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Everything posted by neepheid

  1. Should work OK through the effects loop, yeah. Either that or stick it between the wireless receiver and the amp input, as if the wireless setup was a cable.
  2. The one in those photos looks in great nick - hardware is clean with little or no pitting.
  3. Anyone looking for a BB1000? Decent price for one with a hard case, if it's genuine... https://www.facebook.com/marketplace/item/276845555444296/
  4. Nice to feel valued, instead of encountering anything from blatant disregard at best to utter contempt and made to feel like a nuisance at worst!
  5. And what would you like from a replacement set? Apart from more output?
  6. What don't you like or are unsure about the current pickups?
  7. This is the exact opposite to me. I deliberately rotate all my basses. Basses I don't play get sold.
  8. Hot damn! I had a BB350F, total beater, but still a great bass. Shame I can't play fretless for toffee!
  9. Damn, that does look nice in red. Oh dear. Just as well I think they're a mite bit too expensive, even with the addition of a gigbag and other minor improvements, if the price had been the same as the previous Vintage Pro/60s model then my gear abstinence this year might have come under more serious threat...
  10. Main difference is that the BB3000 is neck thru, BB414 is bolt on. The BB3000 generally comes with gold hardware, BB414 is chrome. There will be hardware differences, tuners, bridge. Pickups are probably different.
  11. Hand on heart, there was no googling involved - wasn't the Mystery Machine predominantly green?
  12. Well maybe one day the music industry will be a meritocracy...
  13. Thanks! Have to say though, after a Monday at work, bashing the rivets out of the chain with hammer and punch was very satisfying indeed After this, I put up a picture for Mrs. Neepheid. When you get on a run of practical stuff and the tools are out already...
  14. Right, that's not going anywhere fast! And I think that will genuinely be it now. Thanks to whoever it was who surfaced the idea of using bike chain links to secure pedals to boards!
  15. Design revision required - turns out my velcro is great at keeping pedals in place when gravity is working with it, not so much in the opposite direction. It was actually the adhesive that failed, not the velcro itself. Bugger. So a more permanent way of attaching the PSU is required. I could replace the tape with... better tape like 3M Dual Lock but I figured in keeping with the whole "make do and mend" approach I'd find a way to mechanically couple the PSU to the board. Someone on here, I'm sure it was put up a picture of using bike chain links as brackets to attach pedals to boards. As luck would have it, I had a small length of bike chain lying around so I spent a satisfying 20 mins or so bashing the rivets out of the chain. Thanks to T-Rex putting all the screws on the side and none on the bottom, I had to bend the links to make right angle brackets. This is when I found out that the outer links are too brittle to be bent, but the inner ones are fine? Anyway, some hammering and bending round the vice gave me this: Now, just need to find some screws small enough to get in those wee holes. Maybe tuner screws, maybe pickguard screws. Time for a rummage in the spares boxes!
  16. Yes, it's currently my office bass because I've been doing some lunchtime swotting - perks of having one's own office. A couple of the guys in the workshop play bass or guitar and I asked them to tell me how much they thought it cost. They overestimated by several hundred pounds and were blown away when I told them the actual price...
  17. https://www.etsy.com/uk/listing/1622000908/genuine-leather-purple-guitar-strap?ga_order=most_relevant&ga_search_type=all&ga_view_type=gallery&ga_search_query=mauve+guitar+strap&ref=sr_gallery-1-4&local_signal_search=1&search_preloaded_img=1&organic_search_click=1 Etsy's full of them. I found this one by searching for "mauve guitar strap". Not sure if this one's a better colour match, but it's not as fancy either.
  18. https://www.etsy.com/uk/listing/1593710090/buckled-leather-softy-guitar-strap-bass?ga_order=most_relevant&ga_search_type=all&ga_view_type=gallery&ga_search_query=purple+guitar+strap&ref=sr_gallery-1-6&frs=1&sts=1&organic_search_click=1 ?
  19. Something's been bugging me about these - it's the single colour on the headstock. Should Epiphone have done a trad black headstock with colour outline? Here's a quick and dirty mockup: VS FIGHT
  20. You think any of them A) read what we write and B) pay the slightest heed to it? Maybe I haven't been screaming into the void all these years!
  21. Well, that was eerily prescient...
  22. What a surprise, EBMM send in the lawyers. I don't think they've got a leg to stand on, personally. They going to come after me if I make a bass which has the tuners in a 3+1 arrangement? Clearly, they're worried though. Scared of Sire cannibalising sales because Sire make good instruments. They've shot themselves in the foot though - all this does is make production more efficient for Sire - one less headstock shape to manufacture. This kind of anti-competitive nonsense grinds my gears. F you EBMM, I'm going to buy a Z7 next year out of spite! Actually, I quite fancy one anyway, but now I've got added incentive.
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