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Everything posted by neepheid

  1. Why would all 50,000 BC members be UK residents?
  2. You'll have to try way harder than that to get rid of me, damn you!
  3. Yes, yes it was definitely something you said.
  4. Do as I say, not as I do. A classic! Which colour did you go for?
  5. I'm not a fan of these types who assume everyone in the vicinity is on board with their antics, good natured though it may be.
  6. I'm a 5' 9" shortarse, didn't bother me...
  7. Would pay to see you use this combo. The keytar and the roller skates. No skates, deal's off.
  8. Ahh well, in for a penny, in for £250...
  9. The logo can make it clear that it's not the genuine article in a way that isn't crass (J!zz Bass) or naff (Pretender Bass). When I made a bitsa, I put an "Imprecision Bass" logo on it, late 70s/early 80s lettering. I thought it looked pretty good, and had some thought put into that it works on several levels (the imprecision of it not being a genuine Fender, the imprecision of the ham fisted git bashing the strings... etc.)
  10. It was a question, not a statement. But it was unnecessarily sarcastic and a bit combative, so sorry about that. The context of what I write is always crystal clear in my head, I need to remember that everyone else isn't in my head... As someone who collects fine vintage instruments (and can I stress that I don't think there's anything wrong with that whatsoever - I like when people are discerning about their own stuff, I know I'm an omnivorous yet picky so-and-so), where do you stand on the whole faker decal thing? I suspect that you would disapprove, but I'm ready to be surprised!
  11. That was fun. And you're all wrong. FIGHT
  12. No. We're all specialists in our chosen fields. More probably timewasting auditions this week, wheeee!
  13. Yes, because everyone who buys basses is deeply knowledgeable about all things bassy...
  14. So you're saying you actively look down upon people who don't have vintage Fenders? Because that's the kind of people I'm referring to, who have a problem with what's on the headstock of other people's basses.
  15. Already thunk of that one, he wasn't up for it, he's in 3 bands as it is!
  16. And therein lies the problem - even if the original decal applyer is on the level when they sell it, who's to say the next person will be?
  17. Agreed, if it's a regulation 20 fret, 34" scale neck with a Fenderesque neck pocket/heel size then it ought to be OK within the adjustment range of the bridge without having to relocate the bridge.
  18. Been done to all things since branded things were a thing. I don't condone or endorse the practice myself, and actively discourage it. I think poorly of the people who do it and I don't give a flying f who that offends. You do that, you're shady in my book. I don't care what name is on your headstock, and neither does anyone else but cork sniffers and snobs - and why do you want to impress or gain the approval of that kind of pond life anyway?
  19. I have a different problem. I'm in two great bands - we're having a godawful time finding a replacement singer for one of them at the moment. So far had got nothing but unfortunately nervous people, poseurs, wannabes, liars and weirdos. We're cursed.
  20. I wish they hadn't discontinued the purpleburst they used to do. I would have snagged it in a heartbeat.
  21. I'd find the extra £50 to buy one of those Soloking Roscoe Beck-a-likes.
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