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Posts posted by neepheid

  1. [quote name='joegarcia' timestamp='1353283558' post='1873323']
    Was watching the RD Standard, don't fancy the Jazz pickups though, pretty keen on humbuckers.

    They aren't Jazz pickups, they are humbuckers. [url="http://www.flyguitars.com/gibson/bass/parts/pickup/"]http://www.flyguitars.com/gibson/bass/parts/pickup/[/url] - [url="http://www.flyguitars.com/gibson/bass/RDstandard.php"]http://www.flyguitars.com/gibson/bass/RDstandard.php[/url]

    It seems like you've already made your mind up, so I shall say nothing more about this - but I can't leave a misconception uncorrected :)

  2. Sell it. Buy this: [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/321022479124"]http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/321022479124[/url]

    Or buy a Krist Novoselic signature model and put this in it: [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/261126338330"]http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/261126338330[/url]

    Don't muck about with the Artist.

    That's just my opinion, but you did ask for it :)

  3. Apart from the fact that it's an amazing bass, my wife bought me it. Therefore it occupies the position in my collection of being the last one to go if it came to the crunch.
  4. I just get tired of hearing negative stuff about these amps when my experience has been anything but and feel like a pretty lonely voice extolling the virtues so I'm bound to over-compensate. You are entitled to your opinion and your judgement call about whether or not to purchase one of these amps, but it is disappointing to see unsubstantiated blanket statements being bandied about. Sorry for the rather sarcastic and testy attempt to say that earlier.

  5. Here it is again. Judging by the description the seller has been getting some hassle, probably over use of the G-word anywhere in the title/description. Seems a bit odd really, as I never had a problem with how it was being presented, more a problem with the price and its very need to exist...


  6. Last night I was learning some songs for a practise/jam today and I had something of an epiphany. The song in question was rather rumbly and I was having some difficulty picking out the notes. Slowing it down didn't help (got even rumblier because of how tempo changing works). I don't know how I came up with this but I did the following:

    Pulled the song into Audacity
    Did this a couple of times - Amplify -5dB, Bassboost 200Hz +5dB.
    Raised pitch one octave (tempo remains the same)

    I found that I could pick out the notes so much better (once you stop laughing at the chipmunk vocals ;)) and then just move them back down on the bass. I dunno if it'll work in all cases, but you could try it if there's a song you're having difficulty picking the bass out of.

    Maybe it's just my cloth ears.

  7. Doing my usual trawl for any interesting Gibson goings on I stumble upon this:


    "The work has been done very professionally and looks the absolute part!" - yes apart from the fact that the headstock is the wrong shape and it's bugging the hell out of me ;)

    I guess it's OK because the seller has been completely upfront about what it is, but is it just me or is that price rather optimistic considering you can get one of these new for around £140? In my opinion it will only end up disappointing the buyer if they do a modicum of research on the actual Gibson EB-0.

    What's wrong with it being an Epiphone anyway? I really don't get this rebadging thing, unless it's done for comedy ("Fecker Imprecision bass" and all that malarkey) or a like for like replacement due to refinishing. Whether it's the wrong logo in the right place or the right logo in the wrong place (as it is here) it just looks daft. And don't get me started on when it's the wrong logo in the wrong place!

  8. I had a pair of EMG-HB pickups coupled with a BQC preamp in an Epiphone Les Paul Standard bass. I remember the first bass bash I went to. People laughed at it - "take that thing away, it looks like a guitar!" Then they played it, and that soon changed their minds :)

    Ended up selling it in the end to balance the books a bit - and it's the only bass I truly miss.

    Anyway, the point of this is that I like EMG pickups, even at 9V they're powerful and sound great. "Modern" sounding? Sure, if by that you mean precise and articulate.

  9. In the process of sorting out new band(s), but have a video of the old band. Well, even though it's all gone belly up, it's still me playing after all...


    Apologies to Martin Stephenson for destroying his song ;)

  10. [quote name='StephenFerguson' timestamp='1351242071' post='1849049']
    I have never liked Gibson basses or guitars, especially the basses.

    Take that, eyeballs! Ha!

    Seriously though, you're entitled to your opinion. Also, I don't live far from the harbour if you want to challenge your perceptions ;)

  11. [quote name='TRBboy' timestamp='1351011023' post='1846217']
    TBH the Gotoh bridge was a waste of time. Because of the thicker baseplate and larger saddle diameter, you couldn't adjust the action low enough. I had to put the original saddles on the Gotoh bridge to make it work! I much prefer the Wilkinson BBOT with brass saddles I've got on my RBX270 (and it was only £15!).

    In this case, rather than replace the saddles you could shim the neck, increasing (very slightly) the neck angle which for the same bridge saddle heights will require you to raise the saddles to achieve the action you had before. A strip of wood veneer works best in my experience (being about 0.6mm thick and being the same (ish) material as the wood around it), but there's many basses out there with a cigarette carton shim in them :)

  12. [quote name='MiltyG565' timestamp='1350962772' post='1845603']
    youz?.... alright. I am a trained joiner, and in my experience, 2 pieces of timber glued together tended to not be as strong as a single piece of timber. I think it was a fair conclusion to draw. and i have seen the scarf joints break off before. was i totally wrong? I don't think so.

    But what are you using the glued timber for? Anchoring some strings and acting against string tension, or holding up a floor of a house? Everything's relative. For [i]appropriate [/i]stresses and loads (including those found in a stringed instrument), a glued joint will be no weaker than a single piece of wood.

    Why do you think people who make one piece necks have volutes at the headstock round the back of the nut area? Increases the amount of wood at the weak point. Surely this practice in itself is evidence that the wood needs some extra help?

    You may well be a joiner, and a noble profession it is, but you aren't a luthier. And before anyone flies off the handle I'm not saying that a luthier is better, just different.

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