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Everything posted by neepheid

  1. Well, they've resisted since 1989, but the G&L SB-2 (USA made) has finally gained a tone knob. https://www.glguitars.com/product/fullerton-deluxe-sb-2/ The Tribute appears to still be volume/volume only at this time. Slow news day, huh?
  2. Aww, but look how cute they are all in a line!
  3. Thank you for those kind words. And don't do yourself down - my hat's off to anyone who gets off their butt and heads to the shed instead of just buying something. Fair play to anyone using funcy wood to make theirs, but I was just using the wood I found lying around - it's a shelf on the floor, innit? Also it'll mostly be covered by pedals. I wasn't really thinking about aesthetics when I put it together, but the lacquer has made the pine look quite nice and the back panel stuff was just icing on the cake in a fit of "why not?"
  4. There's just something about black and gold. Wish they'd gone all the way and had gold hardware too.
  5. I have small hands, but I play nothing but 34" scale. If it's any help, don't waste your time trying to stick rigidly to "one finger per fret" if you're finding it challenging. I try to do that when it's comfortable to do so, but it's not a hard and fast rule.
  6. I've played 12lbs+ basses. It's all about the strap - wide, cushioned - spreads the weight. To this end I use Neotech Mega straps - neoprene and memory foam. I quite like the "grounded" feeling I get when wearing a heavier bass, like I'm the anchor. It's not a competition though, some people shouldn't wear a heavier bass if they have shoulder or back issues - it doesn't make anyone a hero or somehow more worthy - listen to your body.
  7. Damn, forgot how deep the rabbit hole goes
  8. That's some super attention to detail in the EBMM aping then
  9. Thank you. Sorry to disappoint, the neep logo is burned into the wood then lacquered, very rustic. If I lit it up there's a chance I might get contacted by Moog's lawyers...
  10. That one came after, not before. Don't blame you for getting it mixed up - Gibson logic - let's call three completely different looking basses "EB"... nice one.
  11. https://www.andertons.co.uk/search?search=sire z Z3 4 string - £399 Z3 5 string - £429 Z7 4 string - £569 Z7 5 string - £649 Haterz get your hate on...
  12. Me, if I ever own one. I take my most expensive bass (G&L CLF L-1000) out on gigs - instruments are to be played. I guess it must be knocking on the door of two grand now, should it ever need to be replaced...
  13. What's with all the subterfuge? Are you OK? Blink twice if you need help.
  14. Why limit to bass playing? What have I done with my life? Answer: not much, and yes, sometimes it bothers me, particularly as I have probably used up over half my allotted time on the planet.
  15. I suppose I belong to this ragtag gang now that I've made my own pedalboard. Not much going on here in terms of pedals, but I made the board myself to keep me out of mischief over the crimbo break... T-Rex Fuel Tank Jr. hiding underneath, just in case anyone's wondering where the power's coming from...
  16. I shouldn't want any basses this year, I'm supposed to be aff it! But if a Fender Modern Player Dimension bass (the one with the triplebucker) ever appeared in white at a knockdown price, my abstinence would be under severe threat! I wish Fender had stuck with it for more than a few years, I think the Dimension is a good looking bass.
  17. Increasing prices is all the "premium" manufacturers have got left to justify their existence in the face of improved quality and value at the cheaper end. They can't improve quality, because they're already "the best", right? They can't offer more/better value because that'll eat into the bottom line - plus they've already done much of this - beyond a certain price you generally expect a hard case, for example. All they've got left to do is try and tug on that thread of "it's expensive so it must be good, right?" The trouble with tugging on a particular thread too hard... there's only so long you can take the p!$$ out of your consumers before they eventually go "remind me - why am I paying this?"
  18. The amount of money you need to spend in order to be taken seriously by people who find that sort of thing important/impressive has certainly gone up, yes.
  19. I'm not a fan of having to make an appointment to visit a shop. I've never had to - none of the shops I've been in work that way. Makes it feel more like an event than it needs to. I'm usually timewasting anyway, because I don't go in all "I have x budget and I want to buy a bass today", I'm more of a "I'll buy something that takes my fancy and blows me away when I try it" - the appointment system does not lend itself well to this way of shopping. But nice to hear good experiences - nothing stopping me using their services online...
  20. Off topic, but I'm getting a bit hot under the collar for one of the Modern Player Dimensions with the three coil pickup.
  21. Anything that isn't bog standard Fender, best get the original cloned for no surprises when fitting the new one.
  22. Yup, I had a 5 string OLP (MM3) and remember it being volume for each coil also.
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