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Everything posted by neepheid

  1. Right, I'm in Taunton. Kinda. Anything happening tonight?
  2. England, consider yourself invaded...
  3. I'm invading anyway. You'll have to try harder than that to keep me out.
  4. That's not an amp problem, that's a lack of roadies problem...
  5. Well, that definitely makes me vintage then... not that I was fooling anyone anyway
  6. I think you'll get a different answer from everyone you ask to define such a nebulous term.
  7. No regrets - anything I've bought that hasn't worked out has helped me understand what I do like a bit better.
  8. Yeah, I would have 100% had the purpleburst Triad if it were available when I bought mine. Korina burst was the next best thing - the Alpine burst one with the maple fingerboard looked a bit daft to me, like the neck was there by accident.
  9. I only started using Designacable since obbm retired. Had a few XLRs from them, happy with them so far.
  10. Well, that's me given all my basses a dicht (wipe) - they're all now somewhere between concourse condition and "you won't catch ebola off it"... Also, I have a small contribution to the raffle... An EHX Bass Soul Food overdrive pedal and a FuzzDog Fat Furry Freak fuzz pedal (assembled from their kit by yours truly). Just had a quick test of them and they both seem to be in working order. Don't mind if you raffle them separately or as a job lot.
  11. Almost every Gibson bass I've ever owned...
  12. G&L did a purple wunkay, sorry, the current colour choices are natural, baccy burst, blueburst, matcha green. * Who, me? 😈
  13. It's not outrageous - I know I'm of zero use in this instance being neither near London nor in possession of a Reverend Decision P, but I'd get the kettle on for any BCer wanting to try out a bass of mine for research purposes. Although I would say that distance selling regulations are your friend in this respect - you know what you want and it'd cost you a lot less than a trip to Glasgow to send the bass back to Glasgow if you decided it wasn't for you... Good luck!
  14. Can't help you, sorry, I've got just enough stands for what I'm bringing. Maybe someone who isn't bringing any basses could help out? Also - a week to go... (less from my perspective - leaving on Saturday) - excited!
  15. Last night was an interesting one. The second time we've played the Black Abbot in Montrose. We were through in the bar this time instead of the lounge - a smaller room and we were worried that we'd be a bit loud but it actually sounded OK. Back to earth with a bump of course compared to Friday night, having to set up everything, move stuff out of the way, all the normal shenanigans of a pub gig. It wasn't very busy, had 20ish folk in with a further few coming through periodically from the lounge for a few songs then disappearing (but they kept coming back, so I'm counting them!) but the folk we did have were really into it - warm applause after each song (it was more like a concert than a gig) and some dancing. We got some nice comments after, and it was a nice early gig (8-11), so got home at a reasonable time for a change. Played the Sire D5 last night, it's a great bass - absolutely no nonsense '54 style P action and the neck is lovely. Small room so the amp got another easy night. We've got October off due to various holidays/work commitments, so that's all from me for a while!
  16. New venue (for me anyway) last night - the Harbour Lights in Peterhead. What a different experience compared to the usual "wait a mo while we move the pool table, then you can set up everything" - an actual stage, with a drum riser, house PA and a sound engineer. Guy did a good job too - sound on stage was excellent, lots of monitors and good levels all round achieved with minimal fuss or input from us. The gig itself wasn't super busy, but we had folk up dancing and it picked up in the second half. It's been years since we played in Peterhead (not since pre COVID days) but some of our old regulars came to see us which was really cool. With big PA support my amp had a leisurely time turned up about half way instead of the usual 3/4 ish. Really cool gig, I hope we get asked back to play here.
  17. A more palatable link, perhaps: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-66965766
  18. I was delighted with the service I got from Schaller when restoring a Gibson Victory Artist. It had a broken M4S tuner. As I was not the original owner (plus it was made in 1981 and technically Schaller had the working relationship with Gibson - who in this instance were less than useless of course), Schaller had absolutely no obligation to help me out at all. I ended up in an email chat with the head honcho of Schaller, and they sent me 4x the parts I needed when one would have done, a sticker and a bag of plectra, and took no money from me - I did offer to buy a whole M4S so I could strip it for the parts I needed, but they took no money from me whatsoever. Speaking of Gibson - although they deny all responsibility if the thing in question is too old as outlined in the above example, on modern stuff they were on it. I had an EB (2014) and its bridge pickup went faulty. They sent a replacement to me so I could sort it myself, no questions asked, didn't want any proof beyond the serial number and didn't even want the old pickup back first. Solid performance, I'd say.
  19. I have never told anyone how to play the bass. I'm probably doing it "wrong"...
  20. Oh well, as long as you're managing OK, then everyone must be managing OK, right? I'm sure there are people on the Aspergers/autism spectrum who are having a lovely time with this right now.
  21. I'll give you a fiver for it... sorry, said it before someone else does...
  22. Take me out back and put me out of my misery - I am dismayed at the amount of time it took me to retrieve from my tiny mind what HPF stood for...
  23. Yes, I do. There's not much else interesting about me to talk about, I work in IT FFS.
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