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Everything posted by neepheid

  1. I have both, and I like both. Sorry for the boring, non-committal response.
  2. [quote name='ikay' timestamp='1379489628' post='2213167'] Does this preamp work with any passive pickups or is it for use only with EMG active pups? [/quote] Not all of it - the volume and blend knobs are specific to EMGs. If you want to use other pickups then you just use the parts with the stack knobs and make your own arrangements for volume/blending/pickup selecting and feed the output of that to the preamp.
  3. [quote name='cachao' timestamp='1379145338' post='2209086'] I was sad that HB and Ibanez stopped production of these, when I was looking for a combo. Red Sub produce something similar, but the wait for stock was ridiculous. These combos are a great concept, and I am sure it will sell quickly. [/quote] They were all made by the same company (Beta Aivin) and I'm guessing all discontinued at the same time, which is a real shame. G4M (the ones who had RedSub painted on the front of theirs) have finally pulled the combo from their website, but they still think they can deliver you a head by February 2015, d'oh!
  4. [quote name='libertino' timestamp='1378046742' post='2195041'] Is the combo still available anywhere? Is anyone looking to sell theirs? [/quote] One for sale right here: http://basschat.co.uk/topic/216965-harley-benton-ba5110c-combo-promethean-clone/page__view__findpost__p__2208484
  5. I for one applaud Fender for pushing the boat out recently.
  6. Pretty slow making their way up the road Had a look on Guitar Guitar, Merchant City, Kenny's (Glasgow), Red Dog (Edinburgh) and not heard back from II Music (Edinburgh, Aberdeen and other places). Come on, get them loaded on vans and get 'em up here, Fender UK!
  7. A majority of my basses are from the 80s for some unknown reason. 1981 Gibson Victory Artist 1985 G&L El Toro 1985 Yamaha BB450 1986 Yamaha BB350F 1987 Gibson IV I suppose only the Yamaha BBs (and not my ones) are ones that people would think of in a top 10 80s bass list.
  8. I've only had an HA3500 and have never used an LH so I can't really contribute effectively here. What I will say is that I liked the HA3500. The only reason I got rid was because I got a new detachable head combo and it was surplus to requirements. Well, it was heavy too, but I could have put up with it. Always liked the sound I got out of it, and because it's found in so many rehearsal rooms and in house back line, I'm right at home whenever I encounter one.
  9. Here's the cookbook: http://www.ifb.co.uk/~matthew/GL_Wiring.doc I've got #7 (parallel, single coil (inside), series) and I think that single coil, both pickups is my favourite sound.
  10. [quote name='gjones' timestamp='1379172645' post='2209478'] There's a guy selling a Harley Benton version of the Ibanez promethean on basschat, You could buy that and fit the amp to your head? Here's Harley Bentons version [/quote] They're not directly interchangeable in the sense that the screw holes for the thumb screws are in a different place on the HB/RedSub variant (in the sides of the head instead of in the "bottom" of it for the Ibanez).
  11. [quote name='Low End Bee' timestamp='1377265025' post='2185555'] 30th November - Deeside Inn, Ballater. Our first gig outside the M25. A looooong way outside the M25. [/quote] I'll be there. I'm still shaking my head how you came up with Ballater of all places, what did you do, blindfold someone and put a pin in the map?
  12. [quote name='pete.young' timestamp='1378935820' post='2206858'] I've just been in Wunjos, today... [/quote] Cheers for the review. I can confirm that the Fidelitron pickups are not high output, because I have one in my Cabronita P. Turn up the gain, you'll be OK
  13. [quote name='Fat Rich' timestamp='1378920150' post='2206557'] The tone control has packed up on my old Jazz bass (it's a volume, volume, tone), it seems to now cut the overall volume of the bass. My guess is the capacitor has failed, but could it be the pot? There are no crackles or cutting out, it's just not a tone control any more. I'd normally replace both pot and cap but it's the last remaining '73 pot in the bass so would like to keep it if it's still working. [/quote] Yup, sounds like the cap, sounds like everything is going to ground instead of just the high frequencies. Either it's shorted out somehow or it's bust and is just letting everything through.
  14. Couple of vids from the two bands I'm in: 1) FaR - What is it You Want - my first attempt at video editing. Yes, in future I'll apply the stabilisation to each angle separately before editing [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1bs4gJsM660[/media] 2) The Inevitable Teaspoons - Jam on the Rhodes - dark gig in a barn, but the lights look cool in the smoke. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HDblu9Ye0Xw[/media] It's all about the music anyway...
  15. neepheid


    [quote name='Coilte' timestamp='1378891910' post='2206025'] With film, theatre, and music critics we accept that what they write is their opinion. Why can't we do the same with forum posters ? [/quote] Because forums are living, breathing, real time gatherings of people. Because people take things personally, for better or for worse. Because the opinions are presented and written as if they are facts, often in a sanctimonious, overbearing, arrogant and holier-than-thou kind of way by people who I'm willing to bet are actually in no position to speak authoritatively about the subject matter outside their own little world, with little consideration given to the thoughts, opinions and feelings of others. I'm not saying I'm blameless either.
  16. I've seen much worse. At least it's well done. I think it's distinctive - would certainly get you noticed
  17. Yup, been a sole Boss TU-2 between my bass and my amp in all my playing days. Dabbled with overdrive and limiters. In my world the only one that is essential is the tuner.
  18. [quote name='Lowender' timestamp='1378790702' post='2204632'] I guess I wouldn't leave feedback cause I don't even know where you'd do it. Here's the thing with feedback though...I find it's either too flattering or too dismissive. In other words, most of it is useless. If someone is easily impressed or someone just wants to knock you down what's to be gained? Few people can critique music objectively, since taste, is subjective. I'll say this about what I heard. It's nice enough. Well perfomred. Professional. Bass playing sounds good. I didn't find it especially captivating, but it's hard to get into music you never heard before. The bass had too much low end. I get that you want it up front but if it's loud and boomy it just sounds amateurish. The kick drum also shared the sonic space of the bass ( a boost around 300hz) and that made things more woofy. It's not the type of thing that's getting record contracts, not to mention the age factor. But at a certain point, music has to be about making art and/or entertaining others. Getting angry because they aren't paying attention isn't the best PR toward getting more fans. That's my feedback. In part. [/quote] We're talking about the feedback forum, where people leave a report on how their financial transaction on here went down, not leaving feedback about music In this respect, I think it's perfectly acceptable to get grumbly about people who neglect to leave a note to say how awesomely quick you are to post stuff, how bombproof your packaging is and what an all round great guy/gal you are.
  19. I don't. The only counting I sometimes do is bars/riffs so that outros are the right length and I can give the required nod when it's time to end.
  20. Kill switch? Handy if you want it to be quiet but you don't want to mess up your volume settings if you've got 'em set.
  21. [quote name='FinnDave' timestamp='1378463486' post='2200617'] But isn't that the whole point of asking this in a forum, no one person has a definitive answer, but here you can canvass the opinions of many people and form an idea based on a larger sample. [/quote] I'm saying it's pointless speculation. In my opinion, each instrument is a separate case and its got the square root of naff all to do with where it's made. The only person whose opinion matters is the person playing the instrument at the time as far as I'm concerned. Try it. If you like it, buy it. If not, don't. For me it really is that simple.
  22. It's the same old "opinion expressed as fact" routine that makes me mad. I'm willing to bet that not one single person on this forum has the statistical overview of the entire output of Fender Mexico necessary to be able to make cast iron statements about their overall quality relative to anything. I'm happy with my one and only Mexican Fender, so according to how some people operate around here I'll extrapolate that out to mean that all Mexican Fenders are great. An individual instrument is either good or bad when inspected in isolation. The usual blanket statements insult my intelligence and are little more than borderline racist hogwash.
  23. [quote name='TimR' timestamp='1378379364' post='2199318'] Stereotypes exist for a reason. [/quote] Mostly to unfairly pigeonhole people or things without due consideration or justification it would seem. For the record I know lovely keyboard players, modest guitarists who (and I quote) "get bored with playing solos", drummers who can play quietly with excellent range in their dynamics, singers who help out with load in/out beyond carrying a microphone and bass players who are rude and arrogant. There's a few in the eye of the stereotypes. They aren't in the slightest bit useful, except for possibly creating clichéd jokes which I must confess to having a guilty laugh at, because I'm not perfect and all that. I suppose I'm a spotty, polyester and pocket protector wearing herbert with the fashion sense of a wombat and the social skills of a cheese sandwich because I work in IT, right?
  24. [quote name='Dave Vader' timestamp='1363622424' post='2014875'] The contour and colour controls are there on my HB promethean clone amp as well. I have found the best settings for them are to push the little button above them that turns the twatting things off. Looks like that option isn't there on this though. [/quote] Respectfully, I disagree. I find the contour works best if it's on and set about 12:30, because it's a harsh, mid heavy beast without it. The colour is great if you want a quick, footswitchable change to some old school thump, as it's just a treble cut. Each to their own though
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