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Everything posted by neepheid

  1. When I saw the title of this thread, I was expecting a story about a revelatory truss rod adjustment or something! The Epiphone Jack Casady is a good lazy person's bass - it's loud enough unplugged to play along to a laptop (the speakers of which generally suck the bass out of things anyway). Done that many a time when I cba with ampage, the sessioncake or even plugging in the USB interface and headphones.
  2. The young 'uns can surprise you sometimes. On Friday night, a young lass, I'd say under 21 (but everyone looks young to me now) came up to the singer and asked if we could play Pink Floyd's "Brain Damage"! We can't, but that was certainly an unexpected request! If older songs have been featured on popular TV shows or some viral video then they can work. And it continues to amaze me how many young folk dance to "Bad Moon Rising"...
  3. For a change, someone took video at the gig and it didn't suck (bless folk for trying but the sound quality is usually bloody awful on these). May I present - a cautionary tale for bands who leave their bassist with nothing to do for half a song... VID-20230625-WA0001.mp4
  4. I don't think that particular malaise is limited to professional musicians these days. This weekend warrior also drives the smallest, most economical car he can get his gear into. On the plus side, can drive into Low Emission Zones.
  5. Second night of a double header, in a new (to us) venue too. Grays Inn in Aberdeen was the place. Things got off to a positive start, relatively easy load in from a lane round the back of the pub then only up a few shallow steps, pretty decent - and there was no waiting around as they had already the tables from an area facing the bar where we could set up. But man, it was hot. There's no point in air conditioning a bar in Scotland 360 days of the year. Unfortunately, this was one of the 5 where it would have been nice! Towel in use during load in and setup, hadn't even got started playing yet! First half was a bit quiet, we started at 9 but the beer garden was open until 10 so that limited things. But we had a few folk in, and the singer's getting better at his banter so we were having a laugh with the people who were there. More folk came in when the beer garden closed so that helped. Second half went well, got some folk up on the dance floor - if in doubt, play Summer of '69. Yes, pure camembert, but it works! Oh man, it was a hot one though. I was towelling my face after every song and I was thoroughly damp by the end, ewww. But it was a successful debut at a new place and we've got a repeat booking from them so all in all I'm pretty happy with my night's work. Also, probably because of playing last night too, I personally thought I played really well, very few mistakes, band was tight, honestly it felt like being part of a tightly working machine. Love that, when everything clicks. The aforementioned back lane had become a LOVELY wind tunnel when we were loading out - so good that we hung around a bit after packing the cars because it was so refreshing. Cue adopting the pose from The Shawshank Redemption after Andy escapes from the poop tunnel. Epiphone Jack Casady for bassage last night, and it was sounding fscking amazing. I love that bass so much. Get a room!
  6. I had a Tribute L-2000 a while back, so have used the same setup. Do you use it in plain active or active with treble boost?
  7. Was there an update to the rule book that I missed?
  8. I think we play quite different types of venue, you and I... "side of the stage" - err, stage? We're at floor level where the pool table used to be and there's nowhere to swing a cat, never mind hide a fan!
  9. Yup, it was a hot one last night. Sweat in the eyes is the worst
  10. Some folk, eh? As for the G&L Tribute, well I can't speak for all of them, but my one has greatly exceeded all expectations I can reasonably have of a £350 bass. I bought it with the intention of changing the pickup to a split MFD so as to create a sorta SB-1, but the stock pickup is actually great sounding and I ended up leaving it the heck alone. At £350, I'd normally expect iffy hardware, but the bridge is the same unit as found on the USA models, and the tuners are tight with none of the play and general vagueness you usually get at this price point. I've been delighted with mine. Finish is flawless, fretwork is good. The only thing I think I will change is the pickguard - it's been two years now and I'm still not loving the tort.
  11. Well, that was great fun. Played in the Balaclava Bar in Fraserburgh last night - a bit of a hike but it's fast becoming one of our favourite places to play as the folk up there are usually up for a good night! First half was OK, bar was not super busy but we still had some folk up dancing so can't complain. A very convenient swell in audience numbers came in just in time for the second half. Lots of folk up dancing, enjoying themselves, great interaction with MOST of the audience. We ended up playing for 15 mins extra because they kept asking for "ONE MORE CHOON" Joe Public continues to surprise and dismay in equal measures. First the good - a young lady came up to us and asked if we knew "Brain Damage" by Pink Floyd. We don't, but it's always encouraging to see people asking for stuff which came out before they were even the formation of a twinkle in a parent's eye. Then the not so good - some old Sir Richard Head III who had been annoying the whole night, asking us for stuff we don't play then getting annoyed at us for not knowing (err, we're not a jukebox, and we play well rehearsed covers of songs we know thoroughly - we're not a jam band who can play "anything" but with varying degrees of success - not dissing those kinds of outfits, it's just not something we want to do). At the end he came up and started bending my ear about not knowing song X, Y and Z and telling me I should be improvising or some pish. It took all my powers of professionalism to not tell him to fork off. Jesus, if you don't like it, get lost, there are 50 other people here having a great time, you won't be missed! ADDITIONAL: back to the good - I must have been in a good mood - as I was tidying up, a young lad came up to me and asked if he could have a go on my bass. Normally I'm a hard "no" but for some reason I risk assessed it, he seemed to be on the level and not pished so I said OK. He was very respectful and was pretty good too - played me a bit of RHCP and some Muse and he was really good. Thankfully it was unplugged - I don't want to do myself out of a job! Polite guy, thanked me afterwards, and went on his way. Happy days. Played the G&L Tribute LB-100, nerds. I was going to take the Triad, but at rehearsal on Thursday I noticed that the truss rod could do with a tighten and didn't get around to doing that before the gig. That LB-100 is one heck of a bass. For £350 new, it was an absolute steal. If the question is "which P bass should I get?", the answer is the G&L Tribute LB-100, even if you've got a grand to spend IMHO. Buy two! No, I don't work for G&L, nor am I sponsored by them (one can only dream!)
  12. Fake news thread title - I thought you missed US. For the forum at large, I am miffed. Enjoy your holiday, you heartless barsteward.
  13. It'll all come flooding back! This is a relatively easy gig/starter for ten - a birthday party of friends of someone in the band are unlikely to be your most critical audience. Go out there and enjoy it, you'll do great!
  14. I'll just leave this here and be on my way...
  15. So "Voodoo Child (Slight Return)" is fair game?
  16. Wood be woody. Buy from somewhere who are willing to go the extra mile and weigh the bass(es) for you prior to buying.
  17. I've never had an issue with DPD, like ever. The app's great, gives me a 1 hour window, a wee map where the driver is and a countdown of the number of stops. I've got a gigbag arriving today, as it happens, just had my half hour warning of its arrival. Maybe I'm just lucky?
  18. I'm a bit of both - was self taught up to a point, then I took some in person lessons. They were definitely worth it - it put names to and reasons behind some of the things I was doing, helped me weed out some bad habits and opened my mind a bit to new things. I'm still a luddite in many respects (can only read music at a rate of a note every few seconds, don't know much theory), but I probably wouldn't have started writing songs without receiving a few pointers from someone in the know. I didn't continue with the lessons, so I guess I'm back to being self taught again, but the few months I did them really helped kick things along.
  19. When I only took one bass to the gig, it was a different one almost every time. I think one refers to the actual number of basses on stage at any time rather than taking THE one every time.
  20. That would necessitate banks talking to each other more than they currently do, I suspect. As for instant notification, depends on the bank app. Monzo is good at that - as soon as something happens to your account (be it money going in or out) it pings up a notification. Other banks and banking apps are available...
  21. Close - keys, sax, trombone. Yes, noseflute - exactly!
  22. Only one bass, but there's no guitarist in The Inevitable Teaspoons.
  23. Surely clipping is more of an amplitude issue rather than a fault of any particular frequency? Reduce the amplitude of the bass track to bring it in balance with the others in the overall mix, job done? Or is this why I'm not a producer/engineer?
  24. It's surely difficult these days to get a P bass wrong, whoever makes it.
  25. That end bit smells odious to me. Were you drunk when you wrote this, it's a little garbled? I'm looking for any benefit of the doubt before coming away with the impression that you're a right wing racist.
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