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Everything posted by neepheid

  1. I don't like haggling/pussyfooting around/foreplay when it comes to buying stuff. Go on then, infer away...
  2. I was imagining the statement that someone with no track record would make a better job of it than a maker of harnesses if you had made the harness in question @KiOgon, as purveyor of the finest harnesses on BC, and it made me chuckle. I think I expressed it a bit too tersely, and now I've probably overexplained it. Humour is hard sometimes. As you were, everyone...
  3. As per the title - anyone had a go of the Markbass MB58R cabs yet? Specifically interested in the 121 Energy and 121 Pure. All thoughts gratefully received.
  4. Although I was indeed referencing the original post, at the risk of causing offence, either, or any. I'm simply referencing the fact that me and Jazz basses do not get along on any level. Yours is at least a bit better because it has one decent pickup, I'll give you that Thanks, yeah I beasted it in one go because I'm quite mad. It was a bit "jousty" around Birmingham but by the time I hit Scotland I only had the occasional lorry for company. I did put an "I got home safe" post in the Bass bash thread
  5. The Inevitable Teaspoons are a cutlerycore band from Aberdeen, Scotland.
  6. I have hoped to get money back on every second hand bass I've bought. I guess I'm not a bass player then
  7. It's not wall to wall "Monarch of the Glen" up here, you know...
  8. I wouldn't dream of picking up a guitar that doesn't belong to me without asking for permission. If it was unclear who it belongs to, I wouldn't pick it up. Poor show if you think otherwise, in my book.
  9. I make no distinction between home/live. I want all my basses to be simple and reliable and easy to EQ. To that end, I am all about passive these days - I found that I simply do not use the undoubted tonal flexibility that active EQ can offer so it was wasted on me. As a consequence, no batteries mean one less thing to go wrong, but that wasn't the meme-y reason why I ditched the actives.
  10. Careful with that - at soundcheck one time I was absentmindedly noodling the intro to "I Wanna Be Adored" by the Stone Roses. P!shed guy recognised it and was all "YAAAAAAS, I LOVE STONE ROSES!". Sh!t, we don't do that one! Thankfully he was too steamin to remember he'd heard it by the time we started, phew!
  11. Oh, don't get me started. "You do any Pink Floyd?" Oh sure, I'll just trot out this saxophonist and these backing singers along with some weird synths and frickin laser beams that we clearly didn't arrive with and we'll get right on that for you, you f'n moron.
  12. No, it isn't normal behaviour. What a wazzock!
  13. Occupational hazard, innit? Sometimes you get some bass nerd wanting to know about your rig/bass in excruciating detail (which is really cool, because I'm a bass nerd also), the next you've got some whizzed up idiot berating you because you didn't play their favourite song, and why don't you know it, and call yourself a band etc. All the while, trying to say "thanks for coming, I need to pack up now..."
  14. Also, we saved £1.53 during our saving session.
  15. Epiphone Jack Casady FTW - the lazy boy's bass. Makes more than enough sound acoustically for solo practice vs. laptop speakers.
  16. To offer an alternative viewpoint, I found mine to be too light - to the point where it felt wrong, it was distracting and off-putting. I moved it on. I just didn't feel right while playing it. Shame, as they're great looking and sounding basses. The green one is awesome, but the gold (which I had) isn't far behind. Enjoy!
  17. Whichever answer leads to buying a new bass, that's the correct BC answer
  18. I don't tilt mine, and I've got no bother hearing myself.
  19. I would advise an external USB sound interface of some kind - the built in stuff to most computers is fine for listening to tunes, but not very good for recording with. Plus an external sound interface will be able to accept full size jacks and probably XLR too so you don't need to faff around with converters
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