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Posts posted by neepheid

  1. 20 minutes ago, uk_lefty said:

    I always wondered... Is it Ho-tone or Hot-one?


    I say Ho-tone, but that's because I'm peurile like that.  It's probably Hot Tone, but smashed together into one word so hard that one of the letter Ts got squashed.

  2. 11 minutes ago, Dad3353 said:



    The question 'Does Humour belong in Music..?' has its answer here. No bullying; I can't know the status of every BC member, and I dish these out randomly (so fairly...) whenever the mood takes me, whoever has blundered. It's usually only the predictive typing at 'fault' anyway, but the poster has not read through his/her copy to spot these little things. No kittens die, the sun rises the next day with or without my tiny joke, but, as it seems to offend so many folk maybe I'll sit it out for a while.
    Have fun, y'all, bunch of grumpusses that you seem to be. I'm sorry that the lighter side of Life has not come across for you as I would have hoped. Never mind...  :friends: Peace.


    Your joke was funny the first few times, now it's not because you've told it too many times.  That doesn't make me a grumpus.  That makes you lacking in material.



    • Like 3
  3. Awesome, another Gibson guy.  Be prepared to defend the three point bridge - I could use some help around here!  Welcome!

    • Like 1
  4. 1 hour ago, BassAgent said:

    I'm currently talking to a chap to trade basses. However: he lives abroad. In the EU, but still, abroad. I have bought basses from abroad of course, that's easy: bass is shipped when money has arrived. But how to do that when trading basses? It feels a bit like a game of chicken... Anyone with experiences here?


    Do it as two purchases of equal value?

    • Like 2
  5. With new singer comes requests to change the key of some songs.  It is inevitable.  No, I will not buy a 5 string bass.  Our guitarist recently swapped his pedals out for a multi-FX unit and one of its tricks is pitch shifting.  So that got me thinking, after I faffed around with retooling Whole Lotta Rosie and basically said "hell no" to retooling and just detuning all the strings for Hallowed Be Thy Name that maybe I could get in on this.  So the research begins.  Digitech Drop, EHX Pitch Fork seem to be the go-to devices.


    HOW EFFIN' MUCH? (full on outside Scots voice, inside voice didn't even draw breath).


    So I dig deeper into the more budget conscious end of the market.  Spot the Mooer Pitch Box, ok, that's £60ish, that's getting a bit more reasonable.  I look/ask around and the feeling I get is "OK for live work, wouldn't record with it".  Then I stumble upon the Hotone Harmony - brand new, £47.  Hmm, it's probably hot garbage at that price but I can easily return it if that's the case.  Watched some videos (admittedly mostly guitar-centric) about it and no-one said it's awful.  So I bought it.


    Well, I laughed out loud for about two minutes straight when I got it out of the box...




    I mean look at it - it's so cute, it's like doll's house furniture.  I kid you not, for two straight minutes I just looked at it in my hand and laughed.  Then I put it on my pedalboard and laughed some more...




    This has no chance, I thought to myself.  Wrong!


    It's not bad, not bad at all.  I've tried it through headphones, and live with a band in rehearsal.  It seems to track OK and latency is acceptable - it didn't put me off or was noticeably off in the live context.  Used it to go -1,-2 and -3 semitones and tuning seemed fine, it does get a bit warbly down at -2 and -3 on the lowest notes but I suspect that it's not strictly speaking designed to handle bass.  It's not noisy when engaged, it does suck a little high end off the signal but that can be EQed back in a bit.  I also used it in harmony mode to add in an octave above and found that surprisingly successful with added OD in a one guitar band, really helped fill the sound out.  I did give the "detune" mode a try, again, pretty good, sounds a bit like the intro to Come As You Are, it's chorussy, and watery if that makes sense.  Haven't fully explored that one yet.


    Despite being teeny tiny, it's a doddle to use - the top controls are just far enough apart and the top knob for the pitch setting is disproportionately large (probably and most disconcertingly larger than the knobs found on most full size pedals).  And in case you were wondering how to tell if the effect is engaged or not...




    All in all, would I recommend the Hotone Harmony?  Yes, with caveats.  It's in the same ballpark as what I gathered about the Mooer Pitchbox - fine for live, probably wouldn't record with it.  What it does, it does very well for the price, and if you can't find room for it on your pedalboard then you're not trying hard enough!


    The bad news is that it's discontinued by Hotone, who seem to have repositioned themselves upmarket with multi-FX, multi purpose expression pedals and inscrutable looking programmable pedals.  So hoover one up while you still can!  Or don't - I don't care, I've already got one!

    • Like 3
  6. 1 hour ago, BigRedX said:


    @Dad3353 While I applaud your efforts to improve forum literacy, if this was aimed at me it is of zero use unless you also quote and point out where I have wrongly added or left out the apostrophe, and as I am mildly dyslexic could be interpreted as bullying.


    If it was directed at you, then it was in error.  You used one apostrophe, correctly.  It was in the word "they'd" which is a valid contraction of "they had" or "they would" according to Oxford Languages (and take your pick from a plethora of other sources)




    Not only that, but you used it technically correctly, as it is not the primary noun in the sentence.




    So I honestly must assume that Dad is not an idiot and the Apostrophe Police weren't looking for you.  Otherwise, it's an erroneous arrest, guv!

  7. 1 minute ago, ikay said:

    Nothing wrong with the tuners. The bass is a very comfortable 8lbs 3oz and ever so slightly neck heavy. Nothing a grippier strap won't sort to be honest but I quite like the idea of a sub 8lb bass!


    That sounds like hell to me - I'm one of these odd bods that don't like a bass to be too light.  Well, we're all different, and thank goodness for that.  Best of luck with it!

  8. Well, that's me out.  With new singer comes key changes, my laziness got the better of me and I dipped my toe in the pitch shifter market.  I bought a Hotone Harmony mini pedal.


    I'm not going to insult your intelligence with loopholes and justifications - while it may not be a bass specific pedal, it will be going on my pedalboard and used with basses - I don't play any other instruments.


    I can now concentrate fully on keeping score...


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    • Sad 2
  9. I'm late to this party, and I would never tell someone what to play, or what they're playing is wrong (unless a tongue-in-cheek reference to my hatred for Jazz basses, in the right company).  If you like it, you're not wrong.


    I am not a fan of short scales, I've owned several (Epi EB-0, DeArmond Starfire, Squier Bronco, Fender Starcaster off the top of my head) and my fingers just can't get over the "toy-like" feeling I get from them.  My brain can't take it seriously.  I don't think short scales can be pigeonholed into any particular sound - you can't seriously tell me that a short scale, active, headless thing like an Ibanez EHB is going to sound muddy, thumpy or old fashioned by default?  Poppycock!


    I don't know what the point of all that was except for me to bump my gums and feel important, but there you go, my 2p, which may or may not be worth 2p.


    Also, SBL can get in the bin.  I've told YouTube to never show me another of their clickbaity thumbnails.

  10. H'eh', Iv'e cr'eat'ed a r'ule in uB'lock Ori'g'in s'o I ne'ver see that effin' Po'lice ca'r again.


    ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' - so there!


    • Haha 5
  11. 22 minutes ago, bloke_zero said:

    I had to look it up: https://www.wood-database.com/wood-articles/differences-between-hard-maple-and-soft-maple/ - seems like its probably denser than basswood


    "Even though it is referred to as soft maple, it is only soft in relation to hard maple."  Even the "softest" maple has a Janka hardness approaching twice that of basswood.  Reckon it'll be fine.


    No dings on my basswood bodied, frequently gigged Wunkay though.  Am I basswooding wrong? ;)


    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  12. On 18/12/2023 at 22:48, Happy Jack said:

    I started with a Digitech Drop and was very happy until I trod on the p/s where it exits the pedal ad completely f***ed it.


    When I looked around for a replacement I was shocked at how expensive they'd become, and even more shocked at just how good the Mooer Pitch Box is for less than half the money and a smaller footprint.


    Even better, the Mooer has a simple 3-way flick switch which turns it from a pitch-changer into a detune (chorus-y) pedal or a 2-part harmoniser. All that for £62. 


    Hopefully you'll see this, thankfully it's not too much of a zombie thread.  Scheming about dabbling in a pitch shifter.  The EHX Pitch Fork is probably the "gold standard" based upon the various videos I've confused myself with, but it's a bit big - was really hoping for a mini pedal to do one job and do it well.  The Pitch Fork Pico I think would annoy me greatly, as they haven't bothered to label the pitch control so it's a matter of guesswork to know which setting you're on, and I don't feel like attacking a circa £200 pedal with a Sharpie.


    So the Mooer is interesting because it's A) small, B) relatively inexpensive and C) appears to be logically laid out and clear to see what tuning you're in.  I have reservations about sound quality (noise levels, latency, warbling/chorusing on lower tunings).  Do you still have the Pitch Box?  Even if you don't, how do/did you find it in day to day operations vis-a-vis my concerns regarding sound quality?


    Grateful for any insight you'd like to share.

  13. 30 minutes ago, dmccombe7 said:

    Yep being a Harley owner i've been to quite a few dealership events with bands but people are solely there to look at bikes and grab a burger. Bands are just background music and i sometimes wonder why the dealers even bother with a live band rather than just a DJ. Bit different on a nice sunny day as i've stood and watched the band for a bit but i'm in the minority. Its definitely an odd one. 

    One dealership during sunny summer put all their tables and chairs in front of the band and that certainly helped as when folks bought food or drink they sat and watched the bands while eating.

    Looks like a good event tho.



    Same story at these types of gigs.  Not played a bike event but I have played a few beer festivals and yes, you're well aware that you're secondary to the main draw, which is the bikes/beers, and probably tertiary when you throw the food in.  Just go in knowing that you're performing a supporting role and accept that while you may not get any direct appreciation, people will have subliminally enjoyed it and assimilated it into their overall memory of the event.

    • Like 2
  14. Last minute gig last night at the Butchers Arms in Inverurie with Nine Lives (as in the band that was supposed to be playing dropped out on the day due to illness).  Luckily, our drummer happened to be perusing Faceache at the time and saw the venue put a cancellation notice - just one of those serendipitous moments.


    It was a bit of an odd one, not super busy with an odd crowd that would alternate between great dancing and singing along then nothing at all.  Typical drunk guy was in attendance - put his arm around the singer's shoulder, barely coherently requested some Bad Company and got escorted out a little later.


    I thought I played ok, but I made a massive flub in one song (the "f*** I've lost my place entirely, quick, make some s*** up in the rough vicinity until the riff restarts" type) and some drunk guy manages to film that exact moment in a 3 hour gig - typical!


    Win of the night - finding out that somehow my amp and cab fit in the boot of my wee Colt.  Score!


    Equipment - Markbass Mini CMD121P IV + NY121 cab, G&L CLF L-1000, Yamaha BB1200



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  15. Last minute gig with Nine Lives, tonight at the Butchers Arms in Inverurie!  Band cancelled, we've stepped into the void!  Starts at 10pm, free entry.



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  16. Let me get this straight - you already have the Sterling? Then the only thing that matters is if you like it. I don't concern myself with the opinions of others about a bass I have in my hands.


    I own basses that I know some people can't stand. So what? If you like it, you're not wrong.



    • Like 8
  17. In the covers band we generally get paid in cash, so the biggest problem is finding fivers sometimes.  There is no band kitty, we're mercenaries, we divvy up the money on the night and it goes its separate ways.  When the venue pays electronically, the guitarist handles it then reimburses us when the money finally deigns to show up.


    The originals band is different - there is a band kitty and all the money goes in there - no-one takes anything from it personally, it's all for the band.  I look after it and maintain a spreadsheet of the ins and outs.  Ins are gig fees and CD sales, outs are recording, publishing, getting CDs made if we can be arsed.  It's not used for equipment - the band generally plays in venues with house backline and we maintain our own personal musical gear out of our own pockets.


  18. 36 minutes ago, Sandman said:

    Hi all


    I'm wondering whether anyone in this thread might be able to help me find out a bit more about my TRB 6II?


    I think I've had it about 10 years and bought it from a bass forum, it might even have been this one? It looks almost identical to the one in BassAgent's post above and it has a stamp on the back of the headstock that looks like it says "QJZ069F MADE IN JAPAN TRB-6II". It's a lovely bass and it would be nice to know a bit about it and to find out where I might be able to locate an OE jack plug for it.


    Thanks in hope. 🙂





    See when you say plug, do you mean socket?


    Assuming you do, here's a video pertinent to your post:



    Unfortunately, it's a barrel jack - they're known to fail over time and I guess you could noise up Yamaha who may be able to supply you with a pre-wired one with the connectors already there, but that might take a while and probably be costly - the alternative is to carefully desolder the wires off the old socket (taking a note of where they went) and just make sure you replace the barrel jack with something quality like a Neutrik to give it the best chance of longest life - don't skimp.  They're a standard size/shape.

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