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Everything posted by neepheid

  1. I've never been down to nothing, but I have had to sell stuff I didn't want to in order to make things work, financially and yes, it is a fraction of the downer having to sell up entirely must be. FWIW I would have offered you a loaner if I was anywhere remotely close by. Really happy to see folk stepping in, some awesome folk hang around here. Hope you get back on track and get through your current difficulties soon.
  2. I think it's OK as long as you don't say it three times whilst looking in a mirror...
  3. Yeah, it's a full scale, 1978 BB1200. More pics in its NBD thread, if you're interested. And thank you
  4. It doesn't happen to me, so either I'm deformed, or you are
  5. I've wanted a Yamaha BB1200 ever since I learned what Yamaha BBs were. Well now I have one. A 1978 model in natural, it has honest wear and bumps on it being 45 years old but it's sound as a pound and an absolute joy to play - thin frets on an ebony board, wide but not too chunky neck, it feels lovely. Sounds great too, reverse P be reversin'. This makes me feel fancy, in a similar way that my Wunkay does. I truly feel like I own one of the cornerstone basses of history. It weighs 9 and a half pounds, not too shabby for a late 70s bass. Enough chat, I'm off to play it some more!
  6. Great - played my new bass at war volume for the first time, and made some good progress on a new song we're writing/finessing.
  7. Had a proper go with it last night at band jam. I can confirm that it's a great sounding bass, was using neck pickup in series mostly and it had plenty oomph, cut through and had no bother hearing myself. I am happy with this purchase and I would be happy to gig it any time.
  8. They've updated the page, now there's a sparkly ray-a-like...
  9. Oh, and and any sort of funky shaped neck heel will also be reversed. But I guess you're making your own neck pocket so it wouldn't matter? Or are you sticking with Fender-esque things (in which case it shouldn't matter)?
  10. If it's not a compound radius or an asymmetric profile, then yes, the only difference will be the headstock orientation and the nut reversal.
  11. Merry Christmas to me. Picked it up before work, now am at work for an agonising 8 hours, more later. Also, good to be back in BB land, been a few years!
  12. Nice one. If it's anywhere as good as my Sire D5, you'll be in for a treat.
  13. Very different pickups in almost every way, unfortunately
  14. I guess they'll find out soon enough...
  15. Warman maybe? I've nearly bought some of their stuff in the past, and heard some positive things. https://www.warmanguitars.co.uk/product/p-bass-classic-pickup-8-56kohm-and-5-21-henries/
  16. Further dividing the Sterling by Musicman range, is the number after the "Ray" Ray4/5 - cheapest Ray24/25 - middle Ray34/35 - most expensive Then there are oddbods like the Shortscale Ray which comes in at 24 prices and the Darkray which comes in at its own eyewatering price.
  17. Well, I suppose I should stick my tuppence worth in, seeing as I started it. I'm personally not too fussed for any of this new stuff and will be unlikely to buy any of them - that's principally because they're inspired by basses that don't hold any interest for me. But that doesn't mean I can't see the market potential for these, at the right price. I think they'll do very well in the situation we find ourselves in, where EBMM have turned into a bunch of greedy so-and-sos and hiked up the prices of their SUB/Sterling stuff to frankly eye-watering levels and the Foderas are unobtanium for most mere mortals. All I can say with certainty is that if they put the same effort and time into these new ones as they did with my D5 then they'll tend to be excellent instruments and I wish them every success.
  18. My NBD thread not enough for you, you greedy bugger?
  19. Dinna worry, I'm watching the tracking like a hawk, as soon as it's at the local depot, I'll be down there. Pretty sure I read somewhere that you don't have to wait for the demand, you can just rock up and pay.
  20. Where's your NBD thread then? Hope the contents arrived intact.
  21. Nae luck. Also, I'm nae allowed to see these Facebook pics - are they set to Public?
  22. Oh, nearly forgot - a wifie from the PRS came to our gig and actually came to say hello. First time that's ever happened to me. We handed her a copy of our set list and I think she just naffed off again. Didn't see her at half time or at the end, lol.
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