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Everything posted by neepheid

  1. [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1377694231' post='2190448'] Oh f*** off, that's not dorky, that's KOOL. EDIT: Dork apparently means stupid, inept or unfashionable. [/quote] dork [dawrk] Show IPA noun 1. Slang. a silly, out-of-touch person who tends to look odd or behave ridiculously around others; a social misfit: If you make me wear that, I’ll look like a total dork! Synonyms: jerk, schmo; nerd, geek. 2. Slang: Vulgar. penis. Origin: 1960–65; expressive coinage; compare similar phonetic elements in dolt, dong3 , jerk1 , etc. Word story The history of dork is a short one. It’s been around only since the 1950s or 60s, originally as a slang term for “penis.” Most likely dork was just an alternative form of dick, a word that started out as a nickname for Richard—a name meaning “fellow”—but which by the late 1800s, had taken on the additional meaning of “penis” (which is certainly part of a fellow) in British army slang. By the late 60s, American college students had extended the meaning of dork to refer to a socially awkward person. While at first this sense of dork carried pejorative connotations, the term has since been “taken back” by the people it once so cruelly described, and now can even be given as a compliment. If a girl calls a guy “adorkable” (the combination of “dork” and “adorable”), she means to say he is cute in a socially awkward, yet endearing way. Geeks and nerds, while still dorky, are generally considered more intelligent than dorks. Next time you call someone a dork think about its short history in the English language, and reflect upon what a word nerd you are.
  2. For me, dorkiness != ugliness. That's not what dorkiness is about, it's more an endearing awkwardness. In this respect I think some people are missing the point. If this was just another "ugly bass" thread, why not just call it that? My vote is for the Gibson RD Artist. Huge. Neck sticks out further from the body than usual making it quite a stretch but the scale length is normal. Looks like a melted Thunderbird. Absolutely bonkers circuitry. Can pick up radio on some settings. Can sound like tuned springs on extreme EQ settings. That's dorky. It's not ugly, it's not difficult to play, but it has some things about it that have you scratching your head going "eh?". Yet it makes me smile like this when I play it: Now I look dorky, playing a dorky bass. THAT'S dorky.
  3. [quote name='spinynorman' timestamp='1377690544' post='2190367'] What we need is a mass blindfold test. Blindfold the players and the audience. Give the players a selection of Fender and Squier P or J from various factories, plus some cheap clones and some boutique ones. See who can tell the difference. [/quote] Well, that would certainly stop people listening with their eyes.
  4. Nothing useful to add, but I found the line "It's hard enough convincing US sellers that they won't be eaten by goblins if they sell abroad." hilarious, having had to do such convincing in the past
  5. In my opinion this is worth £115 of anyone's money. Bargain.
  6. [quote name='borisbrain' timestamp='1377645083' post='2189958'] What kind of batteries are you using? Alkaline batteries or zinc chlorides won't last long - even some of the premium brands. And some rechargeable batteries just aren't worth the effort after they get past a certain age. You could try lithium batteries - they're not cheap, but do tend to last longer for this kind of thing. Bestaluck BB [/quote] Alkaline batteries last for ages in pedals, especially tuners - as long as you unplug them when you're done. Something abnormal is causing the pedal to be on all the time if the battery is disappearing in a few weeks. Better get this sorted out before the OP tries lithium batteries, which you're right will last for eons but until the problem is addressed they'll just be wasted.
  7. My RedSub was a bit niffy when I first got it, but it has calmed down with repeated use. Perhaps there was a blob of glue somewhere there shouldn't have been.
  8. I quite like the body shape. The rest of it is balls though.
  9. You've identified the right one, it's the 2 point replacement bridge, NOT the 3 point. It replaces this bridge: (pic nicked from Jules - http://www.flyguitars.com)
  10. Brass nuts are shiny when you polish them thus they look good, and that's more than a good enough reason for me before we even get to durability and all the tonal debate.
  11. [quote name='Pestie' timestamp='1377619112' post='2189490'] I have a lovely CV Precision which I really like. However, I have the chance of a lovely 1983 USA Precision. Now this might sound daft but will the 83 be so much better than the 2010 Chinese made CV? I just don't know because I really like the CV but also like old basses. Can anybody help please? Thanks Mike(Pestie) [/quote] There will be people that will tell you it must be better because it was made in the USA, or it must be better because it was made 30 years ago, or that it must be better because the market says it's worth more. It's all hogwash when it comes down to individual instruments. You'll have to try it for yourself. Try to remain objective when inspecting/playing the bass - does it feel right to you? Does it sound right to you? Does it feel easy to play? Is it in good condition? If any of these come up no then do yourself a favour, don't get sucked into all the vintage BS and walk away. There'll be other basses. But it might feel just right in your hands, and if that happens, grab it.
  12. [quote name='4 Strings' timestamp='1377617520' post='2189456'] Apologies, not meant to be terse, certainly not meant to make anyone look stupid. [/quote] I accept your apology. Now, on with the PAT testing bellyaching
  13. [quote name='4 Strings' timestamp='1377613412' post='2189389'] Sorry, wasn't intending to 'be' like anything, but couldn't think of any actual maintenance compared to my car! [/quote] Well, perhaps I should let you know that your terse response was interpreted as an attempt to make me look stupid.
  14. [quote name='Pete1967' timestamp='1377610766' post='2189349'] Stentor told me that Schaller only manufacture in house, in Germany, a statement supported by their website [url="http://schaller-electronic.com/hp801/Produktion.htm"]http://schaller-elec.../Produktion.htm[/url], but it doesn't say so explicitly. [/quote] Written explicitly on [url="http://schaller-electronic.com/hp172463/Just-a-moment.htm"]http://schaller-elec...st-a-moment.htm[/url] "Schaller is – as it was back then – an owner-managed company with 100% of its production "Made in Germany".". Also on [url="http://schaller-electronic.com/hp292161/That-s-Schaller.htm"]http://schaller-electronic.com/hp292161/That-s-Schaller.htm[/url] "All of Schaller's products are manufactured completely in-house in the company's production facilities - 100% Made in Germany."
  15. [quote name='4 Strings' timestamp='1377610672' post='2189345'] The routine maintenance on an amp being...? [/quote] Why are you being like that? Common sense stuff - periodic check for loose connections, crackly pots or switches and clean as appropriate, damage to cables, valves properly seated (if appropriate), valve biasing (not that I know anything about that), fans clear of fluff/debris and working effectively and so on and so forth. Your amp could be PAT tested and the next day someone puts a chair leg down on your mains cable and damages the outer insulation. The parallel between the long term validity of the MoT test and the PAT test is a valid one, IMO.
  16. [quote name='warwickhunt' timestamp='1377596862' post='2189093'] However, playing Devil's Advocate... it is a Ctach 22 situation because even if your gear is PAT tested professionally and it causes damage or injury, you have no come back on the tester nor can you hold them liable, as the 'pass' is only valid on the day that it was done. A friend does PAT testing and the company he works for are not liable for any come back if anything happens post test; the test just checks that it is OK 'then', you may well tinker or break something moments after the test hence they are not liable (and that is their get out clause). I'm not saying it is an excuse to not PAT test (especially if you want club/corporate work) but theoretically (though bookers/organisers might not see it that way because it is all about doting the i and crossing the t), if you have the equipment and a basic instruction in PAT testing then your equipment is 'tested' whether you are qualified or not. [/quote] Although an MoT test is compulsory, it's the same deal, the car only passed that day, the MoT test is not a substitute for routine servicing/maintenance etc.
  17. [quote name='spinynorman' timestamp='1377606256' post='2189277'] Someone ought to be able to recognise it from a static picture, which is on the Beeb website. One or two highly scripted Ls to start? I can't embed it, go to the site and pick slide 4. [url="http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/galleries/p01d76m3"]http://www.bbc.co.uk...leries/p01d76m3[/url] [/quote] Pfft, no such thing as "can't"
  18. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1375822721' post='2166253'] I recently sold mine for quite a bit more than I originally paid for it. [/quote] Careful now. It had better not have been on here. Down with that sort of thing!
  19. Once your name becomes a verb, you've truly made it.
  20. It does not automatically follow that active bass == high output. Are you plugging it into the "Active" input on your amp, or engaging an active signal pad via a switch? Try using the "Passive" input or not engaging the Active switch. Of course, if your amp doesn't have either of these facilities then never mind!
  21. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1377520964' post='2188393'] I agree with that but all the Mexican basses I have tried were dogs yet the guitars brilliant, so on a personal level 100% of Mexican basses are rubbish [/quote] I've no problem with that opinion, you are more than welcome to have it. But when such an opinion gets paraded around as universal fact, that's when I get irritated.
  22. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1377519687' post='2188360'] Has it left a nasty taste..?? [/quote] You tell us. I can't taste anything other than free market opportunistic enterprise and that doesn't taste bad to me, because I'm a capitalist pigdog.
  23. [quote name='karlfer' timestamp='1377495492' post='2188064'] It still hacks me off though, how much slagging Mex basses get, until it gets to the Road Worn series [/quote] All slagging based upon country of origin I find highly irritating, and if I'm perfectly honest, a teeny bit racist - not so much here but particularly when it comes up in conversation on Talkbass. Particularly irritating because I have seen amazing, flawless instruments from "the East" and absolute howling dreadful instruments from "the West". For the record, my MIM Cabronita P bass is lovely. No instrument has a divine right to be perfect simply because of where/when it was made. Neither is any instrument automatically an abomination on that same basis. But the way some people talk, that's the impression I get.
  24. [quote name='thisnameistaken' timestamp='1377429320' post='2187337'] Sort of I suppose. If you went into a shop and they had one of the thing you wanted left, and another guy bought it and offered it to you for 200 more. That's basically arsehole tax. [/quote] A rather extreme and unlikely scenario, but c'est la vie. Should have got in there first then, if you really wanted it. I think this is merely enterprising. Cheeky, maybe, opportunistic, most certainly, but I don't think it's fair or appropriate to use terms like "arsehole tax". Sounds petty to me. Also, "200 more" means nothing without an original figure. It's clearly preposterous if you're talking about a Mars Bar, I'll grant you that. But would anyone be stupid enough to buy a £200.75 Mars Bar?
  25. [quote name='Prime_BASS' timestamp='1377425618' post='2187272'] You sound like a girl who gets cheated on and brands all men scukbags [/quote] I don't think that's fair. I read it as the experience having torpedoed a hole in the concept of the so-called "community", it wasn't made personal, it wasn't said that everyone on here is a lying, cheating scumbag. I think that your comment is out of line and an unnecessary dig.
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