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Everything posted by neepheid

  1. Next time you're up, noise me up and I'll see if I can plot a path for you through all the restrictions.
  2. And not one of them on the settee. Poor show! This thread's called "Basses on the settee" not "Basses near the settee"
  3. Did you not get to use the car park at Drummonds? Admittedly it's not ideal because it's several floors below the bar itself, but at least it's nearby.
  4. Had a great gig with the Inevitable Teaspoons last night at Krakatoa in Aberdeen. Sound was a bit of a 'mare, we were late starting because the regular sound guy was off ill so it was the venue owner with a newbie assistant trying to chase the bugs out of the system - some annoying feedback coming from somewhere, took a while to track down the offending mic. But the crowd were patient and they were (hopefully) rewarded with a decent set. I felt really relaxed in my own performance, the sort of good feeling you get when you can have a laugh with the drummer if either of us does something a little odd instead of worried scowls. Played my Reverend Triad, and it got some questions (chiefly "what is your bass?" - happy to inform, 'mon the Reverend!). Rather more bizarre after we finished and I came off stage I got stopped by a guy at the bar who said very nice things about my playing, and paid me the very specific compliment of comparing me to Leland Sklar (!) - and he wasn't talking about my beard because that's a no contest - I'm only similar to Leland Sklar in that respect in the sense that I have a beard at all! He complimented me specifically on my fingerstyle and was talking himself down because he "only" plays pick. I was quick to point out that it's just a different technique, neither one is "better" than the other and mentioned that I can't play pick for toffee. Anyway, was kinda blown away by that very bass-specific compliment that I'm not sure what I did to earn, but I'll bloody well take it!
  5. The struggle against gig clash is real Hope you had a good one!
  6. Tonight - The Inevitable Teaspoons play at Krakatoa, Aberdeen...
  7. Yup, an hour each way is doable. Our rehearsal space (for both bands) is about 45 mins away.
  8. I know how it works, I'm lamenting the fact that some people don't ask the simple questions that would keep them safer online. As you point out (and as I was alluding to, possibly too obliquely), enough folk must fall for it or else they wouldn't do it.
  9. Yet you use terms like "tofu eating wokeratus"...
  10. Umm, black goes with everything? I think I've wandered into the wrong thread by mistake, sorry!
  11. Excellent steer back on topic, cap doff to you!
  12. Hey, if you guys are eating it, that gets it the flock out of my radar, so happy days...
  13. Yuck, you can keep that dross. Salt popcorn only or GTFO.
  14. Are you bored? I'm not even going to dignify that question with an answer!
  15. Or save your cash all year then buy something SUPER nice next year?
  16. That's ok, my geometry is also out compared to my golden age, assuming I had one
  17. It's like Hotel California though. I checked out for a while, but as you can see, I didn't leave...
  18. Well, that's February done and dusted, so let's have a look at how things are going. Out of 42 who began, 9 have fallen so far, leaving 33 remaining. February had a slightly lower attrition rate, 4 left the proceedings versus 5 in January, so that's... a thing. 2 months down, 10 to go. Stay strong!
  19. I guess it's not gear if it's a pile of unassembled electronic components components which could be used for anything, until they are used to make a bass pedal...
  20. If the components were already in your possession at the start of the year, then it's all good as far as I'm concerned. Make do an mend/use what you've already got is exactly what this thing is all about.
  21. No, it's still gear. Otherwise we'd just have people sneaking gear in in dribs and drabs. It doesn't matter if you bought the parts to make gear or just bought gear, it's gear. I appreciate you sneaky wee scamps coming up with schemes though, it's part of what makes this thread amusing!
  22. It's up to your conscience. Are you repairing a dead pedal or something? If you're building from scratch and it's an effects pedal then it's gear, and I'd say you're out. Anyone else want to weigh in?
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