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Everything posted by neepheid

  1. I had (probably alnico) "Wide Range" humbuckers in a Fender Modern Player Starcaster bass and honestly, I thought they were utter gash.
  2. At least my recent activity has fooled eBay, but it doesn't change the fact that they're a creepy bunch of stalkers...
  3. At the end of the day, you do you. You came here asking for advice, the advice has been dispensed, and I get the feeling you don't like the advice you've been given. Sorry I wouldn't do what you're doing, personally - but if you do continue with your frequent string swapping you are just going to have to accept that there's a risk associated with it, as you have found out.
  4. It has been moved to sold basses now, old link no worky https://bassbros.co.uk/sold-basses/1983-yamaha-bb3000/
  5. Well they're a "lifestyle company" and they've bought just about every other bleedin' company so why not Hisense also?
  6. I don't think this counts. Doesn't smell like bass gear to me. Barely counts as gear at all IMO, but you can say a Tier 2 fail if you want to keep your conscience squeaky clean. Anyone else agree? Sorry, but I think you're going to have to try harder to fail than this. Your last attempt was better
  7. I think that any time you remove and reinstall a string it weakens it. I don't have any scientific reasons for this gut feeling.
  8. Sack the tinfoil hatters? Because something as simple and ubiquitous as a google calendar will also naff them off no doubt.
  9. If it was gold finish, I'd have snapped your hand off. Rare as hen's teeth, those gold finish three pointers, individually at least. The only other option is to buy a Rumblekat just so I can pinch the bridge off of it
  10. I played my BB1200 at rehearsal last night, and I had a ruddy good time! Yes, there are fancier BBs, with active electronics, more pickups and sometimes even more frets, but the BB1200 is pure, distilled BB. You know you've got a good 'un when playing just seems effortless, the bass is doing what you ask without question or grumble and you can focus on other things (like giving the new singer the nods because they're getting up to speed with the cues). The BB1200 is a cornerstone of bass history IMO - it deserves to stand alongside the P, J, Ray and T-bird in those type of conversations.
  11. First or second gen V7? I think I heard that one of the improvements going from the first to the second gen was in the hardware department.
  12. Jesus wept, it's an effing bass bridge, not a Nazi war criminal clubbing baby seals with a Stradivarius!
  13. Before the beginning of a very long and boring thread about "ugly" headstocks, I'll pitch in with something hopefully useful - I have a D5 and I like it very much. Lovely neck - although uniess I'm actually feeling the sides of the neck, I don't really notice the rolled fingerboard edges when I'm actually playing. I haven't modded it at all because it's pretty great stock - I like how it sounds and the hardware is good quality. I might swap the pickup out though - Herrick Pickups do a 4 coil, '51 P shaped pickup, the concept of which I find very intriguing and appealing. I'm on a break from buying gear this year, but I may get around to doing this next year. Also next year I fully intend to snag one of the recently announced Z7 models.
  14. Well, just as well I'm aff it - fridge packed in at the end of last week. That's taken care of £350 which could have been spent on a bass. Hard to get excited about the imminent arrival of a fridge though. It's... a fridge, woo.
  15. Sorry mannie, I've got some Twiglets I've been trying to get rid of since 1994 if that helps - they're probably still edible.
  16. Welcome, and I'm stealing that.
  17. That's a lot of fun when it happens to an amp. That's because this lazy dipstick left it in the car boot overnight, in winter, then took it into a venue... amp still worked, somehow. God, that was a sweaty one - water was dripping down the walls and pooling at the bottom - quite how I came away from that one without contracting covid (or ebola) is beyond me.
  18. No way it's worth that with all those modifications. Delusional! It's a basket case at this point in dire need of restoration, but good luck finding those pickups!
  19. I've played in places so small that the punters walked through the band as they entered.
  20. If I had a quid for every time I had to do my best Bill Wyman impression to allow admission to the bogs - it's not a bass guitar, it's a manually raised barrier!
  21. SHHH, keep your voice down! Tell people I'm in a band? How gauche!
  22. Ahh, it would have been nice to keep a hold of mine, but a Ripper makes a useless roof over one's head... Great pic!
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