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Posts posted by neepheid

  1. This is where here and Talkbass differ - on TB this thread would descend into a flame war - an interminable bitchfest until it reaches about thirty pages long before some mod finally pulls the plug.  Here we rebound gently between the sublime and the ridiculous, deftly and subtly extracting the Michael out of one another using extreme examples of the subject under discussion and obscure pop culture references, then everyone calms down and has a cup of tea.


    Guess where I prefer to do my bitchin' and moanin' ;)


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  2. 40 minutes ago, tauzero said:

    I still don't understand how on earth you could sell a Tecamp Puma 900. I trust that you have sold it to someone on BC that both you and I have recommended a Tecamp Puma 900 to (after all, they are the best amps in the world).


    I fully intended to build my rig around the Puma but mere weeks after I got it, a Markbass combo became available locally at a stupidly low price that I could not ignore.  Sits perfectly on the Markbass New York 121 that I had started to build my rig with.  It also sounds great, and the combo suits me better (take the combo on its own to rehearsals, use the whole rig for gigs).  Puma got relegated to backup - and you know that amp is too good to sit around the house waiting for the offchance of an amp failure.  The new owner is delighted with it, and I'm delighted it's gone somewhere it'll see some action.

    • Like 1
  3. 21 minutes ago, MacDaddy said:


    Buying means receiving an item, but paying doesn't necessarily mean receiving anything, or at least not immediately.

    So if I pay a deposit for a custom build, I might not receive it until next year, so would that mean I was still in?


    Unfortunately, you can't have it both ways - there's an exemption for transactions begun the previous year which need completed with a final payment in the current year of abstinence. For that to work, the transaction is considered to start when the deposit is put down, irrespective of future delivery date.


    Or, just don't tell us about the deposit and wait until delivery time if that's how you feel it should work - it's not like we're under oath or anything :D


  4. Just now, Bassassin said:

    Always liked Antigua, but then, I have no taste. Quite relieved there's no Jazz. And I definitely don't need another Strat. Do I?



    That's no SnotBurst! This is SnotBurst - or more accurately, SnotGlo.





    Maybe a trip to the doctor is in order if anything that colour is excreted... ;)

    • Haha 1
  5. 2 hours ago, BillyBass said:

    Well ok, now you've cleared that up but in that brief period of time between my post and your reply, an innocent bass chatter, fully believing he was on the straight and narrow, could have pressed that buy now button and rejoiced in the fact that he was about to receive some new kit whilst feeling proud of his unblemished gear abstinence record...and you would mercilessly cast him out of the club?  I think an erudite solicitor, knowledgeable in Basschat law might take you to task on that.


    Umm, see you in court?  Or are you asking for a friend?



    • Haha 1
  6. 5 minutes ago, BillyBass said:

    No, not really.  I might have just been looking for a loophole, especially with a Dingwall D-Roc on Ebay at the moment.


    I can categorically state that there is no such loophole, no credit scheme or any such thing.  One wrong click on the Buy Now button and you're out, irrespective of how much stuff you've sold this year.



    It's a brag, basically - "look how well I'm doing, not only am I abstaining from buying gear, I'm selling the stuff too!" type thing, I guess.  Upgrading "make do with what you've got" to "make do with less", if you will.


  7. Just now, BillyBass said:

    So how does this gear abstinence lark work then?  If you flog some bass kit for, say £500 and then buy a bass for anything up to that amount are you still in?  Doesn't quite seem like abstinence to me.


    No, you buy something, you're out.  I'm merely highlighting the danger of having money (electronic or folding) burning a hole in your hipper (physical or otherwise).  Could I have worded what I wrote better?  Was it ambiguous in some way?

  8. During this time when you can't buy a G&L (USA or Tribute) for love nor money right now, here's a pic of my Tribute LB-100 for no reason other than it was there.



    • Like 4
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  9. Winning - I'm negative gear for the year - just sold a Tecamp Puma 900.  The trouble ahead is that's most of what a Sire Z7 costs... still, stock won't be available for months - plenty of time for the car's MOT to eat those funds instead!

    • Like 2
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  10. Wrong time in life - I wasn't interested then.  I wish I had been, but I wasn't.  Brief history:


    Primary school - sang (until my voice went weird and couldn't do all those solos they used to want me to do) and played recorder.  I know they were trying to get us to sight read but I always memorised.  That was fine until one time I couldn't figure out the song, so when it came time to play it I stuck my hand up and asked to go to the loo, then took my sweet time about it.  Quit recorder group because the second last boy quit and left me as the only boy.  Girls were ikky then, so I quit too.  Was offered the chance to play cello but I couldn't be arsed with the huge thing.


    Secondary school - compulsory music for the first two years, wasn't interested, just saw it as a skive period and used it to skive.



    Didn't take up the bass until my 30s, joined my first band in 2009 at the ripe old age of 34.  I grew up late, what can I say?  It wasn't school's fault, it's not as if I wasn't presented with opportunities, I just didn't want to take them up then.  So I guess I didn't let school help me with my musical life, looking back I marvel at how stupid, wasteful and downright ungrateful I was back then.  Oh well, live and (maybe) learn!


  11. 9 minutes ago, NHM said:

    I live in Kent but I'm sorry I'm not willing to help; the only opinion that matters on whether or not the bass is legit/in good order is yours. You are adding to the risk by involving third parties. If you want it that badly you should drive down to pick it up. Probably cheaper than getting a courier inc. insurance and you'll have peace of mind.


    I've been that third party in the past and it's happened many times before, not only that but Basschat relays handling the delivery of basses and other items.  I don't think it's risky to involve a long standing and well respected member of this community to pick up a bass on your behalf.  Fair enough if you don't want to get involved but I think it's a bit rum of you to basically call us all risky.  You're entitled to your opinion, of course, but I'm entitled to disagree also.

  12. 21 minutes ago, meesterbassman said:

    just checking (now that I have one of these) - the 3 way switch is pickup selector and the switches are single coil or both (series) for each pickup. 

    and in addition any idea which way the toggle switches work (I’m assuming the beefier sounds are humbucking)?


    bass seems great (for £250 let alone the £120 I paid!) and pickups are actually pretty pokey compared to some budget basses I’ve had. 


    Yes, that's right - blade switch is pickup selector, mini toggles are single/series for each pickup.  Down/away from the pickups == series.  Easy to tell by ear though - series is noticeably louder and thicker sound with a big boost to the low mids.


    It's a really good bass at twice the price, there's a lot to like - and it's a no-brainer if you're too tight (like me) to get an actual Fender Roscoe Beck :D


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