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Everything posted by neepheid

  1. Conversely, my best mate has a habit of saying "No offence..." before/after saying something completely innocuous. I think he knows that it annoys me
  2. In my experience, anyone who pre/suffixes something with "just saying" is doing anything but just saying. See "no offence but..." for similar effect.
  3. Tuxguitar is clunky as all hell, but it is free and once you figure out how to use it, you can enter a chord and it will insert the notes onto a staff (and in tab)
  4. Better get all those errant apostrophe's out while the rozzer is off duty then!
  5. Nine Lives is an established rock covers band based in Aberdeenshire. Our singer/frontperson has tendered his resignation due to changes in personal circumstances meaning that he is unable to devote enough time to the band and will be leaving us at the end of the year. So we're on the lookout for a replacement. Must have good range - our current singer can do high stuff like the Darkness' "I Believe In A Thing Called Love", and Blondie "Call Me", for example Able to commit to weekly rehearsals (at our rehearsal space in Maud, Aberdeenshire - I can liftshare from Aberdeen if necessary) On average we gig twice a month (but it can sometimes be Friday and Saturday back to back) Ability to play some rhythm guitar would be very handy, but not essential. If you want more info, PM me. Thanks Matt
  6. That's sleekit. Can't stand that kind of slimy, slopey shouldered, responsibility offloading bollox.
  7. We have a winner! It's an Epiphone Korina Explorer bass. Congratulations - you win... a shottie of it at the bash!
  8. Heh, no. Imma gonna leave you to stew on that for a while, you'll have to wait for the NBD thread. OR I might not do one and you'll just have to wait to meet the mystery guest...
  9. Nah, all getting colder. Clue 3: It was orignally released as a guitar, was never intended to be a bass, the bass version came decades later.
  10. A good guess but not right! I should clarify my first clue to say that it's not currently available in any finish. Clue 2: It's made from a famous, but infrequently used wood.
  11. Let's play a game. I've just ordered a bass and as long as the courier doesn't turn it into toothpicks, I will take it to the bash. I will give clues. I will try to make them progressively easier as we go. Clue 1: It's second hand, and not currently available new AFAIK.
  12. The inexorable decent of the internet into the cesspool can be traced back to this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eternal_September This is not what our tech forebears had in mind.
  13. Denmark is in the EU, so it was kind of a redundant thing to say, unless it was specifically aimed at someone... I'm at a loose end, can you tell?
  14. When playing in the midst of a live band, I couldn't tell you what bass I was playing by sound alone. As long as I can hear myself and it sounds good out front I really don't concern myself with these kind of details, whether I'm playing my Jack Casady or any of my other, solid bodied basses. I salute those who have the skill required to have that spare processing capacity in their brains whilst playing!
  15. That's Retrovibe's shed door...
  16. It's always been the case - early adopters of anything "new" get shafted, that's the price of having the shiniest, newest stuff.
  17. Heh, and I bet they've never seen a mock chop...
  18. I know it's 47 days to go, but tonight I dragged out my holdall of ironmongery (stands) which hasn't been touched since I moved house 5 ish years ago. Pleased to report that I have enough stands for the number of basses I'm taking. Happy days Spooky coincidental fact - there's a 'Spoons song called "47 Days", but it's not about anticipating a bass bash.
  19. It looks very pretty and all, but it's a bit form over function for me - I'm certainly not put off by a jack socket protruding somewhat from the face - the knobs and switches stick out way more after all. Hope you get it sorted.
  20. WD-40 is good at getting rid of sticker residue, so maybe it's also good at getting sticky rubber off of things too?
  21. Not this again. No, you don't. You'll think you do, buy it, have it for a while, think "why did I buy this again?" then flog it off for £90 to someone else, and the cycle continues...
  22. Some sh!tstirring going on in here today. This thread was never going to end well.
  23. Sounds like the times we've played beer festivals - far and away the main focus of the attendees is beer, we're background music to most. Some people stuck around and listened, but most were just going about their beery business. That's OK, we knew it would be that way.
  24. Too clever for me - it was a WTF from this correspondent here also. I just couldn't be arsed getting into another internet bun fight*. *All arguments on the internet are bun fights, regardless of the seriousness of the topic - before anyone accuses me of diminishing a very serious subject.
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