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Everything posted by neepheid

  1. I've only bought from them once. Agree that the pictures of the items could be more detailed. I didn't ask detailed questions about the bass (because it was pretty esoteric and I knew what I was getting myself into) but I did enquire if the bass came with the hard case and they did answer promptly in the affirmative. Quite why that info wasn't on the site I don't know - descriptions aren't exactly effusive. Anyway, I bought it, it arrived no problem and was well packaged. I was a wee bit disappointed at the condition of the bass when it arrived - it was impossible to see in their wee pictures but the hardware was pretty dirty and needed a thorough clean. Not a big deal in the grand scheme of things - it's a second hand bass, but with better pics I might have been more prepared (or possibly attempted to haggle the price down a bit). All in all though, no real complaints, I just think their website could do with having better (more detailed/larger) pics and better item descriptions.
  2. I've never noticed any emails going missing - and anti spam is a lot more sophisticated than simply banning entire domains...
  3. Neck dive was invented by lightweight tuner manufacturers...
  4. Classic rock route one - Wishing Well, by Free.
  5. Disappointing to be lumped in with that sort of nonsense - I've had my Hotmail account since 1997 (pre Microsoft days) and I assure you it is very much in legitimate use.
  6. There's a cost to looking *that* good. I have paid my membership fees in the past and will likely do so again
  7. People get so obsessed with quality control. I don't worry about it, personally - some will be great, some will be not so great and you won't know until you have it in your hands. Roll the dice!
  8. 1980-89. But it was me being useless/lazy/feckless, not the school(s).
  9. We all need reminded sometimes just how insignificant and unimportant we truly are...
  10. They're a niche (ERB vs. 4 string), inside a niche (bass guitars vs. guitars). Not exceptional in the sense that everyone knows what they are, but I still reckon 5 (and more) string basses will be outnumbered by 4 strings in the wild at least 5:1, maybe even 10:1. Dogma is difficult to change. I know it's a super parochial view of things but right now in my house it's 10-0 in favour of 4 strings, and over all time, the score is 56-2...
  11. One thing's for sure, you'll definitely get nowhere fast if you don't do it. The Inevitable Teaspoons are a great example of this. Who? The Inevitable what now? Exactly.
  12. Get a scrap of mahogany and some dyes and see what works for you? A lot of this "works" business is subjective and at the end of the day only you can say if it "worked" or not.
  13. Winking smiley at the end! Want context? OK, because Dad was commenting on a "strange world" I got a vision in my imagination of an alien with a clipboard, tutting at our petty squabbles and making notes. It's my brain and I reserve the right to let it go to weird places sometimes...
  14. How's the report you're authoring for your powers-that-be back on your home planet coming along? I fear that we're failing the test...
  15. All Jazz basses can get in the bin. Zero exceptions.
  16. This is where here and Talkbass differ - on TB this thread would descend into a flame war - an interminable bitchfest until it reaches about thirty pages long before some mod finally pulls the plug. Here we rebound gently between the sublime and the ridiculous, deftly and subtly extracting the Michael out of one another using extreme examples of the subject under discussion and obscure pop culture references, then everyone calms down and has a cup of tea. Guess where I prefer to do my bitchin' and moanin'
  17. 5 string? Pah, amateur hour
  18. They're better for me. Your mileage may vary.
  19. I fully intended to build my rig around the Puma but mere weeks after I got it, a Markbass combo became available locally at a stupidly low price that I could not ignore. Sits perfectly on the Markbass New York 121 that I had started to build my rig with. It also sounds great, and the combo suits me better (take the combo on its own to rehearsals, use the whole rig for gigs). Puma got relegated to backup - and you know that amp is too good to sit around the house waiting for the offchance of an amp failure. The new owner is delighted with it, and I'm delighted it's gone somewhere it'll see some action.
  20. Unfortunately, you can't have it both ways - there's an exemption for transactions begun the previous year which need completed with a final payment in the current year of abstinence. For that to work, the transaction is considered to start when the deposit is put down, irrespective of future delivery date. Or, just don't tell us about the deposit and wait until delivery time if that's how you feel it should work - it's not like we're under oath or anything
  21. I admire the endeavour and the mental gymnastics nonetheless
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