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Everything posted by neepheid

  1. It's a cricket joke, nae a gender joke, ye gype
  2. Fun fact about Methlick, they have a cricket ground which they have affectionately named "Laird's" (Doric for "Lord's").
  3. Bloody hell, Fyvie, that's a wee place that doesn't get mentioned very often!
  4. Scenic route theory confirmed, just got notification that bass is out for delivery today.
  5. The acoustic bass thing. Many bassists have tried and asked exactly the same question as you, myself included.
  6. Happy for you. Me, never. I enjoy the variety.
  7. Lots of contenders this year (zero chance of doing back-to-back gear abstenence threads, I'm only human!) Ultimately though, despite buying some interesting and fine basses, I think my best purchase(s) this year is a new rig consisting of Markbass Mini CMD 121P IV and Markbass NY121 cab. Great sounding rig. Honourable mention goes to the Tecamp Puma I bought after borrowing it when my amp died - that's a great sounding amp.
  8. Interesting, I noised up Andertons and they got back to me pretty quickly, and they see "Discrepancy scan" as "Misrouted". This makes sense now as I've seen a further "Discrepancy scan" in Edinburgh. So looks like it might be getting to me, but taking a "pin the tail on the donkey" approach to getting a parcel to Aberdeen... Edinburgh, close enough, innit? Scotland, innit? EDIT: It's starting to look like a case of "got put in the back of the wrong van/truck". If it is indeed in Edinburgh this morning then fingers crossed I'll get it tomorrow.
  9. Tracking's gone dry, projected date of today has disappeared and been replaced with... nothing. There's a worrying line in the tracking that Andertons links you to - "DISCREPANCY SCAN". Getting the sinking feeling that they've "lost" my one. If so, that'll be the second bass of mine this year D!ck Heads Limited has eaten. FFS.
  10. You don't need to justify yourself or your decisions, to me, at least.
  11. You're free to disagree. Just as I'm free to disagree with you. But it's not ok for you to cast aspersions about band chemistry in bands you know nothing about based upon a few words on a web forum. I think you've taken that too far. Also, in my crappy amateurish world, we're the ones paying for studio time and we'll use it as we see fit. Feel free to disagree, of course.
  12. Favouritism! And it's not as if I'm that much further up the road. Damn you, DHL!
  13. The stock pickups could be great, as I define great to mean. I am open to this possibility - I'm not one of these people that change pickups as soon as the bass arrives. Nothing will get done until I've heard it in cans, through the amp and at war volume in a band context.
  14. I'm not holding out on yous... my delivery got bumped
  15. Yas, the three point love make a welcome change from the usual derision. Why are you top loading? Preference, or strings too short? Just curious - no wrong answers.
  16. Red flagging all over the place. It's not quite full of lorem ipsum but it's not far off. No contact details, no company registration details, totally smells of scam site.
  17. Sorry, that meant nothing without context. I have briefly alluded to it on here (perhaps in the "giving up" thread), but we're having a terrible time finding a new singer for our covers band. So far nothing but timewasters, wannabes, poseurs and weirdos
  18. I'll stick my oar in to say that I had the Tribute version of this, and it was a fine bass. A story that will stay with me forever - I played the Tribute SB-2 at a gig and it was so powerful that the sound engineer asked me if it was active The guy I sold it to still has it, and that was 5 years ago. Might see if he's playing any gigs before Xmas, hear/see it back in action for nostalgia! Double shaggy dog story bump!
  19. People who talk $hit tend to do it in vast quantities...
  20. https://www.warmanguitars.co.uk/product/jazzbar-bass-humbucker-13-31k-8-56-h-4-wire-overwound/ Will confirm if the measurements work out soon.
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