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Everything posted by neepheid

  1. Listen to the wise folk. While what you're proposing is technically possible, it would not be worthwhile in terms of money/time/results depending on how you do it. Save up and get the bridge you want. Incidentally, link us the bridge you're talking about (the chrome one).
  2. Great gig last night in the Balaclava in Fraserburgh - just the tonic I was needing after last weekend's non-event. I gave the Les Paul its first proper outing and it did not disappoint. What beastly pickups these DiMarzio X2N-B are! Neck in parallel - it's honestly a bit too much in series, bridge in series (when I remembered to use it). Started off ok, about 20 folk in the bar when we were setting up, but that's 20 more than what we started with last weekend and 18 more than we finished with. Filled up ok as the first set progressed. Plenty dancers, on chairs and tables sometimes too - the staff didn't seem to mind either. Usually a bouncer comes across pretty swiftly to tell them to knock it off. Zero drunk folk inadvertently physically interacting with the PA or lights too, that's a bonus! Cracking night, had folk coming up and asking when we're coming back which is always a good sign (unless they were asking in order to make sure they avoided us, in which case, it's bad). We ended up doing a couple of extra songs (always nice to get ONE MORE TUNE shouted at you) but what is it with folk coming in late (like last 5 songs) then moaning at you because it's the end of the show? Get off your butts earlier and get down here then if you like music that much!
  3. What pedalboard are your pedals sitting on? Apologies if I missed it in your OP.
  4. Unlike apples, one bad bass doesn't ruin all the rest of them.
  5. Have they still got the chonkster, half baseball bat necks? Looks good and wide in that photo.
  6. I bought Lego and a watch to soothe the need to acquire shiny things, if it helps...
  7. A 24.75" scale bass? Heresy, I say! I've never done such a thing, nor ever felt a desire to do so. Am in the opposite camp of ridiculousness, my Epiphone Les Paul Standard bass is a full 34" scale neck grafted onto a regular, Les Paul body. Small body, daft long neck vibes. First fret is about an inch further away relative to where a P bass et al would be as a result. Feels very "rock" when playing at the first fret with that little bit extra reach required.
  8. Oh god, the dreaded "can you turn the music down?" early bird special supper club types are the worst. Had an encounter with them a while back, gig got exponentially better after they bogged off in a huff
  9. Oh dear, the embarrassing revisit of what I said 7 years ago. Do I still have the Gibson RD Artist I said I'd never sell? No. I went through a bad financial patch and ended up having a bit of a clearout. C'est la vie. I make no promises now
  10. Buckie, NE Scotland. A wee place in the grand scheme of things, and yet the venue in question somehow manages to be near absolutely nothing. We stood outside at 11.30pm and you could hear nothing except for the faint sound of sporadic cars on the A98 in the distance. Eerie.
  11. They are, specifically by Mirr Music. While far Eastern production keeps inexorably being sucked into a vortex between China and Indonesia, are instruments made in South Korea now being viewed through the same rose-tinted spectacles that Japanese production has been for many years now? There's a rose-tinted tax on that...
  12. Fscking bovine excrement. Went to a place we played back in July last year to precisely zero folk. Audience increased by 200%, to 2. Early bath at 11pm. Still got paid, but what's the point in travelling 2 hours each way for this? I feel like I'm stealing from them to be honest, and if this is what their Saturday nights are like they probably need the money more than I do. Place was freezing, was playing with my jumper on during the truncated second half. We're supposed to be going back in October, but I think the place is a wash and have made it clear to the rest of the band that I think we should cancel now and give them plenty of notice.
  13. Dang it! I haven't been to a bass bash since the demise of the Moffat bashes and was thinking of hatching a plan to come down. Unfortunately, I checked the calendar and I've got a gig the night before. ./~ I drove all night ./~ - eh, no, Aberdeen > Taunton after playing a gig, would probably fall asleep at the wheel. Have a good one, folks.
  14. Doesn't work for me (the link, not the humour which I haven't even got as far as receiving)
  15. Just seen many a thread get locked when B related discussion crosses a fairly low threshold, that's all I'm referring to.
  16. Bass holy wars - greatest hits
  17. A good sound engineer is worth the weight of several bad ones in gold.
  18. Thread lock imminent if we don't pipe down on the old B-word discussion...
  19. Fingerstyle, sad face EQ. Mids r good for live playing in my experience. It's what I do, not saying anyone else is wrong for doing the opposite.
  20. I'll just leave this here. Bin bag and a thin layer of bubble wrap. I was... unamused.
  21. I thought cowbell was the only prescribed instrument...
  22. Doesn't anyone with a brain use the "completed listings" view? Perhaps I'm giving Joe Public a bit too much benefit of the doubt...
  23. Thanks for the tip. Thankfully this time a hot shower seems to have done the trick. Oddly enough it wasn't the usual revelatory pop and whoosh of relief, more of a gradual improvement through the day until I realised that things had got back to normal in the early evening.
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