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Everything posted by neepheid

  1. I'm going to do the gear abstinence thing for 2024 - got a good rig, a backup amp, a decent selection of basses and I'm not really into pedals beyond tuner/comp/overdrive so I think I'll cope.
  2. Ahh yes, the other, often overlooked role of the bass player in a band - "band parent/guardian"
  3. I like and enjoy playing all my basses by various metrics so for me there is no underclass of bass in my collection - I happily gig any of my basses. Any that I wouldn't gig, I move on.
  4. It was a gift, so what does it matter? I got gifted a bass two years ago - unprompted gift, didn't count, participation continued.
  5. Why? They only notice me if I flub something or stop playing...
  6. I take two basses to the gig and if nothing goes wrong, I swap them over at half time. It took me a long time to work out that I could have double the fun at a gig. I don't care which bass I play - all my basses sound bassy. I've never had someone come up to me and say "you sounded better with the other bass".
  7. All I can give you is a personal opinion, but it's the BB1200 if you want single pickup, passive fun, the BB2000 if you want PJ passive fun and the BB1200S if you want active fun. Gotta be neck through IMO.
  8. If it makes you feel any better, I don't know what it is either.
  9. Take your pick from here: https://www.hagstrom.org.uk/visstory/visitors_H_Range_bass_models.htm
  10. My strings stay the same (D'addario XL 45-105 - will accept 45-100 if they're already there because I'm lazy and I don't really notice the difference). If the bass doesn't play well with my preferred strings then it's getting moved on. I've found my favourite strings and grudge the expense and time of ar$ing about experimenting with other strings.
  11. Already been covered with much lah-de-dah in the wake of its arrival, but it's ace so why not make more noise?
  12. Covered pole pieces? Not many G&L basses with those - they tend to wear their MFDs with adjustable pole pieces proudly, or they're regular P and J looking pickups a la JB/LB-100. The only G&L bass that springs to mind which had covered pole pieces is the L-5500, because it used EMG pickups, but it's a 5 string only and definitely not (semi) hollow. Neck graft onto something else, maybe? Crazy custom mod job? From what you're saying, I can't fit anything stock G&L, USA or Tribute into what you're describing. If it was G&L Custom Shop (so in theory could be anything) then I doubt it would have fit the "price was not too silly" criteria - unless it was a case of no-one knew what they had!
  13. Well, that's a pretty comprehensive rundown of all the possibilities, nice one
  14. In the same band though? Because that's what the beef is here, I think. I for one would not be keen, mostly because I can't do anything else but play bass, so I just have to bog off to the bar then? I don't think so. Maybe the OP can do a straight swap and play some keys while she's playing bass so maybe it's a moot point. But in my world, that's someone taking my role in the band leaving me with hee haw to do. I'm not having that.
  15. Thanks for confirming. That socket's a nifty idea. Thankfully for me, years of Gibson abuse has paid off and I have the exact tool for the job in my tool kit, and although it's probably some a$$-backward imperial size, it seems to engage positively with the truss rod nut in the BB1200, so happy days.
  16. I wasn't expecting the BB1200 to arrive before the end of the year, so it's in the mix for best purchase, but I still think the Markbass rig edges it, simply because of its universal application regardless of which bass I'm playing. A bloody close run thing though!
  17. My knee jerk reaction is "if you want to play bass, off you pop and join another band to do that" and "what am I supposed to do while you do that, play the effing triangle?"
  18. Was just doing some fettling on my BB1200 (action as supplied was a bit low/buzzy for my tastes and the intonation was out a tickle) when I noticed that on the end of the truss rod end is a traditional nut like a Gibson, so you have to use a box spanner to adjust, not an allen key. Is this right? I've got vague recollections of it being that way on a BB450 that I saved by using the washer trick on a maxed out truss rod, but it's hazy. Anyone care to take a look at their late 70s/early 80s BB and confirm?
  19. I owned an OLP MM3. No sign of SUB or any other such branding, it was definitely an MM3. It was definitely passive, because I subsequently modded it with an Artec SE-2A 2 band stacked EQ.
  20. Those knobs are highly sought after and a source of major annoyance if they go missing. If you know, you know...
  21. Oh, those burst ones are lovely also, and that one looks in great nick. Sorry you had to sell it, enforced sales are the worst
  22. Unfortunately, this one has this idiot attached to it, so by that metric it's probably only worth about 50p now...
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