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Everything posted by neepheid

  1. All strings off. Yes, even when the bass has a three pointer.
  2. 1. Why you don't have any gigs? Singer quit our covers band at the end of last year, he gave us notice but we had the most dreadful time unearthing every poseur/wannabe/timewasting so-and-so under the sun from September-now. Only just now found someone with the requisite skills and more importantly attitude to move forward. Getting her up to speed now, next gig is in April. We've had to cancel/sub a couple of gigs at the start of this year because of the lack of singist talent up here. Originals band has a gig in March, but it doesn't gig very often, currently cooking up new songs, hopefully get some recording done this year. 2.Do you rely on an agent ? No, just another pocket to stuff. 3.Who finds coordinates and confirms gigs? Covers band - usually the guitarist. For the originals band, it's usually me. 4. Are you or any band members in this for the money? No, we've all got jobs, this is a side hustle at best. I personally use the money for guilt free spending on gear etc. The originals band - what effin' money? 5.How much do you want to gig? A few times a month, 2-4 times, average 2-3.
  3. There are at least three bass bashes which occur with regularity. I do lament the passing of the Moffat bash, but I appreciate that it's a hell of an undertaking, especially when you make it a weekender, with hotel deals to negotiate and whatnot. If I've not said it before, I would like to thank every single person who helps organise bass bashes so that lazy buggers like me can simply rock up and enjoy - they don't happen by accident. I toyed with the idea of organising a bash up here, but who's going to travel all the way to Aberdeen? You'd need multiple people crazy enough like me to travel the length of the country. It was my choice to live in the arse end of nowhere, I don't have to inflict that on others
  4. Flog the cab, keep the head if A) it can be used headless and B) has headphone and aux in sockets, and keep the bass. Luxuriate in the space getting rid of the 4x10 gives you back while you decide what you're doing - get a cab (or two small ones) if you ever decide to return to the stage.
  5. Is your amp a combo or head and cab? Sounds like head + cab by what you write here, but I wanted to check anyway.
  6. Then get the cream. You don't need my (or anyone else's) approval!
  7. The Yamaha one is on the left - you're missing the texture on the sides - this is specific to Yamaha's speed knobs and what makes it bloody frustrating if you find yourself looking for them. They're just not the same as standard speed knobs.
  8. I'm no angel, I'm already compiling a 2025 shipping list, it's got two basses on it already.
  9. Ahh yes, I remember being excited about "upgrades".
  10. "If it's said on the Internet, it must be true!" - this is the entire reason we have Internet scammers. Why does the gullibilty level crank up when it's online?
  11. So, do you want in then? Doesn't matter how you achieve abstinent nirvana...
  12. Let me solve that one for you. "I wanted it". The end.
  13. It's the correct move - mod the thing that cost <£100 rather than mod the bass, no? Whether or not they liked the results were neither here or there. Also I would say that shaving a bit off the flatwork is more likely to make it fit in more basses than not, so I don't have an issue with that either if they haven't made an ar$e of it cosmetically or broken it.
  14. Wannabe modders - where there's a will (and a Dremel) there's a way. Amateur hour!
  15. That's because the sender is the customer, as far as the courier is concerned. The recipient is just a data point at the end of the line, a necessary evil and about as worthy of respect as my abilities to perform BVs whilst playing bass.
  16. I reckon you'll be fine. Statistically, the failure rate will be small, despite the amount of noise made when it happens.
  17. When returning for distance selling simply because you changed your mind, I thought buyer paying for return postage is the norm. Above and beyond from Andertons on this occasion, but it would not surprise me in the least to have to pay for the return postage if I simply changed my mind. Different kettle of fish if the product is actually faulty, of course.
  18. RE: Snobs - ignore - they are annoyed because you are achieving with pennies what they shelled pounds out for and are looking for a way to make themselves feel better by trying to bring you down. Don't let them, pity them instead and the crushing insecurity they live with on a daily basis.
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