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Everything posted by neepheid

  1. BTW, only kidding, T40s are great looking basses, would love to have a go of one some time - enjoy!
  2. So I suppose the black hole you pulled that from is just going to collapse in on itself then, is it?
  3. Yeah, well you would say that! Sorry, I said I was done extracting the michael...
  4. Bloody hell, a FIVER? Like a for real fiver, not the joke fiver we always offer when someone asks for a valuation? That's a dangerous thing to drop in here, you meanie! Just as well I'm too far away.
  5. No, it wasn't! I was as surprised as you, believe me. If you read the date the American way, it looks like you made it until March! OK, I'm done taking the mick now, honest.
  6. I'd add Drag Race to that list - maybe it's the World Championships or something.
  7. Are you an EB-0, 1, 2, 3 or 4? 6 is showing off.
  8. Lay them side by side and run your finger over them side to side, probably feel something better than seeing it
  9. I think the concept of The Inevitable Teaspoons is not to have a concept... or a plan, or a clue
  10. Quite a few people de-plate their JCs. Nothing wrong with that, looks good either way to my eyes. I guess because mine is the 20th Anniversary one, I kinda feel a little obligation to keep it stock. Is that silly?
  11. Take comfort, @AndyTravis - I checked back and last year someone was out on the 2nd Jan...
  12. Just counted them now - yup, all twelve fingers are still there. What?
  13. Keeping my wedding ring on must be the reason I don't have hundreds of people wanting a piece of me at/after gigs. Surely got nothing to do with the bass, or my face...
  14. I don't think the thickness of ring will make much difference - they all sit much and such in the same place so it'll either hit something or it won't and it appears to be entirely dependent upon one's technique.
  15. It's (70s) Gibson, so who knows/probably/maybe/nae sure? My gut tells me they didn't get into factory fretlesses until the Ripper, and the EB was already in the twilight of its first run by then, but I could be wrong.
  16. Mine doesn't bother me, it's nowhere near the pads of my fingers and I don't cradle the neck when I'm playing therefore it never touches anything except the finger it's on.
  17. Hey, I've helped create some of that music. The unpop music, that is...
  18. I do wonder how many people here moaning about how rubbish it all is would turn down the opportunity to appear in a playing capacity on the Hootenanny...
  19. So quick, I hadn't even added your name to the list of participants! My bad - editing now. EDIT - ahh, you said you weren't playing at the start of the thread. Tough, I'm recording this anyway, seeing as you announced your departure
  20. Saw it last time I was down there (start of December) so it's been hanging around for at least a month now. I didn't have a go of it because it's a shortie and I was in no position to buy it so would just be wasting their time. To be honest, while I think the slot headstock EBs are interesting and certainly pretty, they're a bit goofy in other respects - the 19 fret fingerboard makes my teeth itch a little and it's going to be mud city with the pickup jammed up at the neck heel. If was ever to get an EB, it'd have to be a later one ('73 onwards with three point bridge and pickup moved south a little) and preferably an EB4(L), just because the pickup is interesting (multi coil - one per pole piece). But would take an EB-0L. Bridge pickups be damned!
  21. https://www.basschat.co.uk/topic/487539-2024-gear-abstinence-thread/?do=findComment&comment=5107738
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