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Everything posted by neepheid

  1. Nope, half way between (unless you go for made to order then you can have whatever you like, as long as they offer it) From the website - "The return of the classic “C”-shape 1 5/8” neck, discontinued by G&L in the 1980s"
  2. That and nuclear holocaust are the only two reasons a TU-2 needs replacing
  3. Boss TU-2. Had it for at least 15 years. Will probably get a TU-3 if it ever dies.
  4. No, just the fact that it was dispatched by Thomann, then nada.
  5. Surely they still need to check that the paperwork is in order and verify that they have, indeed been prepaid? Agreed that this no tracking until it passes into the UK part of the journey does suck.
  6. Update - I just got an email from Thomann - they have declared the package lost. Got offered a refund or a replacement. Have opted for the replacement, on the basis that I'm willing to test my luck and the bass is £160 dearer at Andertons right now.
  7. I think I might have been refunded by Thomann. Haven't got an email about it yet, but something suggesting store credit being paid to my card has come up in my order history, even though it looks like a new bass order, which confused me greatly. I await official news...
  8. Well, that's 2 weeks since it was dispatched from Thomann, still not heard a peep on the tracking since then I've continued to bug Thomann about it - noised them up on Monday, they got back to me on Tuesday to say they'll investigate from their end to see what's going on. HMRC - give me my bloody bass!
  9. Sorry, but unless there is actual liquid gold dripping off this bass, it is figuratively dripping in gold. I cannot abide how people use "literally" to mean "very".
  10. Of course, it doesn't help when customs get involved and kidnap your stuff for as many days as they feel like, regardless of the direction of travel...
  11. By Internet logic, that automatically means that all Squier 40th Anniversary models blow all Fender CS models out of the water, because reasons!
  12. In case you hadn't noticed, it's the same five of us having cyclic arguments about the P bass being the one true bass or not...
  13. I can't stand that song. I have no idea why it's so popular, it's a drudge to play and the only reason its in the set is for the audience. Oh well, smile and give the people what they want...
  14. Yes, but all I want is to be heard, while sounding good in a band context, and I'm the one who defines "good" as the chosen subject specialist for the evening. I will have given zero thought to, nor sought the opinion of the audience - and that is because the vast majority of them don't have one.
  15. That's an impressively tall horse you're sitting on.
  16. They're all basses and I claim my five pounds.
  17. I'm not even going to dignify this with a view.
  18. You want me to be... patient? You know that's not how GAS works, right? Unhappy to report I'm already there, and it makes me sad every time I see it.
  19. I'm not even sure this bass player cares...
  20. I can check with Squier if you want, but I'm pretty sure you're allowed to have one even if you're not in a band...
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