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Everything posted by neepheid

  1. I wouldn't normally announce this, but I'm letting you know that this argumentative BS thread outlived its usefulness for me some time ago. Unfollowed and out.
  2. Social media is a cesspool. I have seriously minimised my use of it over the last few years, twitter can do one and I only remain on FarceBook to keep track of peoples' birthdays, band reasons, and sometimes I do sell stuff there. Must say I've dodged the worst of the craziness/nastiness, but I've had plenty of chancers/lowballers/tyre kickers, the occasional overpayment scammer. It's a mess. The process is exactly the same but none of these people would act like this if it was an ad in the paper and we conducted business over the phone in the old days. It's like people change into entirely different people online, it's like a switch. Older types like me who remember a pre-(consumer) Internet world and were there at the dawning of it with hope and awe now look on sadly. This is not how it was supposed to turn out
  3. Scroll up a little...
  4. Nice one, enjoy! I see someone's replaced the normally black plastic pickup rings with chrome ones. A nice wee change from the norm, I dig it.
  5. Nope - that link is just to the top level of Facebook, in chronological order. Will take the person who clicks it to their own Facebook.
  6. Agree? Here? You're a hopeful soul!
  7. Someone requesting a light bridge? Not something you see every day - usually everyone's about the high mass. What's up with the bridge on the bass just now?
  8. I did same last weekend, got same "you can custom order" type response. I told them it wasn't a good look and they should at least display them and say they can be ordered on request or sommat. Availablity has been crap for months - USA and Tribute
  9. That's a lovely looking example. Something made me chuckle though: Now you can compare other BBs by how much they cost per kg - thanks eBay!
  10. I got you. @Frank Blank - Jabba short scales, fretted and fretless, Ibanez SRC6, QSC K12.2, Grace Design preamp. @rwillett - Ibanez short scale, Fender Jazz bass, Fender Mustang bass, Telecaster, Westone six string, 3d printed guitar, small practise bass amp, small practise guitar amp, Mod Dwarf, various guitar/USB interfaces and quite a lot of software and a fair few laptops as required. I live next door Probably cake as well. @ossyrocks- '73 P bass, '73 J bass, '78 P bass, '87 MIJ P Bass, Fender Bassman 50 (rebuilt from the ground up by Gartone), Bergantino Forte D, TE Elf, Barefaced Super Compact and One10, Fender Rumble 100. @sifi2112 - Vigier Excess 4, Mas26 (x2) sfx D3 preamp Koch ATR4502 poweramp @neepheid - Some and hopefully all of Epiphone Jack Casady, G&L L-1000, Epiphone Les Paul Standard, G&L Tribute LB-100, Sire D5, Reverend Triad, Yamaha BB1200, Harley Benton HB-50, Soloking MJ-1, Epiphone Explorer, Markbass Mini CMD 121P IV, Markbass NY 121 cab @ead - ACG SLG 32" 4-string; "Lee Sklar bass"; Ibanez Grooveline GS104; Yamaha Attitude Special; SBMM Pete Wentz Stingray sig bass; practice amp (with headphones) @Muzz Three or four various Shukers, Dingwall ABZ4, modded BB414, modded Rumble 100, modded Westone Quantum, Helix Stomp, possibly Walkabout and BF cabs if I've got enough room in the car... @peterjam - ACG J-Type 4-string (0096), ACG Finn Fretless 4-string (0122), ACG Harlot 6-string (0240), ESP Ltd B-208FM 8-string, Michael Kelly Firefly 4-string acoustic, Chapman Grand Stick 10-string (deep matched reciprocal tuning), Ashbory Mk2 4-string, Phil Jones Bass BG-110 Bass Cub Combo ... and cake. @GreeneKing - ACG B Retro 5 35”, two Zoot Funkmeisters both 32” scale, one a P with a Noll preamp and the other a J with a John East Uni Pre 5 knob, Cort Elrick NSJ5 35” with Noll preamp, Eich T900, Accugroove Tri 112, pedalboard (?)
  11. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger... I imported a Yamaha BB1200 from Japan last December and it arrived in what I have christened the Ebolabag (TM). I'm still alive, three months later. Buy second hand, you'll be fine and your wallet will thank you too
  12. Did the wet haddock help? Just shim the neck. Sometimes basses are supplied with a shim. Ski jump? Go skiiing then. End of thread.
  13. I did that "quick reply to the thread title" thing and it made me chuckle. Sorry. "What to look for in a real US stingray?" - well, one thing you won't need to look hard for - the lining of your wallet after you purchase one! Sorry, I have nothing further to add, and I never, not once promised to be useful. We now return you to your regular, unscheduled programmes.
  14. Game on, I reckon. FWIW I "did" physics at school to CSYS level (6th year Scottish qualification - overlap with 1st year Uni course), so I probably can't contribute scientifically to this discussion, but I could probably tell you how fast the wet haddock someone's about to get smacked upside the head with was travelling when it hit them.
  15. Black and gold, never gets old...
  16. Ski jump, while I am not disputing is a thing, am willing to bet is statistically speaking a rare occurrence. Yet it gets spoken about like it's a foregone conclusion if you dare put a shim in there 🙄 There's a statistical chance that any mod can go wrong. Roll the dice, or don't. Punter's choice.
  17. Bollox - you just made that up!
  18. 76.3% of statistics are made up on the spot...
  19. I get that - I rarely play at home unless I'm learning stuff. Best of luck going forward.
  20. When I modded a Bronco, I put a cheapo generic lipstick Strat pickup in it - a bridge one so it was a bit beefier in the DC resistance department. Probably scored it off eBay. Sounded good to me. Definitely heard of people using Hot (and Cool) Rails in Broncos. I don't think you can go wrong with either. Can't remember if I changed the pots, sorry, it was many years ago. The stock bridge is intonatable with patience, but not the best. Trouble is there is no direct swap that I know of. The bridge off the Squier Vista Series Musicmaster is close, but it is string through the body - I used this bridge to upgrade my Bronco but I had to drill my own holes in the back of the bridge for the strings to thread through top loaded.
  21. Not even the original artists play their lines live note-for-note perfect vis-a-vis the recordings, so what's is there to worry about? We're musicians, not a bloody jukebox!
  22. Heh, my first thoughts when reading the title of the thread were "... by the police?" Sorry, I'm a terrible man. Congrats on the interview
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