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Everything posted by neepheid

  1. That's ok, they've jacked the price up too, if that helps with the abstinence...
  2. Time for a clearout then? Not that I'm eyeing anything up - I'm aff it.
  3. Same bass, new licks of paint, graphtech nut, cts pots and a gigbag to save you the ballache of finding a T-bird shaped one.. https://www.epiphone.com/en-US/Electric-Bass/Thunderbird-'64/Ember-Red
  4. Of course, the OP will be turning down their invitation to the RNRHOF. In this perpetual race to the bottom they describe, the committee will get round to the OP eventually, right?
  5. So, you're going to completely sidestep everything I've said then? OK, have fun with the bee in your bonnet, at least it agrees with you
  6. I take exception to Epiphone being categorised as being simply a trade name for budget gear. I'd hardly call a Jack Casady Signature "budget", and right now they're making better T-birds than Gibson have managed to since the 60s. Furthermore, Gibson bought Epiphone in 1957, so they're taking an awfully long time to kill them off...
  7. I had a 4 string of these, many many years ago. Did my audition for my first originals band with it. Got the gig. Can't be awful then Can't advise on any of the comparisons to Warwick (GER) basses though, that's a bit of a blind spot in my bass experience.
  8. None, I play all my basses on rotation. Any basses which aren't getting played aren't killer and are sold.
  9. What an odd question? Why would someone own a bass they hate? Love/hate?
  10. Appreciated, but does your facetiousness detector require recalibration?
  11. Hmm, perhaps I was lucky. I sold a car last year on FB and had all the extremes - one overpayment scam attempt, one tyre kicker, one ghost, then one genuine buyer who didn't even haggle, paid the advertised price and bought the car.
  12. The way I see it, even Fender can't standardise on pickguard layouts between their various factories, so what hope do we have if you then spin it out to non Fender products?
  13. Point 1 - probably Point 2 - probably not
  14. The FB comedy continues - see if you can spot the problem without reading the text, then laugh at the reason why the bass is how it is! https://www.facebook.com/marketplace/item/892478629267895
  15. So, the bass is in Nottingham, but the "seller" lives in Birmingham. Is it this easy to scam people these days?
  16. If they can't tell you the dimensions/weight then they either don't have it, or they don't want to sell it at distance. Also, you think this muppet will package it well if they can't even use a measuring tape? Walk away.
  17. I've messaged them (the "seller" that is, might as well have a laugh)
  18. Aye, Ishibashi. Great service, answered all my emails, accurate description, big detailed photos, sent the bass in a super sturdy box. I'll be back.
  19. Sustainability? I can understand if there are technical reasons why an older device can't be supported, but I call BS on anyone who claims it's not used as a means to coerce customers into buying the latest shiny tech. As long as it's shinier than my tin foil hat, right?
  20. I thought I'd be better off importing a BB1200 from Japan, so that's what I did. Got change out of £900. If you must have a PJ, get a BB2000. Then you'll have something you can't get right now - an OG neck thru BB.
  21. Ahh, the dibbler. His video editing style is a bit of an acquired taste, and he does talk crap sometimes, but his heart's in the right place I think.
  22. Yes - in 4 in line tuner headstocks which are flat (as in not angled), the break angle over the nut is insufficient for the D and G strings and you'll get rattles and other noise artifacts. The string tree is there to create a sufficient break angle over the nut in those cases. With enough wraps down the E and A tuners it's supposed to generate sufficient angle. But hey, Leo got it right first time, right?
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