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Everything posted by neepheid

  1. Rich sent me a wee update - it's turning out to be a wonderfully deep cherry red - exactly what I was hoping for:
  2. [quote name='NancyJohnson' timestamp='1393675335' post='2383174'] That's what your Goldfinger EB nneds, Neeph. P [/quote] I disagree. I don't mind so much the Schaller BMs they used to use but those Grovers they've been using lately are ears you'd get bullied for at school! Stick out a mile, look clunky and horrible, IMO. Come on, it looks like it could take flight. Do not like. The EB is a brand new bass with no history to contend with. Why clunk it up with big tuners just because Gibson used to use 'em back in the day? My RD, for comparison with the Schaller BM tuners: Look how much tighter into the headstock edge they sit. This is OK for me. But I'm still not putting them on my EB, curse you!
  3. [quote name='NancyJohnson' timestamp='1393014628' post='2375377'] These EBs need big old clover leaf machine heads like the EB3s. P [/quote]
  4. I reckon it's pretty much expected that a band will have a presence on Facebook these days. Expected by fans, expected by promoters, expected by venues. Also handy to have a secret group in FB to discuss band stuff, but that relies upon all band members being on FB in their own right.
  5. Even though I'm a filthy Gibson lover, can I play?
  6. [quote name='adam87' timestamp='1393520933' post='2381431'] Could someone explain a bit about it? Why so many small speakers? [/quote] http://www.philjonespuresound.com/about/documents/PJPS_WP_5DriversforBass.pdf
  7. [quote name='yorks5stringer' timestamp='1393503153' post='2381051'] Much as I and others enjoy reading through the whole thread, some may just either speed read or come to the party towards the end. I think a more generous response may be in order? [/quote] I respectfully disagree with your assessment. The question irritated me and I commented as such. It's not the same as physically walking into a conversation part way through, we have the benefit of review. Coupled with the fact that the OP probably feels that they got the retailer's name browbeaten out of them, asking the question again would seem to be irritating at best, inflammatory at worst.
  8. [quote name='Musicman20' timestamp='1393497248' post='2380932'] Who is the retailer?? [/quote] Are you taking the mick? It's already been mentioned a few posts up. Several times now.
  9. [quote name='bobbass4k' timestamp='1393456431' post='2380674'] I... kinda like it. Does that make me an awful person? [/quote] No
  10. [quote name='Beedster' timestamp='1393455975' post='2380664'] Yep, to a degree it is [/quote] In that case, buy both, and don't feel guilty about it - as long as it doesn't threaten the roof over your head, the heat, light and food. Ach, even if it means beans on toast for a while, don't worry about it
  11. [quote name='Beedster' timestamp='1393455235' post='2380655'] Not a band thing, totally a me thing, I like the sound, feel and look of both basses 100%. Aesthetics? Picture Lemmy with a Steinberger, Flea with a Hofner, Jaco with a Bongo and Mark King with a Ric.....? [/quote] Yes, but they're not me and I'm not trying to be them. This is history. If Lemmy had decided he liked a Steinberger and played one for enough years then we'd be talking about how ridiculous he'd look with a Ric. Actually, that's got me thinking - are you trying to be Lemmy? Is this a full "dress-up, play the same types of instruments" tribute band we're talking about? If so, then that's a big hole in my argument, carry on and forget I said anything I haven't played one particular bass long enough, to enough people to be saddled with a particular aesthetic
  12. Try and be wise. You love this bass, how it plays, how it sounds, how it feels. What else is there? Aesthetics? A flouncy distraction from what's important! FWIW, I play basses I like the sound, feel and look of. Which is all of them, in rotation, at my whim. I'd leave a band that had a problem with that policy.
  13. Just like to back up that experience of Schaller. Very helpful - in fact I ended up conversing with the boss over email. I was looking for a single screw for an M4S machine head. What I got was 4x capstans, pinions and screws, a sticker and a bag of plectra. No charge. Unbelievable.
  14. My tip is to pack it tight enough so that nothing shakes or rattles around inside the box - but not too tight to risk bursting the box. The aim is to make it seem like it's a single mass. Internal movement risks damage.
  15. Distance selling. Buy one. Don't like it? Send it back. Will cost you less to send it back than the trip to go try it.
  16. Can't say I'm a fan either. Fair play if some people like it, but I find it a little tacky, a little ostentatious. Not necessarily cheap looking though. It's too much.
  17. I despise press fit bushings. I make the holes tight (without being stupid about it) because it's a pet peeve of mine when they lift out of the headstock under string tension. Hand press is therefore out of the question. Some persuasion is therefore necessary. I have malleted them in before, but as pointed out above that's a tad neanderthal and has attendant risks. I suppose a clamp would be safer as the pressure would be applied gradually, use a big caul on the bottom and a small one between the bushing and the clamp then tighten slowly. There will be cracking if the fit is stupidly tight. Short story - listen to the Doc and pay no attention to my hangups Or use tuners with screw fit bushings - which I would preferentially use in any custom scenario.
  18. [quote name='Big_Stu' timestamp='1393323025' post='2378586'] BT installing Superfast BB everywhere they feel they can make a few pounds. [/quote] Fixed that for you. Not bitter at all
  19. [quote name='embaz' timestamp='1393249621' post='2377719'] [font=tahoma,geneva,sans-serif]Has anyone upgraded their BB425 or similar, such as bridge, nut and pickups.[/font] [font=tahoma,geneva,sans-serif]if so where's the best place to obtain the parts in the UK[/font] [font=tahoma,geneva,sans-serif]Can you get a BB1025 bridge or similar bit of kit, to replace the bridge on A BB425.[/font] [font=tahoma,geneva,sans-serif]What about replacing the plastic nut also.[/font] [font=tahoma,geneva,sans-serif]Any thoughts, anyone...[/font] [/quote] Sorry to sound all sceptical but I'm genuinely trying to help - what's wrong with the stuff that's there? What do you want to achieve with replacing parts?
  20. [quote name='GreeneKing' timestamp='1393026937' post='2375508'] My 2014 has Grovers Matt [/quote] Right, it's a "whoops, fire someone in stock control" moment then
  21. Mine has Gotoh GB7 tuners, they used to use Grover mini ones instead. Dunno if that's just a brief "we ran out of Grovers" thing or a 2014 thing though.
  22. Red was my second choice, and only because my Ripper is being refinished trans red. Looks great. Assertive with flats, positively rude and pushy with rounds
  23. Porn's up: http://basschat.co.uk/topic/76091-gibson-porn/page__view__findpost__p__2374898
  24. 2014 EB in Bullion Gold. It is difficult to get across quite how GOLD it is with a phone camera
  25. [quote name='merello' timestamp='1392917724' post='2374204'] Just background mate...just background. It relates to the fact that [b]the greatest innovator in bass guitars had a blind spot.[/b] [/quote] Impossible, surely!?
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