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Everything posted by neepheid

  1. Ok, I'll play properly - the first three tracks of ELP's Trilogy The Endless Enigma (Part 1) Fugue The Endless Enigma (Part 2) This was probably my intro to prog. Thanks, Dad!
  2. Well, if circumstances dictate that you must move now, I wouldn't worry about a bass having its strings off for a week or two.
  3. Why not wait until you have the strings you need for the swap if you're worried about it?
  4. Pick any three songs from Dark Side of the Moon? Is that cheating?
  5. With respect, I didn't say that, and I don't subscribe to that school of thought at all - I regularly buy basses at distance sight unseen. When I said "get an example of the bass I'm interested in" I generally mean "buy it". #justsayin
  6. Facetiousness aside, I don't think any bass has a divine right to be better than any other based solely upon who made it and where. I simply ignore any of these kind of comments, get an example of the bass I'm interested in and let my ears, hands and eyes decide. Whatever you like, you're not wrong - you don't need your hand held while you decide.
  7. It's been said a million times - you can't go wrong with a Yamaha...
  8. 5 tops imo, and only if a couple of those are pretty simple.
  9. That's the covers band, the 'Spoons is the originals band which apart from an offshore sax player has no personnel issues. and no, it's still not resolved
  10. Played with The Inevitable Teaspoons last night at Krakatoa in Aberdeen. Man down cos Stu the sax had his shifts changed on him so was somewhere on a rig somewhere in the North Sea. 4 band bill and we were playing last. Things were going to plan until the second last band came on - for some reason the sound gremlins came out of the woodwork and hit them hard - things not working, then feedback when they were - knocked things about half an hour off course. Anyhoo, we did make it on. We were a bit grumpy by the time we got on so we played quite angrily - fast and ragged, especially the first couple of songs. Tried a new song and ballsed it up royally - second chorus is supposed to be half length but half of us did the repeat. I was "right" but that doesn't matter when the result was that it sounded like a jumbled mess. Oh well. It got better towards the end though, and had fun machinegunning the audience at the end of the last song so we'll see. Speaking of which, there was a decent crowd for a BOTB gig and there was some enthusiastic dancing going on - even had someone doing the worm! BB1200 was Bloody Brilliant. Pedalboard worked, in that it didn't spontaneously collapse, or wander about the place when stepped on. All in all, got to spend an evening with my mates, play some tunes and drink some beers - with all the awful stuff that's going on in the world it can't be that bad, can it?
  11. It is wrong to suggest that looks aren't a factor. An instrument could be the finest, well crafted, hand finished, Smithsonian worthy example of its kind - if that instrument is a Jazz bass, it can get in the bin.
  12. Well, I know you want a PJ, but the BB1200 I bought recently is stellar - the PJ equivalent would be the BB2000 but that might be out of budget. I much prefer the older BBs to the newer ones - they've done something odd to the proportions and feel of the newest ones (23x, 43x, 73x, P3x) that I can't exactly put my finger on but I just don't get it. For reference I had a BB434 but it just didn't feel right to me.
  13. Hope so, going to put it to the test tonight - The Inevitable Teaspoons are playing at Krakatoa in Aberdeen.
  14. Right, that's it done. Back panel lacquered a few days ago and pinned on this afternoon. Yay, I'm a pedalboard guy now!
  15. Utter overkill IMHO. 8x10s are only for bands with roadies. Where are you using it - an aircraft hangar? Even if you're recording the cab sound with a microphone, you only need a single speaker cab to do that.
  16. We have a winner, @Manton Customs! My guess is that the tuner is there by accident - should never have made it out to retail channels.
  17. In general, I've found that bass is only interesting to bassists.
  18. Could be a "licensed" tuner vs. the USA made one. Also, tuner companies do custom jobs for folk - look at these Gibson stamped Schaller M4S for instance... genuine Schaller M4S, just happen to have Gibson logo on them.
  19. If the L-1000 and L-2000 aren't exactly the same body I'd be very surprised. The LB-100 is G&L's P bass - it's actually slightly smaller than a regular P bass, but as you've found, larger than/different to an L-series. The SB-1/2 is smaller/different - has a much more cinched waist. I think the Kiloton shares this body shape. Then there's the ASAT (no top horn like a Telecaster). And of course their J bass-a-like. I think that's it. Off for a lie down now after ogling G&Ls when I'm aff it this year
  20. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pseudorandomness Back in my 8 bit days, there was a BASIC command to change the seed upon which the pseudorandom number generation was based, it was a common trick to use elapsed time to change the seed (RANDOMISE TIME)
  21. It is possible that someone had a near miss (or actual disaster) with an already owned bass and decided that they should invest in straplocks to protect their basses going forward? I don't use straplocks (apart from one bass which arrived with them), but I could imagine a scenario that would convince me of their merit and necessity at a later date.
  22. That's a tough one. The ultra hardcore adherent might argue that yes, straplocks are gear, and represent an upgrade to a bass which doesn't currently have them. Some might say that they're sundry items. Some might argue that standard strap buttons are defective by design! You make up your own mind about them. My advice would be that if you don't think they count and you think you're still in then just don't tell us about them. It's just a bit of fun after all. Alternatively, buy a couple of bottles of Grolsch and enjoy the free beer then find a creative use for the rubber washers you bought
  23. No, they're gear. And bass tuners are bass gear. Like for like (as near as possible) replacement of a broken (proper broken, not "I don't like you") tuner is the only exception.
  24. I appreciate your honesty. This scenario may also have fallen foul of the "sneaky upgrade" part of replacement - replacement of failed parts should be on a like for like (as near as possible) basis. So for instance if a bass has got some generic, unbranded tuners on it just now, and one of them broke (and I mean "broke" as in cannot hold tune ie. perform the function that a tuner does) one can't go slapping a set of Hipshots on it and expect to stay in...
  25. The "Darling, no this isn't a new one, I've always had this bass" factor?
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