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Everything posted by neepheid

  1. If it's the adaptor in the picture above then what are you cutting off? It looks like a single moulded unit to me - PSU and plug in one.
  2. LOL, what makes you think I'm at home, and why is that a put down anyway? Forum mod when you were 17. Impressive. Do you have anything else - a relevant degree, other professional qualifications, 20+ years industry experience?
  3. If it says AC/AC, I'd go with that. There is no centre negative, it's AC, that's why there's an absence of the symbol. Please don't plug this into anything that expects DC.
  4. I work in IT and I'm telling you it's not that easy. But go ahead and trivialise it some more just because you've got a bee in your bonnet. In fact, if it's so bloody easy, then you do it. Go ahead and solve scamming by blocking IPs. I'll wait, I'm on my lunchbreak. Have it done by 2pm yeah? Cheers.
  5. No, it's a practicality from an IT angle. Not only is that just a game of whack-a-mole, because many Internet connections are on dynamic IPs, how do you know you got them anyway, or end up banning some completely innocent person?
  6. Yas, Moffat crew - reassembling...
  7. Can't say my local music shops do much for me these days. I try to throw them a bone when I need some strings or other wee doodad but I live in a small city and the selection just isn't there. Thankfully my preferred strings are D'addario XL nickel rounds and they're pretty much universally available. The local branch of Kenny's tries to be everything to everyone in a relatively small space and economics dictates that bass gets squeezed into a little corner dwarfed by the selection of skinny stringers, electric and acoustic. I wouldn't be surprised if that's a phenomonon repeated in every small city. The other place is more of a second hand instrument type place, with a similar ratio of guitars:bass, but I have used them on occasion for repairs (when I made a ballsup of rewiring my LP and I couldn't face starting again) and again the odd set of strings or a gigbag. It's just the way it is, and the way it has been for some time. They follow the money, and I wouldn't be surprised to learn we're outnumbered by guitarists ten to one.
  8. It would be a little unfair if this conversation here came to taint Thomann with the same brush, when they're patently not at the game that you're highlighting. I'd have started a new thread, personally.
  9. That seems a bit dodge. Mind you, why are you resurrecting a dead thread about Thomann to have a moan about DV247? At least Thomann never claim their stuff is coming from anywhere other than Germany and take care of the duty for you (as in pre-calculate it and show you the inclusive price).
  10. We typically do 3 hours with one break, reckon I could handle 4 hours with 3 breaks, especially with such an early finish (instead of finishing at anything between midnight and 1am). If I was worries about fatigue, I'd take my Jack Casady, it's probably the lightest bass I own.
  11. Magnet material/strength? Closeness to the strings - closer == louder/hotter? Type/material of strings can have an effect?
  12. Bummed out about this - I remember giving OHM a playful dig in the ribs a couple of years ago regarding the rate of his hoovering up of G&Ls. Sad news, he'll be greatly missed around here.
  13. Eh, variety is the spice of life, especially when like me you don't really give a toss about all the nuance and flexibility, consider that all basses sound "bassy" (apart from Jazz basses *spit*) and just buy basses that look and feel nice...
  14. Fenders? Sandbergs? CS Fenders? Sounds like first world problems to me
  15. Someone in Ireland must stock G&L? Fire a message to G&L and ask who, then order via them? Or as mentioned, leverage the fact that you're in the EU and cast your net far and wide with no penalties (must be nice). Nice choice of bass BTW. You can prise my wunkay from my cold, dead hands.
  16. Sometimes it's on the back of the headstock, and sometimes it's front, loud and proud...
  17. I fear it might cost more to replace the truss rod than the bass is worth
  18. Depends what it is - I could understand your point of view with regards to the myriad FSO signature basses out there. But if you can't afford to truffle out an original 1970s Gibson Les Paul Signature bass, then the JC Sig is your only hope for such a bass, and it kinda doesn't matter if you like Jack Casady or want to sound like him or not. I certainly didn't buy mine for the name or association, but to give JC his due, he was actively involved in its creation so I think it's fair enough if he wants his name on the headstock, coupled with the fact that he actually uses the bass as his main instrument.
  19. Don't feel dirty, they have their fingers in a lot of pies - they'll get to you one way or another
  20. And I, for one, see nothing wrong with that sentence. You do you.
  21. I'm just going to straight out say that the Epiphone Jack Casady Signature has more than transcended JC's use of it. I would go so far as to say it has become over a 27-ish year production run (and counting) one of the go-to answers to the question "which long scale, hollow bodied electric bass should I buy?" I don't think I've ever played a lick of Jefferson Airplane or Hot Tuna on mine. It's a great sounding bass regardless of the genre being played. Furthermore, I don't feel pigeonholed by any bass. I don't give a crap what other people think of the bass I'm playing. I pick them on a whim and if anyone has a complaint, they're welcome to come on stage and take over and do a better job. I'll play a Mockingbird or an Explorer in church, or at a country gig, and I'd play metal on my JC because I DGAF. People who complain about these sorts of things should remember that they use their ears for listening, not their eyes
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