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Everything posted by neepheid

  1. [quote name='Toasted' timestamp='1376405160' post='2173456'] We need progress. [/quote] I need funds. Got a pickup to get cloned. Plus the body/neck is away getting refinished. You'll get news about that when I get news about that, promise I suppose I could decide how I'm mounting this choke.
  2. Gah, that's annoying. Axesrus have the physical size of pot you require, but don't do a 10K lin, 25K is the lowest they go. You could ask them where they get theirs, or if they could obtain a 10K one?
  3. Sunburst is OK. I don't have any strong preference either way for it. When it's done right on the right instrument it looks great - difficult to put my finger on it. I don't own any sunburst instruments, but that's just the way it's gone down. Got a G&L Tribute L-2000 in Blueburst, that's nice. Time for an audit - 3 black, 2 gold (or at least gold top), 1 CAR, 1 white, 2 natural, 1 blueburst, and one soon to be cherry red translucent. I guess I have pretty simple tastes. Black, gold, red, white, blue and natural. No purple frosts, Inverness greens or shell pinks here, sorry.
  4. I tried one in a shop a few weeks back. Not impressed. Anything above about the 15th fret is completely off limits (some might say that's a good point ) - there's no attempt to contour the cutaway - it is literally an upside down body, so your hand is presented with a wall of wood beyond which you can't even stretch over. Even on the Thunderbird the wings are thinner than the central block of the body so there's a bit less wood to get your hand to stretch/lean over. Sound was meh, heard it before, it was merely perfunctory, didn't grab me at all. I wasn't put through the best of amps to be fair, but when the input signal is good, the character will show through. My Gibson Victory Artist managed to sound authoritative and meaty through my old 30W Laney practice amp, so there you go. I thought the reverse Jag sounded ordinary, very little character to the sound. Basically, it's a lefty Jaguar bass ruined as far as I'm concerned. The Cabronita P I bought later that day absolutely destroyed it for sound and playability.
  5. [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1376512431' post='2175380'] Oof, that's your cover blown, old chap. How does it feel knowing that one in 11 people walk past you muttering to anyone who'll listen, 'look at that muppet, he should have got an Alleva Coppolo'? [/quote] Bzzt, wrong, I'm a bass player - no-one notices me unless they need a 9V battery or a tool kit
  6. [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1376511307' post='2175334'] All music company merchandise, caps, t-shirts, polo shirts god forbid. All that horrible wearable sh*t. I mean WHO the f*** would be seen in a Warwick baseball cap? (I have one somewhere) A Hartke tee-shirt? An Alleva-Coppolo skirt? [/quote] I regularly go about in a Gibson T-shirt. Why? Up yours, that's why
  7. [quote name='munkonthehill' timestamp='1376482205' post='2174507'] CNC?? [/quote] Computer Numerical Control - the clever machines that roughly cut out the body instead of humans. Rich was probably referring specifically to the oversized hole for the neck pickup and the little round hole for stashing your stash under the pickguard
  8. [quote name='BurritoBass' timestamp='1374487210' post='2149156'] I kept my original amp out in the garage for years with no problem - it electrocuted the guy I sold it too but certainly no problem for me! [/quote] So, he's dead then?
  9. [quote name='Mr. Foxen' timestamp='1376329328' post='2172239'] He put his business up for sale a while back, you could put your money where your mouth is and take over, do it your way. While you are at it you could get higher end woods, and better finishing, and hardware. Then you can have fun competing with every other luthier in the world. [/quote] Why in hell would I do that? Get off your high horse. I made one suggestion which would certainly improve things from my point of view while not in any way changing anything else about the instruments (the holes look pretty straight in the picture above, so it is possible). Now it seems I'm not entitled to an opinion without having to buy his company, redesign his basses or prove my ability to drill holes straight? Riiiiight then. If you want to continue this pettiness then be my guest, but there will be no further communication from me on this matter. I am done here.
  10. [quote name='Mr. Foxen' timestamp='1376328086' post='2172217'] Not a great assumption. Individual custom work interrupting batched jobs costs quite a lot more. [/quote] I'd hardly call it individual custom work - he's drilling the holes anyway. I'm suggesting an alteration which would improve his entire "batched job", probably cost only a little more in terms of time and make things look so much better. It's called measuring and drilling accurately.
  11. So now you've got some other dude's name on your bass in two places instead of one? Joking aside, these are great basses. The mods won't change the fact that they sound great and are nice and light, great for long gigs.
  12. Meet the new boss, same as the old boss...
  13. [quote name='dlloyd' timestamp='1375882545' post='2166869'] Now why did they also name the sub-Squier Affinity range "Starcaster"? [/quote] I was always well aware of the origins of the Starcaster name, so this misappropriation always irritated me. Time to reclaim the name!
  14. [quote name='Mr. Foxen' timestamp='1376090944' post='2169761'] Thing is, cost way more than £50 to get a handmade bass with that kind of attention to detail. I just sent him a bridge, no holes that way. [/quote] That's not what I meant (or said). To expand upon my initial point I would give him an extra $50 on top of the actual price if he would use a bloody ruler and a drill press instead of just guessing and hoping for the best. I presumed that $50 would cover the extra 30 minutes or so that this individual piece of extra care and attention would take.
  15. Just popped Attack of the Grey Lantern on the Spotify, because I forgot everything except Wide Open Space. Digging it (again) so far. Cheers for the reminder
  16. One thing that has always bugged me about these instruments is the absolute lack of care and attention put into drilling the holes for the through body stringing. They're all over the place. I'd happily pay $50 more for him to take his time over this bit - it's absolutely infuriating to me.
  17. [quote name='Horizontalste' timestamp='1376077501' post='2169579'] Great to see this bass being played. (if its the one I think it is) From the scrap heap to the stage.....awesome. [/quote] It is the one you think it is, and while it's my least expensive bass (hence why it came to the festival with me - risk management and all that) I'm happy to gig it any time and it stands toe to toe with any bass in my collection. It always puts a smile on my face when I think of how it was when I got it and how it is today.
  18. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1376041754' post='2168864'] Indeed they do. However for some reason it appears to be almost impossible to get hold of at the moment. [/quote] Can one not obtain one from them directly? Either that or have a bellyache at them about how hard they are to find. I did that once to amazing effect back in my heavier computer geek days - I emailed AMD (or more specifically a particular person at AMD by guessing their email address) to complain that I couldn't find a K6-III processor anywhere for love or money. They sent me a 450MHz one FOC. You could have knocked me down with a feather. I'm not saying you'll get a free gig bag out of it, but at least you will have brought supply issues to their attention.
  19. [quote name='JakeBrownBass' timestamp='1375441258' post='2161330'] Why you'd want to put an item worth £700 in a bag less that £60 i do not know. There's never good reason to skimp on protection. [/quote] "This place has become stale. Same old bitter rubbish."? To be fair you came across a little sanctimonious and "holier-than-thou" when I read it so I'm not surprised that it got up a nose or two. It's fine to have an opinion, but it's not cool to ram it down throats like it's the law. What does it matter to you if someone buys a cheap gig bag and their bass gets damaged? At the moment my Epiphone Jack Casady is in a rather thin gig bag as it's the only one I could lay my hands on that fit it. I do not like hard cases because they are utterly inappropriate for my needs - I don't tour, I don't chuck stuff in the back of a van, I tend to have my own transport to gigs and I walk often to local gigs (and stagger home afterwards ). I suppose you think I'm stupid. Good for you. But it's my bass, my risk to take and I've found on average that people don't like being made to feel or seem stupid in public. I'm sure you know this too, so are you really surprised that people got a bit snotty about it? My actual answer to this I think has been covered already - don't Warwick manufacture (or have manufactured for them) a suitable range of products in their Rockbag/Rockcase line?
  20. [quote name='Thunderbird' timestamp='1375960066' post='2167862'] I did think that but if you look at the technical drawing it just shows 5 screwholes at the back? [/quote] If it's like the techy drawing then it will hopefully be fine. But which one is the actual bridge that you would receive?...
  21. [quote name='Thunderbird' timestamp='1375954185' post='2167760'] Hi Guys can anyone tell me if this will fit onto a Squire VMJ without any drilling etc [url="http://www.amazon.co.uk/Stellah-BB-02-Guitar-Fixed-Bridge/dp/B008JFTL6W"]http://www.amazon.co...e/dp/B008JFTL6W[/url] Looked at this as it gets good reviews and is cheap thanks in advance [/quote] Again, you've got the extra screws at the front of the bridge plate. Will therefore need drilling.
  22. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1375955757' post='2167787'] I say it because there are loads of basses that I like the look of, but can't entertain owning because they don't make a 5-string version. [/quote] I know why you say it, I'm just having a chuckle at the frequency of it. Must be frustrating though, you make it seem almost as bad as being a lefty.
  23. It's very easy to get bass fatigue listening to all of these in one go. Rapidly flicking between neck pickups on the various Jazz basses resulted in me concluding that they all sound much and such the same, in that they have the same characteristics (which you would expect) but have subtle differences that to be honest got lost on me after a while because they're also so similar. Surprised by the variance in bass and overall output of the various bridge pickups, even with the different positioning taken into account - the MIM one sounding particularly anaemic to my ears. Honestly I have to say that I think my favourite out of all that was the Yamaha neck pickup. A Goldilocks tone for me, not too bassy, not too middy, not too trebly - just riiiiiiiight and therefore a great place to start when EQing. Thanks for taking the time to put this together. I've done this sort of thing before on request for particular basses and I know how tiring and monotonous it can get. Cheers!
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