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Everything posted by neepheid

  1. Hard no on Dakota, and up here, Caledonia. I already know I'm in Scotland and I know that I miss it when I'm not there, don't need that reinforced in trite, overplayed music, thx.
  2. Amen to that. There are some cornerstones you can't avoid, but we also try to include some less obvious numbers (for instance, when it comes to Feeder, we don't do Buck Rogers, we do Just A Day). When it comes to Green Day, while we do the obvious numbers you mention, we also do Minority sometimes and have floated the idea of doing Holiday. If we notice any that don't get a good reaction (and Minority's coat is on a shoogly peg in this regard) then they get binned.
  3. As a Reverend owner, I see these and I can't help thinking that someone described the Reverend body shape over the phone to someone and this is the result. There's something... off about them that probably wouldn't occur to someone unfamiliar with Reverend basses, but I think would drive me batty. I'm sure they're good basses. Aren't all but the absolute cheapest of cheap basses "good" these days?
  4. You'd better put photos up now!
  5. Although I'm not set on Fender/Squier Precision basses (the G&L Tribute LB-100 is about as close as you're going to get me to a traditional P bass, but the black and gold 40th Anniversary Squier P basses nearly hooked me in!), the fact that half my basses are single pickup, passive instruments probably means something Precision-y (as does my general dislike of bridge pickups where present). The sub fact that I take the LB-100 to the gig when I'm not sure how it's going to go and don't want to have to think about whether or not I've brought the right bass to the gig is probably a Precision-y thing to do also. I have always favoured chunky necks, and these days I'm all passive. It's a slippery slope into a P bass old age, innit? Also, cheap basses rule these days - IMO the quality gap between the lower end and higher end of the price range has never been smaller and it makes it harder for MIA instruments to justify their existence beyond the logo. If G&L made a Tribute wunkay, you can safely bet I'd have bought that instead of MIA.
  6. I hear that. Imposter syndrome out the wazoo from time to time.
  7. Well, they effed that up then, because here you are telling lots of bass players how bloody rude they've been. Idiot(s).
  8. It's the lack of half-assed pickguard that makes this one look a lot better and more akin to the old school BB look. Much better IMO. More of this please, Yamaha.
  9. I don't know what they'd be - maybe email EBMM directly to find out the ones you need? You're not asking them to send you anything other than the information...
  10. There's an outside chance that the Albridge with Sire screw pattern might fit, but I'm clutching at straws here (plus you'll have unused thru-body stringing holes which may irritate you) Hipshot Transtone also has a screw in each corner:
  11. Goddamn it! I put a lot of effort into that fake amp ad (sorry, Gallien Krueger).
  12. (with thanks to the GIMP and sincerest apologies to Gallien-Krueger...)
  13. Missed my wedding anniversary, good start
  14. We played a gig once where they had forgotten to put the telly behind us off (sound was off though). Was on rolling news and something significant had happened in the Russia/Ukraine war so it was quite ominous to have Putin looking over our shoulders at various intervals...
  15. FWIW, I've bought two basses from Thomann in the last year - the first one was a Sire D5 which DHL "lost" on its way to me. Thomann were actually really cool about it, accepted it was lost pretty quickly and sent another one which got through. Second bass was straight through, no bother. To confirm - no extra hidden charges on the UK side when buying from Thomann - the price you see is the price you pay.
  16. I don't think it matters. I'll take whatever you think "dark" means with regard to sound and disregard it because it is unlikely to tally with what I think it means. Which is fine.
  17. For context, I think nothing of a 6 hour round trip - that's Aberdeen > Glasgow > Aberdeen. My perspective being that you have to go at least as far as Glasgow to get anything but the utter basics when it comes to bass stuff. Your mileage (so to speak) will vary, of course, but it always amazes me how few hours travelling it takes to put some people off doing stuff.
  18. I read it as a a clumsy way of asking if it was supplied like that, or was modified in some way after the fact.
  19. It arrived at an inconveniently quiet time - I've got no gigs scheduled until November, but will likely have some rehearsals next week so I'll give my "war volume" thoughts on it soon.
  20. I read the title of this thread as "Name that rack ear" and I thought to myself "woah, that's some SERIOUS uber-geek level knowledge right there".
  21. As I've already mentioned, in the electromagnetic hell of our rehearsal room it's quieter than some of my other basses which I have felt compelled shield with copper tape. Make of that what you will. But I can't tell visually what the coil configuration of my pickup is - there's tape/ribbon all the way round the coil(s) and I'm not peeling that back, I'm not that curious, sorry. The way I see it, if someone is that bothered about pickups they'll probably want to change the stock pickup regardless of what it is. At least with the D5 you get a lot of other good stuff like roasted neck, rolled fingerboard edges, truss rod access at the neck heel and a standard 5 screw pattern on the bridge, so that's easy to change as well if one is so inclined.
  22. My usual glib answer was probably unhelpful. Allow me to expand (and possibly add to the unhelpfulness). I would only use the "let me google that for you" approach once an appropriate level of banter had been established. I can see why some people might prefer to ask - sometimes it's not as simple as searching, there is an art to sifting out the garbage and frankly incorrect information out there that a search can throw up. It's even worse when it's a situation where there isn't one single right answer and you're looking for the "best" answer, which google et al cannot help you with. Sometimes people are just looking for reassurance. And just because their question is worded tersely, that doesn't mean they haven't searched previously, that is an easy assumption to make. Basically, dinna be a grump. If someone is insistent on being a grump, I'd suggest they go and eff off and be a grump somewhere else (either on their own or have a grumpiness contest with some other grumps) instead of taking it out on some poor noob who had the temerity to ask a question that the grump considers easy to answer.
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