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Everything posted by neepheid

  1. Andertons sell these hard cases too, maybe you should boycott them also
  2. Hey, you're damned if you do and damned if you don't. If I hadn't highlighted the zombie thread resurrection, someone else was bound to - it's the rules
  3. I don't see how the first point is Guitarguitar's fault, tbh. For balance, I like Guitarguitar. They let me put a deposit down for and pay up a bass they hadn't even listed on their site yet, and it arrived in perfect condition, just in time for my birthday. I would deal with them again.
  4. Holy zombie thread resurrection, Batman!
  5. All of what you're describing is possible - but it would be far better (not to mention cheaper) to get a new bass. The out of tune thing sounds like a setup issue, intonation, specifically - so why not stave off the GAS monster by learning how to set up your bass?
  6. Gibson to release some genuine reissues of past bass failures and make some new ones I might be interested in...
  7. +1 - he did a great job of copying my G&L LB-100 pickguard. I'm sure if you make up a card template he'll recreate it faithfully.
  8. An Explorer never makes sense, and that's why I wanted one
  9. It's mostly country music, some folk, sometimes I play in church, the occasional ceilidh
  10. Good news, the Epi Explorer can come... just. Nice to have someone to talk to on a road trip...
  11. For clarity, the cab is homemade (not by me) from a kit (Bill Fitzmaurice BFM Omni 10.5) and the resistor was not glued down or anything and the whole thing is not soldered (it's joined up by connector blocks) so I reckon vibration eventually took its toll - the legs were left sticking out of the connector blocks. Amp seems fine now, by itself it's happy to go loud. The cab was working too even with the missing crossover, must have been a blip when the resistor gave up. I've ordered a replacement resistor, and I'll be glueing the bugger down this time!
  12. It's not the combo, it's the extension cab - I found this rattling around inside. It's supposed to be connected to the tweeters, whoops! I'm thinking if this happened during the gig, that might have annoyed the amp into going into protection mode. The legs are broken off, I've ordered a replacement. Then we'll see if I cooked the tweeters...
  13. I dipped in and out of the thread, apologies if I'm repeating something someone's already mentioned.
  14. Eff off and stop twisting my words. You know damn well I am talking about the hypothetical scientific study being proposed in this discussion, not the discussion of basses in general. Enjoy your troll food. I hope your next s#ite is a hedgehog
  15. Yes, but would it not be better to expend that kind of brainpower to cure cancer or something like that? This kind of minutiae is frivolous at best and at worst a reason for a faction of the bass playing community to lord it over the other about how wrong they are. I think I'd rather have to not worry about cancer, MND, Parkinson's or dementia/Alzheimer's than have all the mystery removed from guitar and bass construction.
  16. Explorer in a K&M stand, same story with the Hercules one, about an inch off the floor. I think the best stand would be the Hercules one with the pop out back rest rather than the padded legs, but I prefer the convenience of the telescopic K&M one rather than the two piece Hercules with individual clicky holes for the height adjustment. Also the K&M stand is smaller when minimised.
  17. You ought to know better than to try and apply logic to anything Gibson does...
  18. It's a grab stand I'm using for this - not even going to try it in a mini stand!
  19. You're wasting your time. Seriously, just walk away, play your bass and let the cork sniffers of the world sniff dem corks - it makes them happy, and everyone deserves to be happy, right?
  20. I just tried it with the Hercules stand I have in the house and it fits - just. It's about an inch off the ground - you have to make sure you rest it correctly otherwise the top corner is sitting on metal just before the stand's foot. You have to kind of align the edge of the body with the leg, then it rests on the foam.
  21. The case is ridiculous, it's the kind of case you take somewhere to declare war, not simply play some bass!
  22. Yeah, haven't checked that yet. Taking it out for some war volume fun tomorrow night so fingers crossed!
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