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Everything posted by neepheid

  1. [quote name='uncle psychosis' timestamp='1394806035' post='2395439'] Then for that small number of people take the massively inconvenient step of sending them a response that says "no, the price is firm thank you". People get remarkably precious about this. Its bizarre. [/quote] It's got naff all to do with being precious. It's to do with perceiving people to be rude. This judgemental thing that's going on - it's a bit rude as well.
  2. [quote name='uncle psychosis' timestamp='1394798234' post='2395334'] In this kind of informal marketplace I always think a small degree of haggling is perfectly acceptable and should almost be expected. If you really don't want to haggle on price and are one of the people who gets upset if people try to then put the phrase "No offers, price is firm" in your ad. If you know you aren't going to shift on price then make that clear from the outset and save yourself the angst and irritation. [/quote] Some people don't read though.
  3. [quote name='GreeneKing' timestamp='1394713788' post='2394279'] Excellent, bringing the EB for an electrics comparo Matt? Looking forward to it (as I've already said, at least twice) [/quote] You betcha.
  4. I don't find haggling friendly in the slightest.
  5. [quote name='skelf' timestamp='1394650925' post='2393758'] Matt is now back on board. [/quote]
  6. I've had good stuff from http://plankspankerguitardecals.com/ before - including this:
  7. [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1394613993' post='2393223'] Is that a fact? [/quote] Is anything a fact in this business?
  8. [quote name='FinnDave' timestamp='1394582475' post='2393101'] The best time to form a band is on a Thursday afternoon. [/quote] With the first gig on the Friday night, no pressure
  9. [quote name='Toddy' timestamp='1394452862' post='2391407'] Quick one while we are on the subject, I have a USA 97 Jazz,,strung thru, and to be completely honest,the bridge is off centre, Have lived with it for years, however are there any hi mass bridges that do not use the original holes?, [/quote] Have you tried loosening off the neck screws a little then seeing if there's any wiggle room in the neck pocket? Might not take much lateral movement to get everything back in line. I did this with a Gibson G-3 once - was off centre when I got it but by this method got it straightened out.
  10. [quote name='Handwired' timestamp='1394581354' post='2393082'] To quote your good self from an earlier post 'each to their own'. [/quote] That's a fair point. Sometimes I'm hypocritical. Sorry about that.
  11. [quote name='Billy Apple' timestamp='1394561551' post='2392765'] I've sold a few basses and guitars here, and got the price I wanted, but it took a while. I often wonder why people want to knock their price down if it doesn't shift in 3 days. [/quote] Because they've overstretched themselves and need money pronto?
  12. [quote name='Handwired' timestamp='1394551933' post='2392577'] Yuk, a Tribute (sorry, Snob factor kicking in). [/quote] And sorry you should be! In my opinion, this is a foolish stance. "Yuk" seems an excessively negative reaction. The two Tributes I have had (2007 L-2000 and 2012 M-2000) have been excellent. I have a USA made El Toro but to be honest if there had been a Tribute version of that, I'd have got that instead. There are many inferior products out there worthy of little more than a look down one's nose, but as far as I'm concerned, G&L Tributes are not one of them.
  13. Think of losses like rental costs. Some of us keep basses for such short periods that they might as well be rental
  14. [quote name='skelf' timestamp='1394319803' post='2390357'] Banned Matt to many Gibson basses he had to go. [/quote] Ye scamp. Alan is correct, clash of dates which I realised all too late. Don't fret, I will be back - this is the first one I've missed! Just don't expect the gear to be the same as it would have been this year
  15. "Now" is the right time to form a band. I found it upped my game by several orders of magnitude, because I didn't want to look foolish but also the rest of the band are relying upon you to know your stuff and play it right. You've been learning seriously for 5 months? Plenty! Time to put that learning to the test Also agreed about being in a band with people you perceive as better than you. That also helps you want to pull your socks up.
  16. Why is this still here? I love my JC, wonderful sound, looks fantastic and so light. People of BC, you NEED this bass in your lives.
  17. I wish I could go to give approving nods
  18. As long as I can hear myself and the tone's beefy and substantial then I'm happy. Other than that I don't get hung up about it.
  19. I love the eye gouger headstock, me. The earlier ones look like a lump of blancmange to me. Each to their own, eh?
  20. That's disappointing to hear. I was looking for a gig bag for my Epiphone Jack Casady and Fender Starcaster to share. Trouble is, are there any other options out there?
  21. Wow, first time in ages I've seen one strung the correct way (strings go over the top of the tuners, not underneath them like most other 4 in line). That's a good sign. Looks pretty clean and original (apart from the defret of course).
  22. I have 12 basses. I play all of them on rotation, because I like them all. I pick them on a whim, or maybe because it goes well with my shirt. Crisis? What crisis?
  23. I'm really trying to grow our likes naturally without any fake coercion or guilt tripping (my ironic sig aside ). It's slow going. Works the other way with me too - I went to a gig on Sat night. Really liked the last band, hadn't heard them before, so I liked their page, because I liked what I heard. Organic, innit?
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