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Everything posted by neepheid

  1. Buy at distance, with confidence. If you don't like it, send it back!
  2. Welcome to the club. I love my Triad, I'm sure you'll enjoy yours very much also.
  3. I am flipping back and forth between the two - giving some serious consideration to taking a punt on one of these. A little early Xmas present to myself, perhaps? I too, am gravitating towards the black, that faint sparkle in the finish coupled with the cream pickguard is starting to look really nice, when for a start I was all about the LPB. At the serious humming and hawing stage, coupled with a quick look at the bank balance...
  4. I'll just throw my tuppence in and say that I think it's a little expensive, considering the condition and mods.
  5. Well, don't buy it then, simples! I don't see any issue with the bridge placement/alignment wrt the neck and fingerboard edges. Pickups could have used being a mm or two to the right. Eh, if it doesn't work, send it back.
  6. I didn't know that there were triangle players here on BC...
  7. Having said that, Albridge do a direct 4 screws in the corners replacement for Sire bridges iirc.
  8. Hey, you do you. Me, I only change hardware if there's something operationally wrong with it, or as part of a colour change. Been through the modding for modding's sake phase of my passing life and found it to be little more than a money suck.
  9. What are you hoping to gain from changing the bridge?
  10. Oops. Errant mouse click just occurred on a strange website called "Ishibashi"...
  11. Bass body made of fancy "decorative" woods, burls, spalts, always natural finish, or worse, colorised in a way that highlights the burly/diseased wood it's made of.
  12. That's way fancier than my coffee table...
  13. I think I've wandered into the earplugs/tinnitus thread by mistake...
  14. Didn't catch that, can you repeat that please?
  15. Aw boo, well I'll do a 2 plus A.N. Other then. 'Arry, forgive me!
  16. He's been mentioned by name twice already. Looks like I'm on someone's ignore list then!
  17. I cannot participate, as there is no Steve Harris at time of writing this.
  18. My doppelganger! I've been looking for a reserve Jazz bass hater to tag in whenever I need a nap, you in?
  19. My Wunkay is really hurt. So are bullet truss rod Fenders. And every Gibson ever made, but that hardly helps my argument
  20. They're bloody awful. Balance restored in the universe now?
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