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Everything posted by neepheid

  1. So, safe to say that you lean to the right then?
  2. Going a bit older there was a BB350F
  3. Right, if I'm being super strict (must be able to walk into a shop, today and buy) it's slim pickings up here but I'd go to Kenny's Music in Aberdeen and buy this for £250: https://www.kennysmusic.co.uk/yamaha-trbx174ew-4-string-bass-exotic-wood-tobacco-brown-sunburst-p148 I would have a poke about in RamJam (2nd hand guitar shop) to see what they had first.
  4. Looks like a Squier Paranormal Jazz '54 to me: https://www.fender.com/en-GB/squier-electric-basses/jazz-bass/paranormal-jazz-bass-54/0377100500.html
  5. The bass body is just the chair next to it after Salvador Dali was finished with it?
  6. Ooh, props! Haven't tried that yet.
  7. Yes, it can. Might be quite a hot/loud signal - the DI out from my amp needs to be padded at the mixer. Assume it's hot and work your way up rather than the other way round.
  8. In a song like that (I'm looking at you, Highway to Hell), I don't do nothing while I wait for the chorus. I ham up pretending to sleep. I get a chair and take a seat. I go sit with some punters at a nearby table. I annoy people into getting off their butts and onto the dance floor. I clap above my head.
  9. I fear I may have misinterpreted your remark as snarky, my apologies for doing so and sorry for the less than constructive response to that perceived snarkiness. Having looked at the vid and website again, it certainly is different and pretty nifty but I can't really get along with the execution. Like I said before, I really don't like the visible wire to the pickup on the outside. It doesn't look like it's going to work for people (like me) who rest their thumb on the pickup when playing the E string. The headstock is not great - very anonymous and why do it in such a way that the strings have to go at such angles after the nut? The whole thing just looks a bit "prototype-y" and unfinished while also looking like a lot of work has gone into it - does that make any sense?
  10. Black and gold. ONEOFUS. Lookin' good
  11. I didn't really want to open a (lack of) tonewood can of worms...
  12. Supplemental question - if I rest my thumb on the floaty pickup, like I do on all my other basses, am I just going to push it south?
  13. It would help if you could enlighten us as to why you posted it then. You didn't even attempt to guide the narrative, so you can't really complain when it doesn't pan out the way you had hoped.
  14. I'll just leave these here. I really don't like the visible wire on the Verso.
  15. Small venue? Your amp alone ought to be fine - what amp is it (speaker size, power)? Sometimes I take the DI out from the amp and put it through the PA, but it's at a low level and just for a bit of "width". The majority of the bass comes from my amp.
  16. Wean yourself off the need to look at the front of the fingerboard?
  17. You're going to argue with me that the fingerboard isn't a thin strip of wood? Come on! It's < 10mm thick, even at the fattest part of the radius, if it has a radius. That's thin as far as I'm concerned. I've stood on chunkier door thresholds. It's the thinnest bit of wood on the entire bass (not counting any fancy tops or veneers). You believe what you like, you don't need my blessing for that, but you've got nothing with which to discredit what I'm saying just as much as I've got nothing to discredit you with. "Thinks" being the operative word. Sadowsky should show his working or GTFO. There's nothing measurable here (apart from the relative thinness of the fingerboard versus, I don't know, the rest of the neck, the body?) You do you, but don't try and tell me that green is red. Don't go off on one either. I fundamentally disagree with you, that's all. Hug it out?
  18. All this talk of a thin strip of wood having such a dramatic effect on the sound of an electric instrument is utter hogwash as far as I'm concerned. It's filed in the same bin as religion - not telling anyone what to believe but it's not for me.
  19. Full disclosure - the shielding on my LB-100 was fsking awful - a half assed attempt with shielding paint. It was found out by the... interesting electrics in our rehearsal room. I got the slug tape out. Quiet as a mouse now. The pickup in and of itself didn't hum, and I don't recall having any bother with my SB-2, but I think I was using different rehearsal rooms when I had it.
  20. Perhaps a small dab of threadlock on the end? Replace with (slightly) longer screws (assuming one can figure out the size/thread)? I agree that they're on the ragged edge when it comes to biting the thread but I've found a sweet spot on mine.
  21. Bloody gammons, moaning about headstock shapes...
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