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Everything posted by neepheid

  1. Awesome, the bag I ordered from China (last year - 29th December) which should fit this pretty nicely has arrived on UK soil and hopefully will be with me soon. Pedalboard will get its first proper outing on Wednesday (band rehearsal) then proper live outing on Saturday ('Spoons gig). I probably won't have the back cover on it by then (unless Thursday is as "warm" as the forecast suggests so I can spray some lacquer), but it's perfectly useable as is.
  2. I cleared out my eBay watch list today. Also turned off email notifications for saved searches. This clearly shows that I'm serious about this abstaining business
  3. Heh, found a piece of 5mm hardwood ply in the shed. Back panel is go! Now, about that logo. I thought of doing a cheeky sendup of a famous logo and I decided upon doing something Moog-like. Found a font that someone had created in the sprit of the Moog logo, asked for permission to use it, got it, then got to work using it to create this: How will I get this onto a piece of ply? With another cheapskate move - the old homemade carbon paper technique - scribble f loads of pencil on the back, tape it down then trace over it with a pen... Admittedly, it was super faint so I had to go over it again with the pencil to have a useable guide. Next question - what now? Paint? Sharpie? Scrub this off and create a waterslide decal? In the end I did none of those things and went back to a craft I used to partake of as a child - woodburning. First pass with the big round tip on the iron yielded this: Then moved to the fine tip for the corners and the little musical note thing inside the 'p'. I'm really pleased with how that came out! Time for a wee mockup (some paper straws keeping it up where it will be when attached) That turned out way better than I anticipated. Really pleased with it. All that's left to do is lacquer the back panel then attach it. Will probably use wee panel pins and just nail it on, like the backing panel on an Ikea wardrobe.
  4. As a little Brucey bonus, I made a battery cover for my compressor pedal - to stop it rocking when the footswitch is pressed... Ply, bit of sawing, bit of chiselling, found an M3 machine screw, hacked it down to size, job done!
  5. I've had a couple of these also, recently. Ignored - I didn't request them.
  6. Well, that's it done, rubber feet arrived so I made a final push today. First step, feet on: Then back inside to get things mounted up... And that's basically it! There are a couple of tweaks I'd like to make - the white interconnect between the comp and the Monomyth is nonsense too long, will get a shorter one at some point. Also have an idea to make a back panel for it, just to hide my wires etc. (although that beam of red light coming out the top of it from the PSU is quite cool also!) There's probably room to add a mini/slimline pedal should I ever need to and the PSU has two spare ports so there is a little scope for future expansion. Got a bag coming for it (ordered last year, before anyone asks). All in all, I'm pretty pleased! Also the Monomyth has a headphone out, so I have even less excuse now not to give my basses a random noodle.
  7. OK, left of field reasoning then: 750W is a lot easier to handle in a two cab situation than 900W - only having to handle 375W each opens up a lot more cab possibilities versus 450W each. The Reidmar is black like your cab, matches better than the Genz Benz. ergo, keep the Reidmar.
  8. You haven't told us why you're selling one, could be important info...
  9. I tried a Steinberger cricket bat in a shop once, it was just all round weird (relative positioning was the least of it) and I didn't think it sounded that good either so cricket bat curiosity satisfied, I don't ever need to go down that road again.
  10. It's easier to assume I'm making light of something on here - I usually am, it's the only way to stop the voices in my head taking over... plus too many people take things waaaaay too seriously, someone's got to attempt to be the court jester around here. I wish you every success in your varied sonic endeavours!
  11. I enjoy all my basses very much - otherwise I wouldn't have them. None of them are perfect though. I've said that if I ever reviewed basses on YouTube or whatnot, I'd make sure I didn't just gush over whatever it was I'm looking at, there's always room for improvement. So, let me critique my current crop and say one negative thing about each. G&L CLF L-1000 - zero shielding, shocking for an instrument which cost £1300 at the time, had to do it myself. G&L Tribute LB-100 - the vintage tint on the neck is yellow, looks like it's got jaundice in the wrong light. Soloking MJ1 Classic - Stoopid name! Cup style jack socket mount means I have to be picky with my right angled cables. Sire D5 - pickup output is a bit low, have to remember to compensate either at the compressor output or the preamp. Epiphone Les Paul (not so) Standard - opposite problem to above, those DiMarzio X2N-B pickups I put in there have bonkers output, needs taming at the compressor so it isn't clipping on the preamp when set to 1. Harley Benton HB-50 (prototype) - stock it came wired with crap pots and a useless switch which gave you either or both coils, made almost no difference to the sound. Since modded to series/single/parallel and decent pots. Yamaha BB1200 - there's a ding/bit of lacquer missing on the back of the neck which is in an annoying, occasionally noticeable place. Sometimes I think I'll have a go at repairing, sometimes I think I should just leave it be. Epiphone Jack Casady 20th Anniversary - I think it's bloody rotten that Epiphone don't at least supply the JC with a gig bag - it's hollow FFS! The fact that my 20th Anniversary came with one shows that they can do it when they can be arsed and it annoys me. Reverend Triad - the neck heel sticks out a bit from the body, looks a bit goofy, I think they could have streamlined that a bit. Epiphone Korina Explorer - the case is fecking huge - the only way to get it in my car is by taking up the front passenger seat and sticking it in the footwell then up against the seat. There you go - a negative aspect for every bass I own. What a whingebag! I don't get the being put off by relative positioning thing. When playing the basses I own where the first fret/tuners feel like they're in a different time zone to me (I'm chiefly looking at you - Les Paul, Explorer and any Thunderbird I've ever owned) it just makes me feel even more like the rock star I know I am
  12. You use "just" too much - I'm 48 and what, you think you're better than me because you're sitting at home all zen like and enlightened, not lugging gear to venues, playing to three people and a dog? Ahh, I get it now! Only kidding - each to their own, but I would miss the playing with others aspect too much to do what you're doing - and my songwriting extends beyond "just" playing bass - I write lyrics and I offer ideas to the other guys, not that I can play their instruments, but I can ask "can you do X, can you play it like Y, how would Z sound?" - TL:DR I enjoy the instant back and forth collaboration in a room.
  13. Says you. It's the bass, I'm telling you!
  14. 48 and still in an originals band here.
  15. Do you wish this fact to be recorded? You thought you should be in, after all?
  16. Ooft, nice! Well, you didn't explicitly say you were in, but seeing as you're declaring you're out, that implies that you thought you were in, so I will record accordingly.
  17. Never mind, there's always next year!
  18. Thanks for the picture of the guts, saves me lifting the pickguard on mine! Can I just make a clarification? In my NBD thread, I said that some Neutrik right angle jacks gave me bother then went into further detail showing the change in design over the 20 years between the old one (which didn't fit properly) and the newer one (which fit absolutely fine). Whoops, forgot to check the muting Neutrik jack I have on my "posh" lead. Will check that and report back. Of course it's not a massive job to replace the cup with a plate, just annoying. I do like the look of the cup though, very clean and tidy looking.
  19. According to lowendlobster, the Hipshot TWO point bridge replacement drops straight in to an Epiphone Newport which uses the same bridge and tailpiece arrangement as the Vintage Pro Tbird...
  20. Blocks on a P bass, lovely. Blocks on any bass actually, come to think of it...
  21. I'm sure you're not the only one to think this. I know I've thought it (and even taken that thought to extremes and said "B-sides only"). Trouble with this is, you might as well be an originals band then, playing stuff hardly anyone knows. And if your aim is to "educate" the masses on what "good" music is, then good luck with that - it's just arrogant nonsense to your average punter down the Dog and Duck, who simply wants a dance and a singalong to the hits.
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