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Everything posted by neepheid

  1. At least they didn't take it out to the back yard and shoot it in the head (Big Al)...
  2. I haven't had any bother on TB, but I find it all a bit overwhelming, a bit like visiting London.
  3. What a lovely post/thread. In a world which appears to be focussed on what the individual can get out of it, it's nice to have a place like BC where, while it's not perfect (what is?) at least tries and succeeds in the most part to nurture a community spirit and celebration of what unites us (duh, it's bass). Lang may its lum reek! (That's "long may its chimney smoke", you sassenachs ). I know I sometimes put my foot in it - in my defence when I'm being sarcastic, it's usually coming from a place of humour. I know humour is subjective and mine can be an acquired taste sometimes that no-one wants to acquire. Let me take this opportunity to apologise to anyone I've offended or ticked off because I chose the wrong moment to make light of something, or took something the wrong way and ran headlong with it through the nearest brick wall. I've been here since just before it transitioned from Bassworld to Basschat, and it's always been a great source of info, cameraderie and wallet draining opportunities. I disappeared for a while - I guess I was just getting a bit bassed out. What brought me back? Someone had a question about a Gibson bass, and someone here remembered that I might have a thing or two to contribute so took the time to DM me and ask if I'd chip in. That brought me to my senses and rekindled my appreciation for this place as a community and source of support and knowledge on our weird little enclave in a world filled with guitarists. All the best to you and yours, keep holding down the low end, and I'll see you at the bar.
  4. ... and coil switching options, even on the single pickup.
  5. Hello fellow member of the RD Artist survivors club
  6. I am consistently intrigued by the concept of a multicoil '51 P pickup. When I'm done abstaining from gear this year I might give it a go in my Sire D5.
  7. Side note - Andertons have dropped the price of their stock of Sire D5s from £529 to £399. If you want some tasty '54 P-esque action, I heartily recommend them, mine's great.
  8. It is, the Modern Player series, to be exact.
  9. Sorry, I'm not getting it. Besides, "real" men play 35" scale, everyone knows that, instead of us fake men who simper around with our puny 34" scale basses
  10. What "real men play 34" scale" talk?
  11. Yup, seen it. Fortunately for my continued gear abstinence, I'd like any colour other than that dirty "not quite black". If a white one comes along at a good price, I'm in trouble
  12. Confusing recycling of model names though - the first Sterling SB14 was a fully fledged, active Sterling a la the USA EBMM model.
  13. RE: the thread title - as long as you like it what anyone else thinks, be they on BC or elsewhere, doesn't matter one jot. Enjoy your bass.
  14. Only the Z7 has that. Get a Z3? Cheaper, and no pesky J pickup to distract - less knobs too!
  15. I think you misunderstand - I'm talking about the difficulty in searching for "Vintage basses" - the adjective tends to dominate the proper noun in results.
  16. Unobtainium at the moment, sorry to report. There have been supply issues, from what I've been told, as well as some upheaval regarding which retailers G&L want to work with in the UK going forward. Hopefully it will be resolved soon.
  17. Oi! I like the Dimension, and am in no way looking for one at this time (Gear Abstinence...)
  18. Let's not turn this into an "I am Spartacus" thing
  19. I apologise on behalf of the grey fortress of frowning if being in Aberdeen had anything to do with your decision
  20. I've heard of enough cases of people who've modded theirs to suggest otherwise. It's not really a big deal - you don't have to turn the tone knob...
  21. Ahh yes, Vintage - one of the worst brand names to search for in history Both shorties?
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