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Everything posted by neepheid

  1. Pretty sure both this bass and the Tribute SB-2 will be metric... String recommendation? Something without silks. I like D'addario XL but I'm sure there are many silk-free options out there.
  2. T-shirt mojo? T-shirt relicing? Is that a thing now?
  3. Go away BB-VIII, you're drunk...
  4. I swallowed my pride and handed it off to people who know what the feck they're doing. At least now it looks like this:
  5. My preferred strap is the NeoTech Mega Strap. Been that way for years. Made 12lb+ Gibson behemoths manageable.
  6. That Moonlight Blue is lovely. Thankfully the BBP34/5 is a bit too expensive for my tastes (and wallet)
  7. Little revisit - I went and got a Freeway switch and installed it. Took the opportunity to do a bit of copper shielding while I was in there... War volume tests this week at band rehearsal, but through headphones I was enjoying all my series options... IIRC in addition to the standard switching I now have N+M (series), N+B (parallel), N+B (series), N+M+B (parallel), M+B (series)
  8. I think it's far too fancy for Joe Public - I'd go by recommendation/invitation only if you are wanting to hire it out.
  9. This is one of the reasons we use our own rehearsal space. Our own gear, our own schedule.
  10. Originals band - The Inevitable Teaspoons. Very happy with it, pretty sure it's unique, it's got a story behind it and we definitely wanted to be "The somethings" Covers band - Nine Lives. Eh, I'm sure we're not the only rock covers band in the country operating under that name but we're the only Nine Lives up here in NE Scotland so it works OK.
  11. No, it's not cheating. I wasn't even aware there were rules!
  12. You could try asking Peavey? If you want us to help, you're going to have to give us some dimensions and pics.
  13. When I saw the title of this thread, I was hoping I could come in, see a picture of a Stingray and write "yup, it's a Stingray"
  14. Looks like it - total bargain for some lucky punter. It won't be me - not even going to bother asking if they'll post a £20 bass to me - postage would probably cost more than the bass!
  15. That's it - subtle differences - the new ones feel more svelte and streamlined than the old ones, even if the measurements barely confirm it. It probably all is in the mind.
  16. Found my first mistake - I know without looking that I missed a connection on both the push/push switches. I've taken the black wire directly up to the middle right terminal instead of connecting it to both the bottom left AND middle right (which looks like what I should have done. That won't help! It should still work in up mode though, but I never checked it with both switches up because I was annoyed and not being methodical. There's probably more wrong, but that's a good starter for 10.
  17. It is probably earth related, or something's touching something it shouldn't. I'll dive back in tonight.
  18. Well, that was an effing disaster. I'm rusty and I suck. It buzzes, one of the tones is a volume, one of the push/pushes sounds like it does series/parallel and one doesn't. Clicks and pops when I touch metal things. I've made a total ar$e of it. Nae happy. Not doing any more tonight - will take a look at it tomorrow.
  19. I have already ordered a custom engraved switch surround in black/gold, so yes, I'm going down the same line of thought as you. I thought the cream stuff I had might tie in with the cream binding but it just looks daft. Black rings/gold screws ordered...
  20. I haven't got the Rings yet, those cream ones are the only rings I have at the moment. I'll go with my gut and get black ones with gold screws. The cream ones I have for the test fit confused me for a bit.
  21. Test fit The big question is, black or gold pickup rings... I was sure I'd go for black but now I'm not so sure
  22. I had to go down to the Royal Mail depot for a parcel anyway so even though I didn't get the ticket through the door this morning I asked them if I could just get the parcel and pay the tax there and then. To my surprise, I could! They look even better in person than the photos. Looks like I'll be a busy boy over the next couple of evenings...
  23. Wrist sweatband, pulled up to where the forearm meets the body. Works on my Jack Casady (also bound and hard edged)
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