing well by complete strangers is more valid to me - they don't know me so have no reason to blow smoke up my arse. To me there's absolutely no point me writing songs with words if I'm not going to share them with people and see how they react. If I want to write some words that no-one else gets to see, I'll keep a diary.
  10. [quote name='RhysP' timestamp='1399993028' post='2449679'] I suppose there must be, which is why I probably dislike playing live so much. I generally felt nothing but contempt for any audience I've ever played in front of, especially if they've decided to start offering up their opinions to me afterwards - I really couldn't give a f*** if anybody thinks it was bad, good or anything else so long as I'm happy with what I've done. [/quote] It's your call if you want to play in a grumpy bubble, but I find it genuinely sad.
  11. Why do people feel the need to clarify this anyway? Just play what you want to play, what you can afford (or not - it's none of my business if you are eating beans on toast every night because you bought a Fodera), when you like, how you like. There would have been a time when I might have scoffed at someone taking a very expensive bass to an open mic like it's showing off or something, or playing really simple stuff on a rare or expensive bass but I've come to realise that basically it's none of my concern and I should be far more focussed upon what I do with my basses. Some might say that my playing is not worthy of the kind of basses I appear with. There's no need for anyone to give me a hand with the self-flagellation though, I'm more than capable of telling myself how many types of stupid each cock up is High end this, POS that. The player is the important part. I know a couple of fantastic players who run rings around me. One plays a Squier Precision Special, one plays a Yamaha RBX170. Does it really matter?
  12. [quote name='Gary Williams' timestamp='1399879895' post='2448455'] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]He seems to think it is a 1976 model.[/font][/color] [/quote] It appears to be a 1976 model (unless you have a date stamp in the neck pocket or on the neck heel which contradicts this) because the serial number starts with 00 - "During the period from 1975-1977 Gibson used a transfer that had eight digit numbers, the first two indicate the year, 99=1975, 00=1976 and 06=1977, the following six digits are in the 100000 to 200000 range. MADE IN USA were also included on the transfer and some models had LIMITED EDITION also applied. A few bolt on neck instruments had a date ink stamped on the heel area." - from http://www.gibson.com/Files/downloads/bluebook/GibsonSERIALNUMBERS.pdf My first Gibson bass was a 1978 G-3. Loved it, but moved it on in the interests of variety. Would have one back at some point, but can't do so right now. GLWTS.
  13. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1399833765' post='2448164'] I can't decide. I think I'm going to give the whole concept of twin humbuckers a miss entirely and go down the Jazz route. [/quote] FOUR pages and this is the conclusion? Aw hell no!
  14. I use TuxGuitar. It's quirky and full of annoying eccentricities, but once you get used to it, it works pretty well.
  15. Hi again, just uploaded a couple of vids from our gig on 3rd May 2014 at Downstairs, Aberdeen. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CcuwpCX_2RE[/media] [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MQpg5lp23XY[/media]
  16. Those GTS/GTB models do look rather fine. Excellent stuff.
  17. The Inevitable Teaspoons are a 5 piece R&B/blues/rock band hailing from Aberdeen(shire). These videos are from our first public gig (only played private dos up to that point) at Cafe Drummond in Aberdeen on 12th April. Enjoy! [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7wm4882KHk4[/media] [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Imurd1BHxhM[/media] [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bXIpwlu1E1c[/media]
  18. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1399377693' post='2443545'] If you racked them up on the gigs, then yes, you'd qualify. IMO, of course. [/quote] Ha, that would be ridiculous. No chance of that, I can assure you. I like having a choice, I enjoy the variety, and I usually take a different bass to every gig/rehearsal so they all get used. It's on a whim, much like deciding what to wear. Am I a "collector" if I make sure they all get a play? I do make sure BTW - I keep a note of the number of gigs each one has done, because I'm sad like that
  19. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1399375335' post='2443518'] What gigs are you doing? [/quote] I average between 1 and 2 gigs a month between two bands. Anything from private parties to pubs to festivals.
  20. [quote name='Adee' timestamp='1399048364' post='2440489'] I've just ordered a Gibson Bass .... Whoops sorry nothing to see here but tumbleweed and the sound the wind .... I'll get me coat [/quote] Tumbleweed? It'll be chased down with pitchforks and torches followed by a night in the stocks. Don't complain to me - oh, what I wouldn't give to be spat at in the face! Welcome aboard
  21. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1399366982' post='2443389'] I never see the point of too many basses as that makes you more of a collector of them rather than a player of them. [/quote] Can you please quantify what "too many basses" is? I want to gauge how much of a poser you think I am.
  22. I sell stuff I'm not playing any more. Probably going to have a mini clear out soon.
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