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Everything posted by neepheid

  1. Gibson Grabbers/G-3s/Rippers have become fashionable recently? Prices have gone insane. Has some famous person I've never heard of been seen playing them on that TikTok thing?
  2. For reference, the price of a new G&L CLF L-1000 has gone up 58% in 18 months. Same retailer used for before/now comparison.
  3. Our guest "guitarist" joined us last night https://fb.watch/jwu2bScNb2/
  4. I had a great gig last night at Wilsons in Aberdeen. Decent turnout and an enthusiastic audience. We had our guest air guitarist in the house too and he was rocking the Guitar Hero controller to great effect, gave the audience a right good laugh. Played the wunkay last night, what a fantastic bass. Unfortunately I came away with a blocked ear - maybe I pushed some wax in with my earplug. Off to the shower to see if I can steam it out.
  5. I don't know why, but "Bad Moon Rising" is a home banker for us - young and old, it always gets some folk up dancing. It's also a piece of proverbial to play, so win-win
  6. Playing to an empty room is probably the worst thing I've had to do. Well, it wasn't empty, there were two bar staff. No promotion done, but being a football supporters club it's rather worrying that they had no-one just go there out of habit. At least we still got paid. I've been a wee bit embarrassed by some band members being a bit too drunk. An example: having to tell them which key the next song is in, followed by them playing the wrong note back at us, about six times before the fingers finally caught up with what we were screaming at him.
  7. Whatever, Dad. You're not my dad!! Half your post count is probably that bloody car. Could you at least change the chastisement method once in a while?
  8. I'm so stubborn that I am only ever unintentionally fashionable...
  9. Yes, you will almost certainly need a stereo jack socket. The battery is probably switched by the ring terminal, but as long as ground uses one and battery -ve uses the other of ring and sleeve and leave hot/output to the tip it'll be fine - it is the plugging in of a mono jack plug which shorts ring and sleeve together and sends it all to ground.
  10. This is why I posited the LB-100 - the most P-bass like bass that G&L produce. The SB-1 and SB-2 are great basses, but they are off into "super P" territory in my eyes.
  11. I have sold approx. 45 basses and posted most of them. No hard cases, unless the bass came in one, which has only been a couple of times. Lost none. Bomb-proof packaging is the key. The bass gets put in a gig bag most of the time, and usually double boxed. I have frequently fashioned my own outer boxes from former bicycle boxes - Halfords has always been keen to give them away when I've asked. My method is to make sure the bass is surrounded in cushioning material (bubble wrap, foam, polystyrene, balled up paper - whatever I have to hand) on all sides and the box is fully packed with it until there is no movement inside the box. Not overpacked to the point where the box might burst, just packed enough that it takes a little effort to close it. The whole thing must move as one when shaken. It takes time and effort, but it's worth it for a safe journey to its new owner.
  12. The end is in sight. Unfortunately, one of my push/push pots is faulty - got a nasty sticky portion of the sweep and the push push doesn't seem to be switching. FFS. On the plus side, these DiMarzio X2N-B pickups are sounding amazing (through headphones at least), loud, tight, focussed but characterful - exactly what I was hoping for!
  13. G&L Tribute LB-100... everything but the contoured heel.
  14. Dinna start, min. Most people have zero concept of how relatively isolated the NE Scotland is.
  15. We play Smooth Criminal, but it's the Alien Ant Farm cover if anyone's got a beef with it. I tend to shy away from songs that have troublesome (for me) lyrics - think "Rock You Like a Hurricane" or "Under My Thumb" etc. If it makes me go "ew" - it has to try pretty hard - but if it's mysogynistic or just ikky enough in some way to make me react that way then I'll veto it. It's got nothing to do with who wrote it or originally performed it, it's about the content.
  16. BASS SOLO! SLAPPA DA BASS! How about I slap you with it, pal?
  17. Eh, no point in being judgemental about it. I've done my fair share of modding, early on there may have been a degree of doing it for the sake of it, because I was influenced by some bollox that someone was spouting or to have something cool on my bass. These days I generally don't bother unless there's an improvement in functionality, or it's purely aesthetic. I don't make decisions about an instrument before it's even been in my hands. Either way, I don't care what anyone thinks about the merits or otherwise of what I'm doing re: modding and I'm under no illusions that mods make little, if any difference to resale value.
  18. Of course. I will tip my hat to the use of the clear pickup cases - that's way cooler than the later black models Gibson used. Please to see there are new pickup options (Curtis Novak recreations) if I ever needed to resurrect a G-3.
  19. You know I'd say this anyway, but I'd rather have an actual Gibson G-3. This is a very expensive, wonky looking G-3 - like someone described the G-3 to someone in text only after seeing it once in a darkened room. It's a no from me.
  20. Mudpup's strap room - nothing to read into there
  21. Guild B402-A - super rare, in my inexperience at the time I didn't know how to get the best out of it, stupidly traded it. Would have it back in heartbeat.
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