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Everything posted by neepheid

  1. Surprisingly not bad - no neck dive using a Neotech Mega strap, a chonky neck (which I like) and my arm kinda naturally rests along the top of the body and my hand ends up directly over the bridge pickup. I'll let you know if I'm still OK after a 3 hour gig
  2. I'm nae wearing a kilt, unless someone pays for the hire
  3. I would have thought the chance to see a peculiar, middle-aged Scotsman making a tit of himself with an Explorer bass would be worth the admission fee in and of itself...
  4. In for a penny, in for £13 TL:DR I'm in.
  5. Eh, it's all noise to me now. Do I like how the bass looks? Do I like how the bass sounds? Do I like how the bass feels? If yes to all three, buy the thing, I don't care how it got there.
  6. They're all a shower of buggers when it comes down to it. I take the "courierproof packaging", siege mentality approach - I double box, I pack the bass out internally so there's no internal movement in the box. So far, all's been well. I've historically used UPS or ParcelForce, but they're all a bunch of slopey shouldered box chuckers at the end of the day. I think it's absolutely outrageous that we have to pay insurance against their potential cluck ups in the first place.
  7. I'm dating myself here, but older folks will get the reference. I wouldn't trust Evri (or Yodel for that matter) to deliver Captain Scarlet in one piece.
  8. G&L L-1000. Wunkay is its nickname - One K.
  9. I don't really subscribe to the whole "the one" idea. The way I see it, I've got two hands, so I get to save two from a burning building. Those two would be the Epiphone Jack Casady and my wunkay. Make of that what you will.
  10. And it's a yes from this Reverend bass owner. I've got a Triad (bought from exactly the same place about a year ago) and I enjoy it very much.
  11. Say hello to my midlife crisis bass - the Epiphone Korina Explorer. I spied it in a photo someone took of the Gallery during their visit and it caught my eye. I caved when they told me it came with the hard case. I think the black pickguard makes all the difference - all of the natural ones I've seen up until now have white and I think that looks a bit naff. Haven't had a war volume play yet but it sounds good in headphones and at low amp levels. Ergonomics are better than expected - balances really well on a proper strap (so take that, Mr. Dibble). It's long, it's ridiculous and I love it. Also has the biggest hard case I've ever seen! That last pic is the hard case of my G&L next to the Explorer's case, with the left sides aligned.
  12. It doesn't have an FX loop with which to test that.
  13. My amp (RedSub BT5110) half died last night - power stage stopped working, DI was still working out to the PA so I guess the preamp is fine. Thought it might be overheat protection kicking in, but I checked today and the fan is spinning (which was my first suspicion). More weirdness - the headphone output isn't working (although the logic to detect the plugging in of headphones is working and kicks in the mute for the external outputs). I put the headphones into the speaker out and I am getting a signal but it's hissy (not a fair test as headphones are pretty high impedance (32 ohms at least?)) But that's more than what was coming out of the power stage last night. Maybe 11 years, many gigs, many more rehearsals have taken their toll and it's time to move on. I can't gig it if I can't trust it. Thoughts?
  14. RedSub BT5110 - a Gear4Music rebadging of a Beta Aivin design closely related to the Ibanez Promethean P5110. Had it for over 11 years now so it owes me nothing really, but you can't get 'em any more so I'll be a bit bummed out if I can't fix it
  15. What a difference a day makes (and a different bar in a different locale). Played at Wilson's in Aberdeen last night and what a terrific gig it was! Pub was busy, loads of people up dancing and singing along, real positive vibe and energy. This made me play noticeably better (to me anyway) - a good crowd always gives me that extra 10% confidence to play better, throw some shapes on stage, have a bit of banter with them etc. We weren't even supposed to be there - we were filling in for a band which had to cancel so people could only have been aware that it was going to be us instead for a couple of weeks at best. We're back in a fortnight's time, so I had better rejig the set list! Good/bad end to the night: GOOD - got the details of a potential replacement singer. BAD - I've done a mischief to my amp - the power stage cut out during the last song (preamp was still working as I could vaguely hear myself coming out of the PA). Amp investigations today. Hopefully the cooling fan has died, it got hot and protection kicked in. Amp head body felt warm to the touch, but I couldn't smell any magic smoke, so there's hope.
  16. Trust Fender to do it the opposite way to the established way of doing this (Schaller M4S - the nubs are south of the cog, not north). Honestly, I don't think there will be a non destructive way of achieving what you want.
  17. There will be holes - tuners like that most likely have protruding pins in the base plate which locate in holes in the headstock.
  18. For £1500 I expect perfection, tbh. I should have to do absolutely nothing to the bass save for a string change if I don't like the stock strings and a setup to my personal preferences.
  19. Weird, quiet night last night. Meagre attendance, only sporadically interested in the music, sound was off/weird too - nothing I could put my finger on but my JC was misbehaving and feeding back when I had my overdrive pedal on the high setting no matter where I stood, it just seemed to take a dislike to being anywhere near my amp, the singer's monitor, the PA speaker, so anywhere really. Used the OD on the tamer setting for the rest of the night. When I say sporadically interested, there was one lass who was VERY interested in our drummer, sort of draped herself on/around him and mimicked hitting drums, mid song while he's looking at me with his eyes screaming "HELP?" - he managed to power through it until she was persuaded to leave the area. There was this guy who came up to us, seemed interested, named a bunch of stuff he likes THAT WE ACTUALLY PLAY FOR ONCE, then was missing for most of the stuff he spoke about. Like I said, weird night. It was a case of grin and bear it, be professional, get paid, eff off home. Hoping for better tonight - different venue, different town.
  20. Soon, soon. Working the noo, plus gigging tonight and tomorrow night. Probably won't get an NBD thread up until tomorrow.
  21. Finally replaced the tort pickguard on my Tribute LB-100 with a white pearl one, copied expertly from the original by Brian Pillans (earlpilanz on eBay). As Baga Chipz would say - "MUCH BETTAAAH!"
  22. It arrived today - if I told you mine doesn't neck dive AT ALL if you use a decent strap, would you be surprised?
  23. Do it. Sorry, didn't read the post, what are we talking about?
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