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Everything posted by neepheid

  1. Don't be silly - IEMs never fail, they are the panacea to solve every panacea's problem!
  2. Check the jack socket? Could be shorted there.
  3. OP, try a carrot instead of a stick.
  4. It's collection only, so while I'd love a backup to my BT5110, the best I can do is pass on this deal I've spotted. https://www.cashconverters.co.uk/shop/music-tv--video/home-theatre-tvs--hifi-stereos/amplifiers/audio-equipment/046400082186 Ninety quid for a 500W amp, removable head, 250W in the 1x10" combo. I've had mine for over 11 years and it's been fantastic - the only thing which went wrong with mine was the headphone jack needed replaced a few years ago. These are fantastic amps and don't turn up very often. Hope someone snags it soon, ninety quid is a steal for this amp. 1 year warranty too.
  5. Could have, under no obligation to do so, didn't. I'm shrugging as I write this.
  6. I write off small losses as bass rent.
  7. Not me - only interested in reverse P BBs now. However, seeing the 414 did give me half an idea to look for a 424X so there's a pickguard to hide the P pickup reversal...
  8. Decision to turn down £200 offer, vindicated...
  9. Unlikely, judging by the school of piranhas swimming around it now, currently pointing and laughing at the turning down of the £200 offer, but will no doubt start nibbling soon.
  10. As long as it doesn't jeopardise the roof over your head or the food on your table then fill your boots. Whose business is it but yours? I think we'd all get on a lot better if we stopped worrying what other people think about us when it comes to something as unnecessary and frivolous as bass gear. Hi pot, I'm kettle, please don't hate me
  11. I'll get back to you in about 2 and a half years
  12. I'd be looking for a bit more too - it looks in great nick, it's arguably the most desirable finish for a BB414, one (not orange) recently went for £215... However, time's ticking and no bids...
  13. I'm sure I'm not the first person to make this joke, so eye-roll away, but cardboard control plates? They'll never catch on!
  14. Just like most of the florid text we spout when describing the virtues of whichever new bass flame has been taken home
  15. Sounds like fun but I can't afford things this nice. Can vouch for Estonia, though. Well, Tallinn at least.
  16. Unfortunately there's not much standards when it comes to full size tuners. Usually just a little bit out unless you do a 100% like for like replacement.
  17. Mmm, that's probably the nicest colour the 414 was issued in.
  18. Fill and redrill really isn't a big deal of a job. If you get new tuners with a similar shaped/sized baseplate then they'll cover the filled old holes. You'll spend longer searching for that perfect drop in replacement (if it even exists) than you'd spend with some glue, some cocktail sticks and a drlll...
  19. I don't trust anyone who uses a verb as an adjective...
  20. That's pure incompetence, coupled with laziness - "they won't vary by much" - uhh, wood be woody.
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