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Everything posted by neepheid

  1. neepheid

    Yamaha BBs

    I think my fondness of the slightly rounded body shape stems from my ownership of a Gibson G-3. And it continues - I have owned 4 BBs (currently have 2) and have a Gibson Ripper in the process of being refinished/rebuilt. I suppose my Epiphone Jack Casady isn't exactly sleek either...
  2. Well, they've reached Edinburgh. Getting closer.
  3. [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1383227423' post='2261810'] Nothing wrong with that aspect is there? [b]I just get a little fed up with cover band advocates slagging off unfamiliar originals bands because of perceived quality issues[/b]. Those of us in originals bands know how hard it can be to create a body of work and build an audience, regardless of the perceived quality of the music. There's no monetary gain to speak of, just lots of hard work for the pleasure of playing to often indifferent audiences. [/quote] And people in covers bands get fed up of people in originals bands looking down their noses at them for being unoriginal, selling out, making more money for perceived less effort/artistic value or whatever the damn beef is. At the risk of sounding like a total sap - we're all performing music here, can't we all just get along?
  4. [quote name='Paul S' timestamp='1383225667' post='2261776'] This seems to have regressed into a 'covers vs originals' thing again. [/quote] [b][size=6]AGAIN[/size][/b]
  5. They all sound equally slappy to me
  6. School bass? What school bass? I played some recorder at primary school and we had some (probably classic and cool now) Casio keyboards at secondary. Cellos and violins were the order of the day for instrumentation for folks who took it seriously IIRC (I didn't do music at school beyond second year). If I knew then what I know now and all that.
  7. [quote name='Lowender' timestamp='1383160466' post='2261041'] Hmm, this was downloaded from my itunes as an mp3, not a phone. Not sure why it's not opening. [/quote] See post above.
  8. [quote name='paul_5' timestamp='1383159711' post='2261033'] Can't open iphone files here - do you have an mp3 or similar? [/quote] Download it then rename it from .ipb to .mp3 It is an mp3, it's the forum software that changes the file extension for some reason.
  9. I've read most of this thread through pure morbid curiosity, and it makes me glum.
  10. neepheid

    Yamaha BBs

    [quote name='donkelley' timestamp='1383157522' post='2260984'] For me they're simply not very physically attractive. Come on, there has to be at least SOME sexiness in a bass for me to want to play her! The BB series is one of the most utilitarian looking things I've ever seen. The feel fine, nothing special imho but certainly sufficient if you're into their neck profile, and the sound very good in a classic fender bass kinda way. Very well built, also, with solid hardware. Body shape turns me off, so does the headstock, so do the LOOK of their pickups and general mounting area for everything. If I close my eyes I can really enjoy playing one though for a while. [/quote] Well, it just goes to show that you can't please everyone, and you are more than entitled to hold that opinion. All the more BBs for people who dig 'em
  11. [quote name='ped' timestamp='1383133420' post='2260525'] Logical debate is one thing - flat out demands are another! [/quote] I am sorry if I came across this way, as it was not my intention. I hope I was presenting myself logically, albeit irritably.
  12. [quote name='ped' timestamp='1383131489' post='2260498'] As I said... [/quote] Aye aye, nothing wrong with some robust debate on [i]how[/i] the site could be improved is there? (as well as trying to convince people that turning the logical operation of the mobile site on its head is not the way to fix layout difficulties - which I'm sure you're well aware of anyway).
  13. I am enjoying these videos, thanks for making them.
  14. [quote name='BigBeatNut' timestamp='1383128058' post='2260431'] FFS I do not have sausage fingers. I can manage every other part of my iPhone just fine, including some extremely sloppy typing on the keyboard which always turns out right ( and I'm not talking about what auto-correct does afterwards ). That makes bass chat the thing that's out of the ordinary, not my fingers. [/quote] It is true that you have to be bang on the dot to hit it (and it's about 2mm across on a regular sized smartphone), as the active area of the link appears to be the square extremes of the dot image itself and that's it. Should have put a smiley next to that "sausage fingers" quip, my apologies. Surely making the dot image larger (or include a transparent area around the dot hence increasing it's size as far as the browser is concerned) would make it easier to hit? Rather than changing the functionality of the site to accomodate (which is logically incongruent, and who wants that?) This, and some simple page alteration to make hitting the target a bit easier is far more sensible than changing how the site works and diverging from how the full site operates even further. Ultimately, it's not my site so they'll do what they will with it. I hope they don't do what you request, as I find this (unwanted and erroneous) link behaviour a bit irritating.
  15. Ach, the mobile site has enough functionality to bellyache about people bellyaching about basses.
  16. [quote name='woodyratm' timestamp='1383126588' post='2260402'] I think it's more the dot should be [i]slightly[/i] larger. I have pretty skinny fingers and still end up on page one more often than not. [/quote] I have no problem with some alteration to the formatting of the mobile site to make the dot more accessible for those with sausage/inaccurate fingers, but I would resist any functionality change just to accommodate people's sausage fingers, leaving no way of getting to the start of a thread (which I don't have anyway - on Chrome 30.0.1599.92 on Android 4.1.2)
  17. [quote name='BigBeatNut' timestamp='1383124986' post='2260377'] If this happened for me, I would be happy too. I've just double-checked to be sure I'm not going mad, and I can confirm I am NOT getting the same result as you two guys ... when I click on the thread title I go to the top of the thread. Can we have a fix so my phone behaves like the others please ? Click on title for first unread post ? I'm on iPhone (4s), IOS 7.0.3 and Safari. [/quote] That is not the correct behaviour though. The dot should take you to first unread post. The title should take you to the start of the thread. I don't see why we should have to contradict the established logic of the full site just to accommodate people's sausage fingers. I have this anomaly at present and I DON'T WANT IT. Dot - first unread message Thread title text - first message, beginning of thread. This is how the full site works, ergo it is how the mobile site should work.
  18. Depends on the service. The cheaper ones have little or no tracking. You just have to wait. Can take weeks. Be patient
  19. I'd settle for the links on the mobile site acting correctly. When I tap the dot it does indeed take me to the first unread post. Trouble is, so does tapping on the thread title - which should take me to the start of the thread. I wouldn't use an app, just a tidy up of the mobile site would be fine for me.
  20. You can't go wrong with a BB.
  21. A big +1 for the Hartke strings. If you can find them that is.
  22. No, I don't do that. Whether or not it sounds good has more to do with the player (and the producer/engineer) than the bass in my opinion.
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