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Everything posted by neepheid

  1. I just linked to one which was within the stated budget. OK, only mathematically speaking - but £499 IS less than £500 - the stated "probable" budget of the OP... OP - if by <£500 you mean £300, maybe edit your post?
  2. Your bass playing isn't being improved by debating the correct use of the word "tuner"...
  3. How odd, I like chunky necks AND have small hands. Life would be boring if we were all the same, eh?
  4. https://www.thomann.de/gb/rockbag_warlock_bassgigbag.htm https://www.andertons.co.uk/bass-dept/bass-guitar-strings-accessories/cases-bags-for-bass-guitars/gig-bags-for-bass-guitars/bc-rich-premium-bass-guitar-gig-bag-mockingbird-warlock That's all I can come up with a quick google. Out of stock, naturally, probably need to be special ordered, because they're so niche. These may seem expensive to you, I don't know what your definition of £'ssss is. Welcome to the world of odd sized gig bags. Having owned a few Thunderbirds and Jack Casadies, I can sympathise. Good luck.
  5. Tecamp Puma/Eich? I have a Tecamp Puma 900 and it's a wee head that sounds amazing (to me anyway) with simple 4 band EQ, more power than I'll ever need, and the Taste knob is genius - was able to dial in the sound I wanted very quickly using it. And - thank the heavens, a mute button. Bassbros are selling a Tecamp Puma 900 for £499 - in budget, just.
  6. No Jazz basses, end of discussion. Not a huge fan of maple boards, especially if they're so pale that they look like they were photoshopped onto the bass in real life. Anything else, let's talk.
  7. Wasn't it a Thunderbird last week?
  8. Do as I say, not as I do Maybe if you have it in one of those travel mugs with the flip top thing for drinking out of. I remember one job I worked at, they had a rule of no hot drinks at desk, unless in one of these types of mugs. H&S I guess, but it was a reasonable request so I ran with it.
  9. I don't think it would come across rude - your control room, your rules. Don't like it, go record somewhere else.
  10. I had a four string of these stupidly named basses. Bullion gold 2014 model. Mine was decently made from the structural side. I personally didn't care for the unfilled (what looks like) ash grain through the finish, you might like that. Mine was pretty light, don't remember it being heavy, put it that way. Sounded decent, the coil split on each pickup gives you some extra options. I don't remember being blown away by the sound, just because there are exposed pole pieces on these didn't make them sound that much different from your typical Gibson TB+ pickup IMO, not necessarily a bad thing of course, but I had become somewhat jaded about those pickups having owned several basses wearing them by that point.
  11. My first reaction was "duh, it's on YouTube". Sorry, I know there's some fine content on YT, but a lot of stuff on there has an axe to grind of some sort, or is clickbaity nonsense. I'm too old to get sooked in by it, I see it and go "oh eff off SBL/everyone else who indulges in it, that's a pile of BS" and move on. I always find myself answering the stupid "questions" in clickbait in my head. "How would John Bonham sound today?" - tired, I'd guess.
  12. Nothing doing? If someone has anything beyond the technical to offer about the differences between the Pure and the Energy, I'm all ears.
  13. In future, in this bleak, post obbm cable world we live in, if you CBA making cables, there's always designacable.com
  14. Presumably you've tried a new battery?
  15. Well well, isn't funny how everything can change in a few weeks? Looks like I'll be a two rig guy now. I was set on getting another cab to focus on using the Tecamp Puma 900 with 2 cabs and that was that, but an opportunity arose to buy a Markbass CMD 121P IV combo at an extremely favourable price. Of course, this sits perfectly on top of the New York 121 for a very agreeable 500W rig. It's more than enough to handle the pub gigs I've done with it so far. Trouble is, I really like the Puma and I don't want to move it on - I like how it sounds, it's so powerful and wee, so convenient as a backup, as a headphone amp, and as the main amp for the evening. So my new plan is to find another cab to partner the Puma up with. I'm wanting to stay Markbass, I still want to be modular and compact, so I'm on the hunt for a Traveler 121 Ninja. Logic being that it's 800W@8ohm so it'll handle the Puma by itself, and comfortably deal with it in a pair (the NY 121 will not be happy with its 450W share of the load, seeing as it tops out at 400W, but I'll know not to run it at full chat - I doubt I'd ever need to, TBF). I guess a second NY 121 wouldn't be a dreadful thing to have - the pair of them will handle 800W of the Puma's 900W full output so as long as I'm not daft it'll be OK. Anyway, that's the plan, I'm not in a hurry to execute it, but ultimately that's where I'm headed.
  16. That's what we keep telling ourselves...
  17. It usually does. As long as the mix sounds awesome, it's all good.
  18. I don't think I have a best. I sometimes feel like my hair has been blown back. Most recently, that was my Wunkay, OMG mode, a Tecamp Puma 900 into a Markbass NY121 cab. But there'll be other times when I puff out my cheeks and think "damn, that's some good sounding bass" to myself.
  19. I put in a little bit of effort to my participation and it worked! Now I'm a winner too. But what did I win?
  20. Well, usage is usage, so you still save by not using the electricity you didn't use anyway, the points thing is on top of that. Anyway, it'll be interesting to see what the points haul will be come Jan/Feb next year.
  21. Yes, indeed, I would do this if the switch wasn't so gosh darn inaccessible. I'm just not that flexible, and I'm not that desperate for a few extra pennies that I want to move the fridge freezer for this (it's a tall, all in one unit). Am tempted to try the whole "power cut" approach some time - I don't have a dog, but I could just get off my lazy butt and go for a walk anyway?
  22. Yes, "smart" meters only. Yes, it's proportionalt - it's an obfuscated points scheme - you get octopoints based upon the number of kWh you save. Which converts into money at a rate of 8 points (octopus, get it?) to the penny. For reference, last session we saved 0.68 kWh for which we were awarded 1224 octopoints which means £1.53. You also get little kickbacks of points for going on a run of participation in these saving sessions. In Jan/Feb I cashed in £28.96 off my energy balance from all the savings sessions from last winter. It's not going to make you rich, but it's free money for sitting in the dark for a few disparate hours. Unclear - it might?
  23. The language used is unclear - what is rewarded is a measured reduction of usage, not the absence of usage in its entirety. Reduced usage vis-a-vis what you would normally use in the same time period on average. I've heard of some people going hard core, flipping their main switch off and bogging off to walk the dog, but we just go around turning everything we normally leave on, off (such as the various things we have on charging, like laptops, external speaker, etc.) make sure nothing's left on standby, switch off the cooker at the wall (oh no, no clock, how will we cope?) and delay switching the heating on - gas heating, but the pump uses electricity... Obvs all unnecessary lights. We leave the fridge freezer on and the internet - then just use devices on battery for the hour or whatever. Avoid making tea/coffee/toast etc - just make sure you get a cuppa on before the session starts! You know you've successfully done this because you've made a conscious decision to switch things off that you normally don't think about, or refrain from using them. You're using the torch on your phone to go to the bathroom like it's a power cut ffs
  24. Might be the lighting, but that new bridge looks too "chromey" now against the anodised pickguard. Fully embrace the black and gold and go for gold hardware? It's very in this season...
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