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Everything posted by neepheid

  1. Who's going to pay this much for an Epiphone? This is as bonkers as some SBMM pricing...
  2. Have you tried contacting Gibson? They're useless when it comes to old, out of production stuff, but when the bridge pickup on my Gibson EB (2014) failed they sent me a replacement without an issue. Mind you, they wouldn't/couldn't supply me with a gold three point bridge, but that was me not replacing like for like - the bass I was working on never came with a gold one and I was chancing my arm If you approach it from the point of view of repairing a broken product then you might have more success - I was too honest...
  3. Steve Harris Jack Bruce Billy Cox Rutger Gunnarsson John Entwistle
  4. You've asked this before - I thought it felt familiar! Hopefully with the added info you'll decide I'm not talking hogwash this time
  5. Aad here's a picture of a Epi Vintage Pro T-bird with the two point bridge installed (taken from Hipshot's site):
  6. Nope. that's the D style - doesn't fit. You need this: https://hipshotproducts.com/collections/bass-bridges/products/supertone-gibson-bass-replacement-bridge?variant=33244555400 You don't use a tailpiece with this one - it has an extended bit after the saddles to accomodate the ball ends.
  7. According to lowendlobster, the Hipshot Supertone TWO point bridge is a drop in replacement for the Epiphone Newport bass which uses the same bridge/tailpiece arrangement as the T-bird and Embassy. He says D style first but it doesn't fit. Also, you'll need to make sure you get metric bolts for it - the Supertone should come with metric and imperial bolts but that's the three point, dunno if the two point Supertone comes with metric bolts as it is principally aimed at replacing the bridges on pre 1972 USA Gibsons. Hope that helps!
  8. Hmm, interesting grey area. I have no experience in this field. They're not physical, are they consumables to DAWs like strings are to basses? Honestly, make your own mind up and if you think they don't count then don't bother reporting them. I'll add you the noo.
  9. Why do you want to know? I don't mean it to sound combative/defensive - just being nosey about what you're up to
  10. "Talking pish" to become Olympic sport at next games?
  11. Is it being hand delivered in a sedan chair?
  12. Sure, replacement of broken gear is allowed - but it has to be "like for like" - no sneaky upgrades - no replacing a 30W practice combo with a 1000W head and two cabs, for an extreme example...
  13. My first thought was "it's surprising what you can get on the NHS these days"...
  14. It's not for bass so it doesn't count unless you're going hardcore abstinence.
  15. I'd say postage ain't gear. If the gear is being gifted then have at it.
  16. Eh, Mrs. Neepheid asked me after the gig if I wanted to hang around (for my benefit, not hers) but I was like nah, what's the point? Let's say I did actually get a chance to speak to Arry, what could I say that he hasn't heard a million times already? Plus I put myself in his shoes and to be honest even in my current state of complete unfamousness I would still prefer that everyone just eff off after a gig and not bug me when I'm dismantling gear, or just generally decompressing and letting the adrenaline die down naturally - imagine it's a hundred times worse when you are famous and you have to play nice otherwise someone will get all offended on the internet about it. I'm happy that I got to see him up close (way closer than at a Maiden concert) and watch him tan the hell out of those strings.
  17. And I was just thinking of posting a "two weeks in - how you all doing?" type post today. How's everyone else doing? Holding up OK? I was living dangerously earlier and looking at FB marketplace - mostly for things to mock but thankfully didn't see any tasty, tempting treats...
  18. What a way to go though. Hard to ignore... Do show us when you get it!
  19. There is no uniform right/wrong answer to this. I've seen BBs set up both ways - pickup halves dead flat and both angled in an effort to mirror the radius of the fingerboard/relative string heights. If you liked the sound of it better before, put it back the way it was. Whatever your ears tell you, they're right.
  20. Ahh, an attack of the good old "because I can" without the corresponding "should I?"
  21. Hehe, they look like wee jelly moulds
  22. Nice one - I saw them in Aberdeen on Tuesday night - 5 yards from one of my favourite bass players of all time, it was a great gig
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