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Everything posted by neepheid

  1. That's because I wasn't a goth. Now if someone starts a 90s curtains-do thread, I'm in bother...
  2. I'm getting a more TB than BC feel about this one...
  3. Eh, talking about basswood like it's balsa or something. Seems overdramatic to me.
  4. Ahh yes, the lesser spotted Yamaha "moon on a stick" bass
  5. I dunno about those particular ones but I fit these ones on my Epi LP, I'm pretty happy with them. Are they Hipshots? No. But they turn reasonably smoothly though, no play in them, adjustable tension. Miles better than say, the dreck Epiphone fitted to the Embassy I had a while back.
  6. There's more to necks than just the nut width...
  7. I play a different bass at almost every gig, be it originals or covers. 99.9%* of the time, no-one cares but me. I very occasionally get a fellow bass nerd come up to me and ask me about my bass, but it's generally been a geek out rather than a "you played the wrong bass" type of thing. I think I had one opinionated moron try and tell me I'd sound better if I was playing a Fender... * total guess, but reasonably confident in it.
  8. Everyone's entitled to their opinion. Opinions aren't facts though - sometimes people forget that, and when they're called on it and the double down - that's just a recipe for disaster. I'm sure I've fallen into that preciousness trap myself, I apologise for all the times I have and will try to do better.
  9. Just make up your own mind, no-one has the same ears as you. If you like what you hear then you're right. If I saw a Jazz bass on fire, I'd pour petrol on it. But that's just me.
  10. I run the gamut from "WhoTF said that?" to "mildly unhinged" via "almost asleep" and "damn, this RD Artist is heavy"
  11. Yup, still working. 11 years+ Man, I'll be gutted when this amp decides its time is up. The fan's getting a little noisy, quietens down after it has been on for a while. Might look into replacing it.
  12. RedSub BT5110 - the Ibanez Promethean in a less sexy enclosure. I've had it over 11 years now and it's been as good as gold. 250W in the 1x10" combo, 500W with 4ohm load. Removable head. It has been played most weeks since I got it and keeps coming back for more. I have not been kind to it - left it in the car boot I dunno how many times in the cold, taken it into venues on a few occasions where it has been covered in condensation, just accepted it and kept on going. I'll try to be less lazy in future. The only thing that ever went wrong with it was the headphone jack needed replaced about 6 years ago - amp would mute itself sometimes, bad contacts on the headphone jack was the cause. Since then it hasn't skipped a beat. I've used it with various 4x10 cabs with the head removed but these days I don't remove it, I use the 1x10" combo and stick another 1x10" cab underneath for a 2x1x10" setup. It's a pokey, mid heavy little monster, a little obnoxious and boxy on its own but it certainly makes itself heard in the live band context. I will be very sad and a little lost when it dies.
  13. No, but a lot of us are concerned with things being cricket.
  14. Yeah, that's a useful get out of jail free card. I'm too tight to fit one to all five of my basses though - I'd rather buy another bass, having clearly learned nothing
  15. There's the "why is this song sounding fruity as all hell?" bit, followed by the realisation of why it's sounding fruity, followed either by a hasty retune if you're lucky enough to be playing a song with a gap somewhere, or about 3 minutes of mental gymnastics where you have to remember to do everything on the E string in a different place to normal - not fun.
  16. Been there, done that. That's why I leave little notes to myself on the set list like "TUNE BACK TO E FFS"
  17. First time I've ever used the stylus/pen thingy on a laptop in anger
  18. I try to look like I'm having fun, look up, smile and have a bounce around in the easier songs. Do it too well though and I get people coming up to me at half time or the end saying nice things about me, which requires the use of an entirely different, underdeveloped part of my brain...
  19. You'd crap everywhere too, if you were cute enough to get away with it.
  20. As long as there are dullards like me, rank amateurs who don't earn enough through gigging to be permitted to have an dissenting opinion about this sort of thing, you'll always have amp toting village idiots as long as analogue electronics continue to be manufactured.
  21. I wish we could be more confident in all the non-playing aspects of band stuff - socials, publicity, tooting our own metaphorical horns and all that jazz instead of the whole "we're in a band but shhhh, don't tell anyone!" shyness/modesty thing. We don't have to turn into completely overbearing, arrogant knobs either, just somewhere between those extremes would be nice.
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