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Posts posted by neepheid

  1. [quote name='ZMech' timestamp='1337592217' post='1662290']
    Lol, yup, that's kinda what I had in mind with my ending of 'e.g. actually practising'. I wonder what would happen if you compared the amount of hours salary you spent on a bass to the amount you would improve if you spent the equivalent hours on focused methodical practice sessions and maybe a couple of lessons. I know it's not a fair comparison since you would have spent the time at work anyway, but still.

    Well, what can I say? I practice at work in my lunch hour as well as at home, I take fortnightly lessons AND I like having multiple basses. I'm still a tadpole of a wannabe bass player, I buy basses because I like having them and that's about all there is to it. Bass monogamy doesn't (in my opinion) make a person a superior bass player, call me paranoid if you will but that's what this thread is starting to smell like. It just means they have less basses than me. Oh well. Yay, you play bass too :)

  2. Can't help you with the personal conundrum. I'm a bridge burner myself, when I break up with someone they basically become an unperson to me.

    [quote name='seashell' timestamp='1337585814' post='1662190']
    I don't think I'm really ready to join a proper band yet.

    And here lies the problem. I didn't think I was good enough to join my first band, but I took a deep breath and went for it anyway. Turned out I was good enough. You say you're having lessons - you're already ahead of where I was when I joined my first band :)

    Take a look around, find a band who is 1) looking for a bass player and 2) plays music you like. Then get stuck in there and make that position yours. You'll look back and wonder what all the fuss was about.

  3. [quote name='ZMech' timestamp='1337590465' post='1662255']
    I think the cure is to only own/use one bass. Having excess choice is counter-productive as it'll just lead you to wonder whether you've made the right one for a gig.

    I can make my spector work perfectly fine for most genres, and whilst I've played nicer basses, none of them would actually make a significant difference to how I sound to the audience. Once you accept this truth, it becomes much easier to move on to focus your attention on important things e.g. actually practising.

    Turning this argument on its head - all basses project the same level of mediocrity when I play them, so I can have as many as I like and take whichever I like to the gig, no-one's going to notice, and no-one (apart from the small subset of society that is bass players) is going to care as long as they can hear/feel it. Making a choice of which bass to play steals maybe 30 seconds from my day. I don't sit there for hours pondering it ;)

  4. It's not the cable being pushed in enough, it's the entire power socket/fuse/switch assembly which wiggles a bit.

    [quote name='neepheid' timestamp='1337211739' post='1657336']
    As you can see, the power assembly is held in place by plastic tabs. There is some play in mine, but I'm not bothered about it, I'm confident that the assembly will stay in place. If it bugs me then I'll get the glue gun out.


  5. Umm, I don't really care about amps as much as I do basses, so here's an incredibly short list compared to some folks on here:

    Laney HCM30B - 30W practice amp (first amp) (still got it)
    Ibanez GA1B - 4W tiny practice amp (sold)
    Hartke HA3500 head and Ashdown ABM 4x10
    Hartke HA3500 head and Zoot 4x10
    RedSub BT5110 combo with removable head

    The Hartke and the Ashdown are in the process of being sold. Nowadays I use the RedSub combo for small stuff and remove the head and use it with my Zoot cab for the big stuff.

  6. Perhaps taking a day off work to stay in to get it collected by courier to sell to a wider audience might have to be the way to go, despite your reticence to do so...

    Things just aren't shifting, even at silly prices. I've been sitting on a spare rig for weeks now, got a local guy saying he will buy it at the end of the month, but that's dependent on someone buying something of his, yada yada etc.

  7. [quote name='Matt P' timestamp='1337422727' post='1659636']
    i've got an old car amp lying here if you decide to try that route, it says 100w on it, nothing special and i think designed to run 2x 4ohm speakers.
    It's got a 5A fuse so should be fairly low drain.

    I guess i'd take a tenner plus postage if you wanted it.


    Thanks for the offer but I have ordered a circuit and plans are already afoot based around that.

    Cheers though, if this falls through then I may come back to you.

  8. [quote name='Porkpie' timestamp='1337355519' post='1658769']
    Beware of using YODEL, see link


    +1, they managed to break the tweeter out of a bass cab while delivering it to me - extracting compensation out of them took weeks as well. I wouldn't trust this lot to deliver a steel bar safely.

  9. As long as no drinks go on it and there's no monkey business I don't mind sharing my rig. The cab is stupidly overrated for the head so there's no danger of blowing stuff up. I haven't had a problem with people taking the mick, on the whole they've been most grateful and it's all handshakes and "thanks very much". Sometimes I've even got compliments about my rig, sometimes you get to geek out a bit with someone. I don't get precious about settings, I know what I like and it's easy enough to put it back.

    I'd prefer it was discussed beforehand. It's not difficult in this day and age.

    It's the easiest way to have a gig run smoothly. If you're on last then it just makes sense. One time, I even helped out the touring band we were supporting. Their rig gave up the ghost and their backup was pretty laughable, so I just let them use mine. Gig goes ahead a lot better than it otherwise would have. Drinks all round.

    No-one gets to play my basses though, I couldn't care less if it means the band can't play. I would be happy to sell someone a set of strings or a battery if that sorted it out.

  10. [left]Google Chrome has pulled me up with this:[/left]

    [left][b]Warning: Something's Not Right Here![/b][/left]

    [left][color=#000000][font=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif][size=3][b]basschat.co.uk[/b] contains content from [b]bizforallpeople.in[/b], a site known to distribute malware. Your computer might catch a virus if you visit this site.[/size][/font][/color][/left]

    [left][color=#000000][font=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif][size=3]Google has found that malicious software may be installed onto your computer if you proceed. If you've visited this site in the past or you trust this site, it's possible that it has just recently been compromised by a hacker. You should not proceed. Why not try again tomorrow or go somewhere else?[/size][/font][/color][/left]

    [left][color=#000000][font=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif][size=3]We have already notified [b]bizforallpeople.in[/b] that we found malware on the site. For more about the problems found on bizforallpeople.in, visit the Google Safe Browsing diagnostic page.[/size][/font][/color][/left]

    The work's security stuff (System Center Endpoint Protection) has flagged up and cleaned an HTML/IframeRef.Z exploit a three times now.

  11. As you can see, the power assembly is held in place by plastic tabs. There is some play in mine, but I'm not bothered about it, I'm confident that the assembly will stay in place. If it bugs me then I'll get the glue gun out.

  12. Heh, I actually had someone offer me one of those. Great minds and all that. Nah, I'm going to have a laugh and build something myself. The idea has moved onto using a butchered laptop for both power (3600 or 4000mAh per battery - I have 4 of them) and a housing for a 20W RMS 12V circuit that someone pointed me in the direction of.

  13. If I may pipe up here - the power socket/fuse/switch is one entire unit which happens not to be screwed in but probably held in with (hopefully beefy) clips. I will check tonight. So there will be some movement of the entire unit in its mounting hole, but in normal operation it will be fine (and would not have passed relevant safety checks if it wasn't). Probably a cost saving move. Would it have been better to screw mount it? Maybe, but it's not "loose" in the sense that it's likely to break free from the amp, chase me round the stage and electrocute me and I'm not bothered about it.

    I'll crack the case open again tonight and take some closeup pics of the area. Then you can make up your own minds about it.

  14. [quote name='Musicman20' timestamp='1337120674' post='1655971']
    Crazy low price. How reliable is the HB combo?

    Time will tell. I've done 4 gigs so far with the RedSub amp (3 with just the head (one gig it was also used by two other bands), 1 in the combo) and numerous 2-3 hour rehearsals with the combo. I've used it to amplify my laptop. I've got no fear with the extended warranty and even that doesn't work out then a replacement head is only £150. The cabinet is solid and you'd probably break a toe if you kicked it.

  15. [quote name='Ou7shined' timestamp='1337071741' post='1654775']
    Matt I think you and your RedSub need to get a room, I'm pretty sure Jayne will be getting jealous of your latest bit of fluff. :D

    Not at all - for my sins I accompanied my good lady to a Zumba class last night, and participated. So I think being a sweaty, uncoordinated mess for an hour paid for the cover ;)

    Yes, I was the only bloke there and no, it wasn't like the "Call on Me" video, although I did go home afterwards with the best lass in the place, so maybe it was a little like it.

  16. I've just received my Roqsolid cover for my RedSub - as you would expect it fits great and of course I took the red seams :)


    It will obviously fit the Harley Benton too, as they're identical.

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